• Sean Nolans
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 am looking to build a query that includes a date range.
I want to be able to say departure_date_c + 330 days from now

We have this in a formula field and it looks like this 
departures_dates__r.date__c < (TODAY() + 330)

But I want to be able to edit my sql query in your tool to include this .You builder does not allow for something like this but it looks like I can manually edit your SOQL query 

Any ideas how to turn the above formual field into a query

No way in SF to update worklow (field) when a file is attached to a record in using native SF
So using a trigger - I took an example from the forums 

I am trying to say when the attachment contains signed as it will be Esigned 

But I am getting this 
Error: Compile Error: Unexpected token '.'. at line 11 column 44

This is what I have 

trigger TestAttachmentCheck on Attachment (after insert, after update, after delete, after undelete) {
    List <Account> AccountList = new List<Account>();
     List <Account> AccountListToUdpdate = new List<Account>();
    Set <Id> AccountIds = new Set <Id>();
    if(trigger.isInsert || trigger.isUpdate)
    for(Attachment attach : trigger.New){
         //Check if added attachment is related to Account or not
         if(attach.ParentId.getSobjectType() == Account.SobjectType){
    if(trigger.isDelete || trigger.isUndelete)
    for(Attachment attach : trigger.old){
         //Check if added attachment is related to Account or not
         if(attach.ParentId.getSobjectType() == Account.SobjectType){
    AccountList = [select id, CIN_Uploaded__c from Account where id in : AccountIds];
    for(Account Account : AccountList){    
           Account accountToUpdate = new accountToUpdate();
           AccountToUpdate.Id = account.Id;
           AccountToUpdate.CIN_Uploaded__c  = true;
        update AccountListToUdpdate;
I wish to generate a URL in order to pass data from a thrid party connctor (Zapier) to SFDC. Does anyone know how I could generate such a URl from SFDC that could be query a REST API endpoint ?


The would be used to listne for changes in another application ?


I am attempting to render text colo based on critieria 

the output text works but the colour fails to render as expected 

<apex:page standardController="order__c" >
  <apex:outputField style="color: {!IF(order__c.order_status__c ="Confirmed",'red','green')}" value="{!order__c.order_status__c}"  />

Do I need a custom controller 
or should this work with a standard controller ?

any assistance would be apprecatied


I have created a simply trigger that adds the values of two currency fields and renders the full amout into a total field.
I need assistance creating a class for this trigger so that I can deploy it

trigger Sum ON order__c(before insert, before update) {

    for (order__c o: Trigger.new) {
        if (Trigger.isUpdate && o.new_total_field__c != Trigger.oldMap.get(o.Id).new_total_field__c) {
        o.new_total_field__c = o.hss_qty_price__c + o.sb_qty_price__c ;


Any feedback would be greatly appreciated 


Content cannot be displayed: The value 'null' is not valid for operator '>'

What is strange is that that sys admin does not get the message and the page renders well but not for users they get the above error

example  of synthax
<apex:outputlabel value= "{!IF(order__c.hss_qty_price__c > 0, "Includes HSS ", "No hss" )}" /> <apex:outputText value = "{!IF(order__c.hss_qty_price__c > 0, order__c.hss_qty_price__c, " " )}" />

Any suggestsion would be great


I have an IF statment inside a  <apex:outputText value= and it works well when I select regular text out put inside " " 
EG this works well 
 <apex:outputText value= "{!IF(order__c.departure_city_qty_price__c >  0, "Includes Departure City Qty Price",  "No Departure city extras" )}" />

However I need to be able to reference a field lable inside of my " " out put
Something like this 
 <apex:outputText value= "{!IF(order__c.departure_city_qty_price__c >  0, "{!order__c.Deal_Option_Purchased__c" )}",  " " )}" />

so the idea is that you get to see the field that is included - make sense ?

See screesnhot for further details

Suggestions would be apprecatied


I wish to render an field output on a VF page if another field value is  > 0 

 <apex:pageBlockSection >
  <apex:outputField> value= "{!IF(order__c.hss_qty_price__c >  0, "This includes HSS and Stay Behind price",  "All clear no extras" )} />

This is hwo it works in my formula but I have hit a compile error there so need to move into a page

IF(hss_qty_price__c > 0, "This price includes HSS price",  "All clear no extras" 

I am trying to build a VF page that renders a section but only if a mulitselect picklist on a related object has a certain value . I want to say - display if related __r.cf_c CONTAINS cruise
I am getting back the following error 

line 22, column 66: Open quote is expected for attribute "rendered" associated with an element type "apex:pageblockSection"
Error: Open quote is expected for attribute "rendered" associated with an element type "apex:pageblockSection".

