• vineet kumar
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In the below query: SELECT Id, Name, Industry, AnnualRevenue,     ( SELECT Name, Email, BirthDate FROM Contacts )     FROM Account where name != null limit 5, why writing owner does not return records and we have to write owner.name. While writing name returns records
Hi All,

I have a scenario where i need to get a field(Notes_of_request__c) from Child object(Request) where the master is Case.
The Email template is in Case.
Where the case and requests are Master-detail, case is master and Detail is request.

How to get the field from child in Case Email templete, i mean in HTML templates.

Thanks in advance
Hi Everybody,

I am facing the below issue.
I have one apex action which is used to send emails. this apex action is being invoked from a flow.

When I update bulk records through Import Wizard/Data Loader, email is sent to each record. and working fine. (flow is working fine)

but when I update multiple records through List View button, email is sent out to only one record. I am not sure why am I facing this issue.

Any help would be appreciated.



I have multiple single related list sections on an object's related list. when I update the record in one of the sections through the Edit button, the section itself is getting hidden.

User-added imageIn the above screenshot, a grey line inside red highlight is the hidden section (single related list)

Any help would be appreciated.



Hi Team,

I have a flow (record-triggered) on contact object. this flow should get executed once contact is created through lead conversion but flow on contact is not working when a contact is created through lead conversion. and that flow works fine if I create a contact through contact tab.



Hi All,

Need help in file upload.
implementing through the below way

<lightning-input type="file" label="Attachment" accept="image/png, .zip" onchange={handleFilesChange} >

tried but not working.
Hi All,

I have an Arrey in lwc JS and have Wrapper class in apex and on click button event mapping array to List<WrapperClass> but in apex all the array variable shows as NULL.

in JS
var accData=[{Name:"Sanjiv",Lastname:"Kumar"}];

In Apex:
Class WrapperClass{
public string firstName;
public string lastName;

public static void callMe(List<WrapperClass> wrpList){
system.debug('FirstName :'+wrpList[0].firstName);
system.debug('LastName :'+wrpList[0].lastName);

********when I call apex method callMe  through JS and pass accdata (JS array) FirstName and LastName appeares as NULL but values are being passed from JS*******************


Hi All,

I need help in below scenario.
I want to create list of Account (parent) first and then list of child contacts in Apex;

I have Account A,B,C
Account  A has contactC1
Account B has contact C2
Account C has contact C3


first create Account and then Contact. 
I do not have any external id

so I want to kow that how we can achieve it in apex
<lightning:progressBar value="50" size="large" />

Want to get green color for the above progress bar.


Need some suggestion to build custom date picker as in attached screen in LWC
User-added image

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Hello Guys,

I am trying Send Email Action in Flow, and I have one formula variable where I am drafting email body and need line break in body but when I use &BR()&,BR(),\n to line change, nothing is working out.

Hi (Need Line break)
let me know if anyone having an idea on this.

Hello All,

I have a role hierarchy in my SFDC org, I can assign a particular role to a new user but I am getting an error when I am trying to assign that role to a user in a scratch org.  There is no error in Sandbox and Production. Erro is occurring only in Scratch org. 

Let me share with you a dummy hierarchy below
User-added imageSo the issue is with C level (C1,C2,C3) If I assign any of these roles to a user it's giving the below error. This issue is occuring in scratch org, otherwise, in Sandbox and Prod, it's working fine.

User-added image

How to use fields of an object in lookup filters which is not from a target lookup object and even not the current record (Source)?
How can we choose a Queue as an approver on the Account object? When I know that Queue can't be created on Account. Is there any way?
Getting the following error in flow: 
This error occurred when the flow tried to create records: FIELD_CUSTOM_VALIDATION_EXCEPTION: PO Balance is running low, please select another PO for this invoice. You can look up ExceptionCode values in the SOAP API Developer Guide.

Want to show an actual trigger error message in flow(added in addError at code level).

Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Hi All,

Scenario is given below. 

On Account, I have an approval process. and it's multistep approval. 
Let's assume its a 2 step approval.
but in the approval steps, No approvers are mentioned.
for the approvers, we are not having user lookups on Account but
We have an Account Role object (Child of Account) from where approvers will be picked up dynamically based on the role (field on the object level) of the user.

Now suppose in the Account Role we have 3 users (3 records which contains user with the role) with the role Manager so in that case, approvers in the "first step" will be these 3 users and any of them can approve the record, and once approved the record will go in the next step to be approved.

Now I want to assign approvers dynamically in each step of the approval as explained in the above scenario.

