• Koti P 6
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Hi Friends,

Iam geeting the 'Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
Could not find an Opportunity Stage named 'Awaiting Approval' ERROR message when i do the Check Challenge. I created a SalesProcess 'RB Robotics Sales Process' which is not having the 'Awaiting Approval' stage in the list.  Please see the attached screen shot for the same and help me how can i bring the 'Awaiting Approval' Stage in RB Robotics Sales Process'

Regards,User-added imageUser-added image
Hi Friends,

iam trying to complete the 'Process Automation Specialist Superbadge- Challenge2:  getting the following error:

Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
A validation rule did not prevent a new Account from being saved when Billing Country is blank and Billing State has three characters.

here are my Validation Rule code details
                  "IL:IN:IA:KS:KY:LA:ME:MD:MA:MI:MN:MS:MO:MT:NE:NV:NH:" &
                  "NJ:NM:NY:NC:ND:OH:OK:OR:PA:RI:SC:SD:TN:TX:UT:VT:VA:" &
       (  BillingCountry="USA",
         BillingCountry="United States",

   AND (
         NOT (
                  "IL:IN:IA:KS:KY:LA:ME:MD:MA:MI:MN:MS:MO:MT:NE:NV:NH:" &
                  "NJ:NM:NY:NC:ND:OH:OK:OR:PA:RI:SC:SD:TN:TX:UT:VT:VA:" &
                  "WA:WV:WI:WY:PR", ShippingState))),
        ShippingCountry="United States",
Hi Friends,

Iam doing the exercise of Super badge : Process Automation Specialist#1. Automate Leads and followed up all the steps like
Creation of Queues(2)
Creation of Lead Assignment Rule
Creatoin of Validation Rule on Lead Object(Validate_Lead_Country,Validate_Lead_State)
and when i verify the challenge iam getting the following error:
'Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
A new Lead with the Source 'Web' was not correctly assigned to the 'Rainbow Sales' queue.

can you please help me on this error to complete the assignment.

Hi All,

iam new to Salesforce and trying to complete the Trail haed challenge for "Build criteria and actions to replace your workflow rules" 
and not able to see the creation of 'task' for the below highligted part in the AddAction.
Criteria 1:
Name: Closed Won and Banking
Conditions: Checks whether the opportunity's Stage is Closed Won AND whether the associated account's Industry is Banking
Associated action: Creates a task for the account owner to follow up on the account. For the due date, use this formula: TODAY() + 7. You can delete the Priority and Status fields.

Can someone help me what option i choose User-added image
Hi Friends,

Iam going over the Visualforce Basics trail module and not able to see the 'In Developer(ID) for visualforce pages in App Launcher . Can you please help me how can i get this Icon/App in App Launcher.

Module Name: Developer Beginner >> Visualforce Basics >> Get Started with Visualforce

Hi Friends,

I have written the below code for TrailHead Challenge and getting the below error: Can some one sugget what is going wrong
Challenge not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
There was an unexpected error in your org which is preventing this assessment check from completing: System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: REQUIRED_FIELD_MISSING, Required fields are missing: [Discount_Percent__c]: [Discount_Percent__c]

trigger ClosedOpportunityTrigger on Opportunity (after insert, after update)
         List<Task> tt = new List<Task>();
    for (Opportunity op : [select Id, Name, OwnerId from Opportunity where Id IN :Trigger.new and StageName='Closed Won'])
        Task t = new Task(WhatId = op.Id, Subject = 'Follow Up Test Task', OwnerId = op.OwnerId);
    if (tt.size()>0)
        insert tt;

Hi Friends, Iam new to Salesforce, when i am trying to execute the below code getting the error code as Line: 2, Column: 2 Unexpected token 'public'.

  My Code:

 public class MySOSLSOQLExaples

    Integer i = [Select Count() from Lead where Name='Smith'];
    System.debug('The Value of i is' + i);
Hi Friends,

Iam geeting the 'Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
Could not find an Opportunity Stage named 'Awaiting Approval' ERROR message when i do the Check Challenge. I created a SalesProcess 'RB Robotics Sales Process' which is not having the 'Awaiting Approval' stage in the list.  Please see the attached screen shot for the same and help me how can i bring the 'Awaiting Approval' Stage in RB Robotics Sales Process'

Regards,User-added imageUser-added image
Hi Friends,

iam trying to complete the 'Process Automation Specialist Superbadge- Challenge2:  getting the following error:

Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
A validation rule did not prevent a new Account from being saved when Billing Country is blank and Billing State has three characters.

here are my Validation Rule code details
                  "IL:IN:IA:KS:KY:LA:ME:MD:MA:MI:MN:MS:MO:MT:NE:NV:NH:" &
                  "NJ:NM:NY:NC:ND:OH:OK:OR:PA:RI:SC:SD:TN:TX:UT:VT:VA:" &
       (  BillingCountry="USA",
         BillingCountry="United States",

   AND (
         NOT (
                  "IL:IN:IA:KS:KY:LA:ME:MD:MA:MI:MN:MS:MO:MT:NE:NV:NH:" &
                  "NJ:NM:NY:NC:ND:OH:OK:OR:PA:RI:SC:SD:TN:TX:UT:VT:VA:" &
                  "WA:WV:WI:WY:PR", ShippingState))),
        ShippingCountry="United States",
Hi Friends,

Iam doing the exercise of Super badge : Process Automation Specialist#1. Automate Leads and followed up all the steps like
Creation of Queues(2)
Creation of Lead Assignment Rule
Creatoin of Validation Rule on Lead Object(Validate_Lead_Country,Validate_Lead_State)
and when i verify the challenge iam getting the following error:
'Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
A new Lead with the Source 'Web' was not correctly assigned to the 'Rainbow Sales' queue.

can you please help me on this error to complete the assignment.

Hi Friends,

I have written the below code for TrailHead Challenge and getting the below error: Can some one sugget what is going wrong
Challenge not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
There was an unexpected error in your org which is preventing this assessment check from completing: System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: REQUIRED_FIELD_MISSING, Required fields are missing: [Discount_Percent__c]: [Discount_Percent__c]

trigger ClosedOpportunityTrigger on Opportunity (after insert, after update)
         List<Task> tt = new List<Task>();
    for (Opportunity op : [select Id, Name, OwnerId from Opportunity where Id IN :Trigger.new and StageName='Closed Won'])
        Task t = new Task(WhatId = op.Id, Subject = 'Follow Up Test Task', OwnerId = op.OwnerId);
    if (tt.size()>0)
        insert tt;

Hi Friends, Iam new to Salesforce, when i am trying to execute the below code getting the error code as Line: 2, Column: 2 Unexpected token 'public'.

  My Code:

 public class MySOSLSOQLExaples

    Integer i = [Select Count() from Lead where Name='Smith'];
    System.debug('The Value of i is' + i);