• Reshmi Sangani 5
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I have a report called Feedback with Vivint Employees and another report called services with work orders.
Feedback object has a service lookup field. When I am trying to create a joint report with the above 2 types I am geeting an error saying "Incompatible Report Type This report type cannot be used, because it has no fields in common with the report types in your joined report."
I saw this update on the release notes and was not sure what exactly should be done to get ready for this update.
Can some please suggest what this update is all about?

Thank you!
 The component is visible on the lightning component tab but seems like the folder is empty and also the component is not visible on the home page, record page event after setting the targets in the XML file. Isexposed is also set to true. 
When I tried to locate the file locally, I did not find it in the local copy. 
Is there anything I am missing here?
How can I save the file locally?
Hello All,

 I have a field with data type "long Text Area". I have updated the "# of Visible Lines" for that field from 3 to 8. 
Even after updating the field, the system display only 3 lines while on Edit/New mode in lightning. 
Please provide the inputs.

Thank you!
I am trying to write a trigger on Account Object.

There are 2 types of Accounts. Product Accounts and Agency Account.
Product accounts have an Agency lookup field.
There is a checkbox field on Agency Accounts called "Agency_Commissionable__c". When this field is checked all the related product Account's( have a checkbox field called) "AdPoint_Sync_Due__c" should be check.
If "Agency_Commissionable__c" on Agency Accounts is unchecked then related Product Account's "AdPoint_Sync_Due__c" should be unchecked.

My Trigger:
//Author:  Reshmi.S
// Name: AccTriggerHandlerUpdAccPaths 
// Created: 09 /25/2020
// Event: after Insert and after update
// Desc: Refresh the child Accounts after Parent Account has been updated
public class AccTriggerHandlerUpdRelAgencyProducts extends TriggerHandlerBase {

    public virtual override void mainEntry(TriggerParameters tp) {


    public virtual override void inProgressEntry(TriggerParameters tp) {

    void UpdRelAgencyProducts(TriggerParameters tp) {

        List < Account > lstToUpdate = new List < Account > ();
        List < Account > checkedAgncyAcc = new List < Account > ();
        List < Account > unCheckedAgncyAcc = new List < Account > ();
        List < Account > ListAcc = (List < Account > ) tp.newList;
        Map < Id, Account > MapAcc = (Map < Id, Account > ) tp.newMap;
        Map < Id, Account > oldAccMap = (Map < Id, Account > ) tp.oldMap;
        Set < Id > checkedsetAccIds = new Set < Id > ();
        Set < Id > unCheckedsetAccIds = new Set < Id > ();
        //Map < id, Account > accMap = new Map < Id, Account > ();

        for (Account acc: ListAcc) {
            if (acc.Agency_Commissionable__c != oldAccMap.get(acc.Id).Agency_Commissionable__c) {
                if (acc.Agency_Commissionable__c == true) {
                } else if (acc.Agency_Commissionable__c == false) {
        if (!checkedsetAccIds.isEmpty()) {
            list < Account > accList = [select Id, name, AdPoint_Sync_Due__c, sync__c from Account where Agency__c IN: checkedsetAccIds AND Type = 'product'];

            if (!accList.isEmpty()) {
                for (Account acct: accList) {

                    acct.sync__c = true;
        } else if (!unCheckedsetAccIds.isEmpty()) {
            list < Account > accLists = [select Id, name, AdPoint_Sync_Due__c, sync__c from Account where Agency__c IN: unCheckedsetAccIds AND Type = 'product'];

            if (!accLists.isEmpty()) {
                for (Account accts: accLists) {

                    accts.sync__c = false;

        if (lstToUpdate.size() > 0) database.update(lstToUpdate);


When I am trying to create a new product record, the following error is coming up
Apex trigger AccountTrigger caused an unexpected exception, contact your administrator: AccountTrigger: execution of AfterInsert caused by: System.NullPointerException: Attempt to de-reference a null object: ()
There is a field on the Account record called "Ultimate Parent ID" .(which is a formula field to calculate the Parent Account ID for that Account).
This field is a 15 character text formula field.
I am trying to write an after trigger to update a field "ultimate Parent ID 18".
The functionality of this trigger is to convert the above 15 digit ID to an 18 digit salesforce ID and store it in a field on the Account record.
public without sharing class AccTriggerHandlerUpdUltParentId extends TriggerHandlerBase {