Can I call the same defined approval in apex and then in apex set the approvers in different steps and fire the approval??

Any suggestions would be appreciated.


Hi Techies,

I want to create a custom table with multi-level grouping. Pls suggest how can we achieve it.

Created one HTML table and a dropdown to select the field for grouping.

Hi Team,

Chatter post is not working for Site Guest User.
Please let me know if there is any workaround.

Hi Team,

Please let me know if there is any way to turn off system validations.

Hi All,

As we can tag partners from partner related list on the Account record. So there I want to restrict tagging up to 3 only.

Please suggest how we can achieve that except trigger.

Hi All,

I have an Arrey in lwc JS and have Wrapper class in apex and on click button event mapping array to List<WrapperClass> but in apex all the array variable shows as NULL.

in JS
var accData=[{Name:"Sanjiv",Lastname:"Kumar"}];

In Apex:
Class WrapperClass{
public string firstName;
public string lastName;

public static void callMe(List<WrapperClass> wrpList){
system.debug('FirstName :'+wrpList[0].firstName);
system.debug('LastName :'+wrpList[0].lastName);

********when I call apex method callMe  through JS and pass accdata (JS array) FirstName and LastName appeares as NULL but values are being passed from JS*******************


Hello Guys,

I am trying Send Email Action in Flow, and I have one formula variable where I am drafting email body and need line break in body but when I use &BR()&,BR(),\n to line change, nothing is working out.

Hi (Need Line break)
let me know if anyone having an idea on this.

Getting the following error in flow: 
This error occurred when the flow tried to create records: FIELD_CUSTOM_VALIDATION_EXCEPTION: PO Balance is running low, please select another PO for this invoice. You can look up ExceptionCode values in the SOAP API Developer Guide.

Want to show an actual trigger error message in flow(added in addError at code level).

Any suggestions would be appreciated.
In the below query: SELECT Id, Name, Industry, AnnualRevenue,     ( SELECT Name, Email, BirthDate FROM Contacts )     FROM Account where name != null limit 5, why writing owner does not return records and we have to write owner.name. While writing name returns records
I am in the transition from Admin to Developer. Though we can handle all the validations using Validation Rule, why we are handling in coding/classes?
I generate some custom fields in contact object, now how can i wirte query to get data from SOQL?
Hi All,

I have a scenario where i need to get a field(Notes_of_request__c) from Child object(Request) where the master is Case.
The Email template is in Case.
Where the case and requests are Master-detail, case is master and Detail is request.

How to get the field from child in Case Email templete, i mean in HTML templates.

Thanks in advance

I have created a trigger which is supposed to create multiple records.
trigger CreateMultipleContacts on Contract  (after insert,  after update) {
    List<Contract_Renewal__c> contractFinalListToInsert = New List<Contract_Renewal__c>();
    if(Trigger.isInsert || Trigger.isUpdate){
        for(Contract  c : Trigger.New) {
            if(c.Renew__c == true) {
                Integer fetchingAlreadyExistedRecords = [SELECT count() FROM Contract_Renewal__c WHERE Contract__c=:c.Id and Not_Renewed__c=:false and Multi_Year__c=:true];
                if(fetchingAlreadyExistedRecords!=null) {
                    // We are only creating a records when there at least one Contract record exists.
                    for(Integer i=0; i<fetchingAlreadyExistedRecords; i++) {
                        Contract_Renewal__c con = new Contract_Renewal__c();
                        con.Contract__c = c.Id;
                    INSERT contractFinalListToInsert;
            catch(Exception e){
                System.debug('The thrown exception for CreatingAutoRecords is:: ' + e.getMessage());
I have the Contracts object and the Contract Renewals which is related to Contracts(Contracts master object)
When i check the box renew in contracts, records of contract renewal which are its children are created. However, when i do that no records are created. I check the contract renewals object just in case records arecreated without being assigned to the contracts. any ideas of what might be missing here?

when i

I have one que.
In approval process, approver 1 is X and approver 2 is Y. I have submited the record for approval and it is pending with the approver 1 X. After this I changed approver 2 as Z.

Then my Que is If approver 1 is approve the record then it will goes to Y or Z ?

Hello, I am trying to create a custom list buttom to call a Visualforce Page, but I can't see the VF on the list when creating the button. I've checked out other similar questions in the developers Forums and I made sure the standardController for the object is already created. What else am I missing to call this VF page from the custom button? How can I can add this action/button to each record on the Master related list?
User-added image
I want the new custom button to apper in the related list for each record. See image below.

User-added image
in advance for your help!