• Subhan Pothakamuri
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  • Member since 2017

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Hi All,

The salesforce standard lead object has 50000 + records in salesforce. I can get the size of the leads records by checking the storage usage under Data Management setup. Is there anyway to know the total attachments size in salesforce for the lead object also.

Hi ,

I am using standard object where I have created some custom fields on it. There are some users are deleting the custom fields on this object without informing to other. this is really giving more to work to create the fields again in the system. Is there any way to track the fields if any user delete a field in any object of salesforce instance.

Thanks in advance
Hi All,

I have a question regarding assignment rules in salesforce. I have a set of users who are assigned to a particular assignment rule in lead object level. Is there any way to get those list of users through SOQL query.

I checked through IDE and I didn't get any direct relationship between the object.
below query which tells me about how many assignment rules we have in the system, 

Select a.SystemModstamp, a.SobjectType, a.Name, a.LastModifiedDate, a.LastModifiedById, a.Id, a.CreatedDate, a.CreatedById, a.Active From AssignmentRule a

Any idea on my request question please.

Hi ,

We have a processbilder and on Action i selcted update records and selected the campaign object .
I have a custom field called 'Send call' picklist field but iam not able to see that field coming in process builder.

I checked FLS . This field has given acess to all the profiles as edit.

User-added image
Hi All,

The salesforce standard lead object has 50000 + records in salesforce. I can get the size of the leads records by checking the storage usage under Data Management setup. Is there anyway to know the total attachments size in salesforce for the lead object also.

Hi All,

I have a question regarding assignment rules in salesforce. I have a set of users who are assigned to a particular assignment rule in lead object level. Is there any way to get those list of users through SOQL query.

I checked through IDE and I didn't get any direct relationship between the object.
below query which tells me about how many assignment rules we have in the system, 

Select a.SystemModstamp, a.SobjectType, a.Name, a.LastModifiedDate, a.LastModifiedById, a.Id, a.CreatedDate, a.CreatedById, a.Active From AssignmentRule a

Any idea on my request question please.

Has anyone completed this trail? I am stomped on challenge number 3, regarding created the process for fulfillment. Any pointers or guidance would be appreciated.