    public virtual override void mainEntry(TriggerParameters tp) {


    public virtual override void inProgressEntry(TriggerParameters tp) {


    void UpdUltParentID(TriggerParameters tp) {

        List < Account > lstToUpdate = new List < Account > ();
        List < Account > ListAcc = (List < Account > ) tp.newList;
        Map < Id, Account > newMapAcc = (Map < Id, Account > ) tp.newMap;
        Map < Id, Account > oldMapAcc = (Map < Id, Account > ) tp.oldMap;
        Set < Id > setAccountIds = new Set < Id > ();
        string idStr;
        id idval;
         for(Account acc : ListAcc){

        if (tp.tEvent == 'afterUpdate') {
            for (Account acctNew: ListAcc) {
                    acctNew.Ultimate_Parent_ID_18__c = acctNew.Ultimate_Parent_Id__c;
                    idval = acctNew.Ultimate_Parent_ID_18__c;
                    acctNew.Ultimate_Parent_ID_18__c = idval;
               // }


 I am receiving the following error:

Question: Should this trigger be in an Afterupdate or before Update?
I tried in the context of After but there was an error saying "record is read only".
Thank you for the help!
I want to create a validation rule on a Custom object which is related to Opportunity
If the opportunity stage is set to "1","2" or "3"
The date field on the Custom object cannot be edited 
Requirement: need to display a link (ex: www.w3schools.com" ) when user select "matched" value on a picklist field.
Our organization makes use of Libraries!
We are planning to switch to Lightning.
Will we lose any functionality when this switch happens?
Thank you!

I created a link for pdfs stored in files on the Opportunity record. When I switch to lightning and click on the link, salesforce is directly downloading them instead of viewing them?
How can I view the pdfs instead of downloading?
Thank you!
Hello All,

 I have a field with data type "long Text Area". I have updated the "# of Visible Lines" for that field from 3 to 8. 
Even after updating the field, the system display only 3 lines while on Edit/New mode in lightning. 
Please provide the inputs.

Thank you!
There is a field on the Account record called "Ultimate Parent ID" .(which is a formula field to calculate the Parent Account ID for that Account).
This field is a 15 character text formula field.
I am trying to write an after trigger to update a field "ultimate Parent ID 18".
The functionality of this trigger is to convert the above 15 digit ID to an 18 digit salesforce ID and store it in a field on the Account record.
public without sharing class AccTriggerHandlerUpdUltParentId extends TriggerHandlerBase {

    public virtual override void mainEntry(TriggerParameters tp) {


    public virtual override void inProgressEntry(TriggerParameters tp) {


    void UpdUltParentID(TriggerParameters tp) {

        List < Account > lstToUpdate = new List < Account > ();
        List < Account > ListAcc = (List < Account > ) tp.newList;
        Map < Id, Account > newMapAcc = (Map < Id, Account > ) tp.newMap;
        Map < Id, Account > oldMapAcc = (Map < Id, Account > ) tp.oldMap;
        Set < Id > setAccountIds = new Set < Id > ();
        string idStr;
        id idval;
         for(Account acc : ListAcc){

        if (tp.tEvent == 'afterUpdate') {
            for (Account acctNew: ListAcc) {
                    acctNew.Ultimate_Parent_ID_18__c = acctNew.Ultimate_Parent_Id__c;
                    idval = acctNew.Ultimate_Parent_ID_18__c;
                    acctNew.Ultimate_Parent_ID_18__c = idval;
               // }


 I am receiving the following error:

Question: Should this trigger be in an Afterupdate or before Update?
I tried in the context of After but there was an error saying "record is read only".
Thank you for the help!
I created a link for pdfs stored in files on the Opportunity record. When I switch to lightning and click on the link, salesforce is directly downloading them instead of viewing them?
How can I view the pdfs instead of downloading?
Thank you!

I would love to get some quick help with this validation rule:

ISBLANK(Last_Name__c),REGEX(Last_Name__c ,"([a-zA-Z-])*")))

What I want is for Last Name to include only a-z, A-Z, hyphens or spaces. 

When I first wrote it as this: REGEX(Last_Name__c ,"([a-zA-Z])*")))  -- without the hyphen, I was getting it to work to allow spaces. However, once I added the hyphen in, the hyphen was allowed but spaces were no longer allowed. 

What am I doing wrong here? 

I'm doing the simple lightning components challenge and have hit this problem in my existing trailhead org and a brand new dev org that I've just created:

Challenge not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
There was an unexpected error while verifying this challenge. Usually this is due to some pre-existing configuration or code in the challenge Org. We recommend using a new Developer Edition (DE) to check this challenge. If you're using a new DE and seeing this error, please post to the developer forums and reference error id: QVWBQHAG