Here is what I have 

<apex:page standardController="order__c">
<apex:form >

<apex:pageBlock title="Cabin Booked">

    <apex:pageblockButtons >

    <apex:commandLink value="Save" action="{!save}" target="_parent" styleClass="btn">

    <apex:commandLink value="Cancel" action="{!cancel}" target="_parent" styleClass="btn">


     <apex:pageblockSection title="Cabins Booking page" rendered=="{!CONTAINS([order__c].Deal__r.deal_type__c,'cruise')}">
     <apex:inputField value="{!order__c.Cruise_Company__c}"/>
     <apex:inputField value="{!order__c.INITIAL__c}"/>
     <apex:inputField value="{!order__c.CABIN_DATE__c}"/>
     <apex:inputField value="{!order__c.Cabin_Number__c}"/>
     <apex:inputField value="{!order__c.Ship_Name__c}"/>
     <apex:inputField value="{!order__c.Ship_Sale_Date__c}"/>
     <apex:inputField value="{!order__c.Cabin_Price__c}"/>
     <apex:inputField value="{!order__c.CABIN_DATE__c}"/>
     <apex:outputField value="{!order__c.Cabin_Paid__c}"/>
 <apex:outputField id="derek" value="{!order__c.Status_Output_Field__c}" rendered="{!IF(order__c.Booking_Validation__c ='Travelled' ,true,false)}"/>


No way in SF to update worklow (field) when a file is attached to a record in using native SF
So using a trigger - I took an example from the forums 

I am trying to say when the attachment contains signed as it will be Esigned 

But I am getting this 
Error: Compile Error: Unexpected token '.'. at line 11 column 44

This is what I have 

trigger TestAttachmentCheck on Attachment (after insert, after update, after delete, after undelete) {
    List <Account> AccountList = new List<Account>();
     List <Account> AccountListToUdpdate = new List<Account>();
    Set <Id> AccountIds = new Set <Id>();
    if(trigger.isInsert || trigger.isUpdate)
    for(Attachment attach : trigger.New){
         //Check if added attachment is related to Account or not
         if(attach.ParentId.getSobjectType() == Account.SobjectType){
    if(trigger.isDelete || trigger.isUndelete)
    for(Attachment attach : trigger.old){
         //Check if added attachment is related to Account or not
         if(attach.ParentId.getSobjectType() == Account.SobjectType){
    AccountList = [select id, CIN_Uploaded__c from Account where id in : AccountIds];
    for(Account Account : AccountList){    
           Account accountToUpdate = new accountToUpdate();
           AccountToUpdate.Id = account.Id;
           AccountToUpdate.CIN_Uploaded__c  = true;
        update AccountListToUdpdate;
I wish to generate a URL in order to pass data from a thrid party connctor (Zapier) to SFDC. Does anyone know how I could generate such a URl from SFDC that could be query a REST API endpoint ?


The would be used to listne for changes in another application ?


I have created a simply trigger that adds the values of two currency fields and renders the full amout into a total field.
I need assistance creating a class for this trigger so that I can deploy it

trigger Sum ON order__c(before insert, before update) {

    for (order__c o: Trigger.new) {
        if (Trigger.isUpdate && o.new_total_field__c != Trigger.oldMap.get(o.Id).new_total_field__c) {
        o.new_total_field__c = o.hss_qty_price__c + o.sb_qty_price__c ;


Any feedback would be greatly appreciated 



I wish to render an field output on a VF page if another field value is  > 0 

 <apex:pageBlockSection >
  <apex:outputField> value= "{!IF(order__c.hss_qty_price__c >  0, "This includes HSS and Stay Behind price",  "All clear no extras" )} />

This is hwo it works in my formula but I have hit a compile error there so need to move into a page

IF(hss_qty_price__c > 0, "This price includes HSS price",  "All clear no extras" 
Hi Experts,

I need your assistance updating TIN_Uploaded__c (Checkbox) on Lead if the Attachment (Notes and Attachment) Name starts with "TIN". This box should be unchecked if the Attachment is deleted. Also I have another box that will do the same behavior SLA_Uploaded__c but I don't know how to nest them in the code. I've tried building the code but I'm getting error "Variable does not exist: attach.Name" in Line 14.
trigger TestAttachmentCheck on Attachment (after insert, after update, after delete, after undelete) {
    List <Lead> LeadList = new List<Lead>();
    Set <Id> LeadIds = new Set <Id>();
    for(Attachment attach : trigger.New){
         //Check if added attachment is related to Lead or not
         if(attach.ParentId.getSobjectType() == Lead.SobjectType){
    LeadList = [select id, CIN_Uploaded__c from Lead where id in : LeadIds];
   	for(Lead lead : LeadList){    
            lead.CIN_Uploaded__c  = true;
            lead.CIN_Uploaded__c = false;
        update LeadList;
I would appreciate any help.
