• Shruthi Ramesh 23
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  • Member since 2017

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I get the following error when trying to use a VF template since the winter 11:

(SELECT id, solution.solutionnote, solution.__procedure_information__c
ERROR at Row:1:Column:55
No such column '__procedure_information__c' on entity 'Solution'. If you are attempting to use a custom field, be sure to append the '__c' after the custom field name. Please reference your WSDL or the describe call for the appropriate names.

The same when previewing the template :
Error occurred trying to load the template for preview:
solution.solutionnote, solution.solutionnumber, solution.__solution_quality__c,
ERROR at Row:1:Column:80
No such column '__solution_quality__c' on entity 'Solution'. If you are attempting to use a custom field, be sure to append the '__c' after the custom field name. Please reference your WSDL or the describe call for the appropriate names.. Please try editing your markup to correct the problem.

And when trying to save:
Error: ; nested exception is: common.exception.ApiQueryException: solution.solutionnote, solution.solutionnumber, solution.__solution_quality__c, ^ ERROR at Row:1:Column:80 No such column '__solution_quality__c' on entity 'Solution'. If you are attempting to use a custom field, be sure to append the '__c' after the custom field name. Please reference your WSDL or the describe call for the appropriate names.

My field name is solution_quality__c without __ at the beginning
and my vf code is:
<apex:repeat var="Sols" value="{!RelatedTo.CaseSolutions}">
<table cols="2" border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="2">
<tr><td width="20%" valign="top" bgcolor="#EEEEEE">Solution Quality:</td><td width="80%"><apex:outputText value="{!Sols.Solution.Solution_Quality__c}"/></td></tr>
<tr><td width="20%" valign="top" bgcolor="#EEEEEE">Additional Information:</td><td width="80%"><!--apex:outputText value="{!Sols.Solution.Procedure_information__c}" escape="false"/--></td></tr>

what's wrong with this?