• Jackson Segala
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Hello everyone,

I need to solve this:
I'm using a fieldset on a visualforce page and I need to know if some field is read-only for set some styleClass. I know that we have some properties from fields, but I don't know exactly which property to use for this. 

For example:

<apex:outputPanel rendered="{!field.type == 'reference'}">

Here I'm using the property 'type' to set some styleClass in the inputfield inside of the outputpanel, what I need know now is what property I have to use to know if the field is read-only.. for example {!field.readOnly} .. but we know that doesn't exists.

Can someone help me with this?

Hi All,

I created a class which selects live sessions from AuthSession object filtering on the basis of createddatetime and terminate those sessions. When I created test class, I am not able to write any data in AuthSession object. Any idea or way to populate some data in AuthSession object and create some sessions with different createddatetime. 

Any help is greatly appreciated. 

I pass custom object List to visualforce component which assigns to apex varaible as same type.
But I get error like

ApexPagesHandledException: Cannot convert the value of '{!customObjectList}' to the expected type

<apex:component controller="MyController"  >
<apex:attribute name="customDetials" description="supplementary detials" type="CustomObject__c[ ]" assignTo="{!customeObjectList}"/>

public class MyContorller{

public List<CustomObject__c> customeObjectList{get;set;}


Both attribute name and apex variable are of same type but not being assigned.
Does anyone came across like this

Best Regards

Hello everyone,

I need to solve this:
I'm using a fieldset on a visualforce page and I need to know if some field is read-only for set some styleClass. I know that we have some properties from fields, but I don't know exactly which property to use for this. 

For example:

<apex:outputPanel rendered="{!field.type == 'reference'}">

Here I'm using the property 'type' to set some styleClass in the inputfield inside of the outputpanel, what I need know now is what property I have to use to know if the field is read-only.. for example {!field.readOnly} .. but we know that doesn't exists.

Can someone help me with this?

Hi All,

I created a class which selects live sessions from AuthSession object filtering on the basis of createddatetime and terminate those sessions. When I created test class, I am not able to write any data in AuthSession object. Any idea or way to populate some data in AuthSession object and create some sessions with different createddatetime. 

Any help is greatly appreciated.