• Heidi Apa
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I cant get or change the token of my developer edition... It is supposed to show in personal settings, right? Its not there!
User-added image


I am with a webservice rollback issue here.. We want to send data of some accounts when we insert and update them in salesforce to an external webservice. 
My doubt is, which is the best practice when the update or insert isnt synchronized properly in the webservice and it returns a error code? Update this record in salesforce like "Not synchronized" or controll the response and show an error in salesforce and not let the user doing this update (doing rollback)?

Any idea will be really helpfull, thank you!! :) 


I am trying to show a PDF content in a Visualforce for rendering this one as a PDF with more content. I am trying this but not working...


              ContentDocument contDoc;
              ContentVersion cv;
                contDoc = [SELECT Id,Title FROM ContentDocument WHERE Title ='Document];
                cv = [SELECT VersionData FROM ContentVersion WHERE ContentDocumentId = :contDoc.Id AND IsLatest =                                                true];
               String contenidoPDF = EncodingUtil.base64Encode(cv.VersionData);

Visualforce page:
<iframe src="data:application/pdf;base64,{!contenidoPDF}" height="100%" width="100%" ></iframe>

Thank you!!!

I have an error in a lightning component that I didnt have 2 weeks ago... I am trying to populate two input selects retrieving the values from apex, but when I try to find the input select I have the next error: [Cannot read property 'length' of undefined]

<ui:inputSelect aura:id="InputValueSelectDynamic" 
                                                                                class="slds-input dynamic"


getOptionsPicklist: function(component, valor) {
         component.set("v.mostrarSpinner", true);
         var action = component.get("c.getOptionsPicklist");
                    "valor": valor
        var inputsel = component.find("Input"+valor+"SelectDynamic");
        var opts=[];
        action.setCallback(this, function(a) {
            for(var i=0;i< a.getReturnValue().length;i++){
                opts.push({"class": "optionClass", label: a.getReturnValue()[i], value: a.getReturnValue()[i]});
                 for(var j=0;j<inputsel.length;j++){
                 inputsel[j].set("v.options", opts);
                 inputsel.set("v.options", opts);

the push of "opts" its done correctly from apex but the variable inputsel is "undefined".... Any idea of whats going on?

Thank you!!!!​​

I am trying to find out how to integrate Salesforce with a external Bus for sending and receiving json data.. but, I dont know how to do the authentication of both systems...
I have read about OAuth, certificates.. using for example "letsencrypt" for authentication, but I dont know how..

Please any help will be great for me!! :)

Thank you!!!!!
Hi all!
I need to query some data of different Salesforce orgs from an external site when clicking a button. How can I acomplish that?

I am thinking using WSDL for that? its that possible, like exposing different webservices for doing the query? I dont know if this is possible, I am a bit lost about it...

Any help will be really aprecciated!! thank you ver much!!

Do you know how can I query different info from different Salesforce Orgs from an external site when click a button? using like a common query like  'SELECT id, Name FROM Account'

Is it that possible??
Or perhaps using different web service calls for each of the orgs...

Thank you very much!!! :)
Hi everyone,

I have an issue with sharing some accounts with different profiles. The thing is that a business have  5 different business areas, so I will need to create 5 different apps (one for each area).
Each of business area will have different opps, account, contacts... but it can happen that an account for an area could be a lead for another area (like a potential customer). So the users need to have access to this accounts too using "sector" criteria.

Do you think that I can use Account sharing rules, or would you go to use Territory Management....? 
Any idea, recommendation, experience will be really appreciated :)

Help me please I am a bit lost right now, than you!!!!
Hi there!

I want to know the difference between this type of licenses. If I need to code or use APIs for webservice I cant use professional edition, right? I need to have enterprise edition?
Which are the main differences?

Thank you!
Hi there!

I need to code a button action that prints PDF attachments of the the selected objects in a list view.
How can I call to the printer automatically for doing this just by clicking a button?

Thank you!!


I am trying to show a PDF content in a Visualforce for rendering this one as a PDF with more content. I am trying this but not working...


              ContentDocument contDoc;
              ContentVersion cv;
                contDoc = [SELECT Id,Title FROM ContentDocument WHERE Title ='Document];
                cv = [SELECT VersionData FROM ContentVersion WHERE ContentDocumentId = :contDoc.Id AND IsLatest =                                                true];
               String contenidoPDF = EncodingUtil.base64Encode(cv.VersionData);

Visualforce page:
<iframe src="data:application/pdf;base64,{!contenidoPDF}" height="100%" width="100%" ></iframe>

Thank you!!!

I have an error in a lightning component that I didnt have 2 weeks ago... I am trying to populate two input selects retrieving the values from apex, but when I try to find the input select I have the next error: [Cannot read property 'length' of undefined]

<ui:inputSelect aura:id="InputValueSelectDynamic" 
                                                                                class="slds-input dynamic"


getOptionsPicklist: function(component, valor) {
         component.set("v.mostrarSpinner", true);
         var action = component.get("c.getOptionsPicklist");
                    "valor": valor
        var inputsel = component.find("Input"+valor+"SelectDynamic");
        var opts=[];
        action.setCallback(this, function(a) {
            for(var i=0;i< a.getReturnValue().length;i++){
                opts.push({"class": "optionClass", label: a.getReturnValue()[i], value: a.getReturnValue()[i]});
                 for(var j=0;j<inputsel.length;j++){
                 inputsel[j].set("v.options", opts);
                 inputsel.set("v.options", opts);

the push of "opts" its done correctly from apex but the variable inputsel is "undefined".... Any idea of whats going on?

Thank you!!!!​​
Hi all. I am very new to JavaScript in general and Salesforce development in particular. I think that this question is definitely a newbie question, but I need to get over my hesitation to ask. I'm happy if the best answer is to point to learning resources that will help. The code below comes from the Expenses Component build in the Lightning Basics Trailhead. I know the code works, but I want to know why it works. (The code is in the expensesHelper.js.)
  1. What exactly is the significance of the 'component' and 'expense' parameters in the function? Does 'component' refer back to a component (in this case the Expenses component)? Does 'expense' refer to an attribute somewhere? (I don't think it would refer to the Expenses component becuase the attribute set there is named 'expenses.')
  2. In the second line: Are 'component' and 'expense' repeated because they are defined above?
  3. In the final line: How does the component.set("v.expenses", expenses); work? I know v.expenses refers to the Expenses component, but where does the value (I think that's the correct word) 'expenses' come from?
Thanks again for any help you can provide as I continue to learn!
createExpense: function (component, expense) {
        this.saveExpense(component, expense, function (response) {
            var state = response.getState();
            if (state === "SUCCESS") {
                var expenses = component.get("v.expenses");
                component.set("v.expenses", expenses);



Hi everyone,

I have an issue with sharing some accounts with different profiles. The thing is that a business have  5 different business areas, so I will need to create 5 different apps (one for each area).
Each of business area will have different opps, account, contacts... but it can happen that an account for an area could be a lead for another area (like a potential customer). So the users need to have access to this accounts too using "sector" criteria.

Do you think that I can use Account sharing rules, or would you go to use Territory Management....? 
Any idea, recommendation, experience will be really appreciated :)

Help me please I am a bit lost right now, than you!!!!
 list<Account> ACC = [select id,  (select ID, Name from Contacts) from Account];

From the above statement how to retrive and assign contact name to a Apex variable?
  • November 28, 2017
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Hi there!

I want to know the difference between this type of licenses. If I need to code or use APIs for webservice I cant use professional edition, right? I need to have enterprise edition?
Which are the main differences?

Thank you!