• Jeff Stouse 5
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I have seen several other posts on "Cannot Install NNNNNN: Missing Organization Feature:" but my situation is in the Trailhead Module on Making Better Decisions with Analytics" we are asked to install the Salesforce Community Management Package for Communities with Chatter. When I do (for either just the sysadmin or for all users) I get the errors:

Missing Organization Feature: Networks
Missing Organization Feature: NetworksEnabledOnce

I have already created three different communities, so everything is working there, but when I try to install this app I keep getting this error. I do NOT have an object named "network" or "networks" - but am not sure if that matters as the install error above (is not that verbose.)

Should I just create a custom object named "Networks"? or would I probably miss something in the setup that will still cause the install to fail?

Any and all help appreciated - this really slows down my studying - SF should be monitoring these more closely...
In trying to complete a module I was told to create a domain - which I did. Now, when I login to trailhead (using the same user name) I am directed to my domain-named org - not the original org that was associated with my trailhead playground. Every challenge since them has failed because the challenge "failed to find" the desired setup, even though the app or change was made in my org.
For example, in the module "Assessing the Quality of the data" I am asked to install the Data.com Assessment app into my org (brave-goat-427591-dev-ed--th-con-app...), but during the process, when I am asked to select my username, the install process redirects to the domain-name org, and consequently my challenges all fail...
How do I disconnect my username from the domain-named org, so that when I do an install into my "brave-goat..." org, the app is installed into the correct org?
The modules are extremely frustrating, when it comes to installing apps (needs to be run in an Incognito environment?)
In trying to complete a module I was told to create a domain - which I did. Now, when I login to trailhead (using the same user name) I am directed to my domain-named org - not the original org that was associated with my trailhead playground. Every challenge since them has failed because the challenge "failed to find" the desired setup, even though the app or change was made in my org.
For example, in the module "Assessing the Quality of the data" I am asked to install the Data.com Assessment app into my org (brave-goat-427591-dev-ed--th-con-app...), but during the process, when I am asked to select my username, the install process redirects to the domain-name org, and consequently my challenges all fail...
How do I disconnect my username from the domain-named org, so that when I do an install into my "brave-goat..." org, the app is installed into the correct org?
The modules are extremely frustrating, when it comes to installing apps (needs to be run in an Incognito environment?)
Hi there,

I am a newbie and going through my initial admin lessons.

However, on my TP I see a lot of "sample" data in accounts, contacts, etc. but I have also noticed that the data being mentioned in the "Accounts & Contacts" Module which is part of the "Learn CRM Essentials" Trail is missing sample data.

The particular data that is missing is for the account "ABC Genius Tech Consulting", I have gone ahead and created this data and its corresponding contacts but as I go on i find more and more missing data e.g more contacts under the same account.

My User = maabajaber@brave-bear-304560.com
My Email = maabajaber@gmail.com

Can you please advise as to what I may be doing wrong /
