• Abhishek Chopra
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Hello Everyone,

I have a requirement where I need to Embed Hyperlink in the Live Chat Auto Greeting, using the anchor tag reflects as it is on the Chat window. Any suggestions on how this can be Implemented ?

User-added image
User-added image

Any help here will be greatly appreciated.
Hi All,

I'm Getting this error "response size exceeded 15mb organization limit " i'm making a Http Callout to fetch data(GET Operation) to extrenal database and display the data on VF page and i'm getting this above highlighted error.

I investigated and found out the response is more than 4MB size, the response has around :
10,224 - opportunity Products
178 - Opportunity.

I want to know if there is a limit of 3MB for the response size(getBody()) we can collect on the Salesforce side ? If No, how can i eradicate this error..!

Can someone help out, this is urgent..!

Thanks in Advance,
I Have a scenario where i developed a logic in Apex and was using a Time based workflow Functionality to mark the Checkbox to "True" after 5 mins of Lead Creation DateTime. 

Let me put some light on the 5 min illusion for running the Workflow which is by Default has a functionality to run in 1 hr, I created a formula field which stores value 55 mins past the created date and i scheduled the workflow to run after 1 hr of the formula which logically evaluates to 5 mins after the Lead Created Date.

After careful consideration i decided to Deactivate and Delete the Time dependent Workflow and it's action and include the logic in trigger itself, now the Issue is when i'm creating a New Lead and Try to convert it i'm Getting below Error.

Error: Unable to convert lead that is in use by workflow

I searched all the forums and blogs and everywhere it was stated to check the following.
1. Any pending actions in Setup-> Time-Based Workflow-> Search ----> Done, I found none for that lead record in my sandbox.
2. Check any Pending Approval Actions for that Lead Record   -----> Done, I found none for the Lead Record.

Note :- When i delete and undelete the record(from recycle bin) then it's getting successfully converted.

Not sure what am i missing here, I don't want to do this delete undelete and want a permanent fix to it, Any help here will be appreciated. It's Urgent..!! 

I have Created a Queue named 'Test Queue 3' where i have added one user(A) and one RoleandSubordinate(B is assigned a role of DirectorDirectSalesD and has one user C as its subordinate), now i need to fetch all the users in this Queue 'Test Queue 3'. 

I went through many posts but did not find any satifactory answers. Any help here is appreciated. Thanks in Advance..!!
/*The Below Code Takes List of Account from Process builder and checks if the Annual Revenue field. If Annual Revenue < 25000 then Delete all of the related task of that Account, else if Annual Revenue > 25000 and Mandatory_Task_Completed__c checkbox set to true then delete the task who's name starts with 'Reminder'. */

public class DeleteUnwantedTaskonAccount
    public static void deletetasks(List<Account> accList)
        set<Id> accId = new Set<Id>();
        List<Task> tskToDelete = new List<Task>();
        for(Account acc : accList)
       List<task> taskList = [select id,Account.AnnualRevenue , Account.Mandatory_Task_Completed__c , subject  from task Where WhatId In :accId];
        for(Task tsk : taskList)
            if(tsk.Account.AnnualRevenue > 25000 && tsk.Account.Mandatory_Task_Completed__c == true)
            else if(tsk.Account.AnnualRevenue < 25000)
        if(tskToDelete.size() > 0)
            delete tskToDelete;
I have Created a Queue named 'Test Queue 3' where i have added one user(A) and one RoleandSubordinate(B is assigned a role of DirectorDirectSalesD and has one user C as its subordinate), now i need to fetch all the users in this Queue 'Test Queue 3'. 

I went through many posts but did not find any satifactory answers. Any help here is appreciated. Thanks in Advance..!!

I've written a trigger in my sandbox to copy the primary contact Role and ID values into 2 opportunity custom fields but it's not firing and I just cant figure out why.


Any help would be appreciated, I'm sure it's an oversight on my part.


Trigger PrimaryContactCopy on Opportunity(before insert,before update){
OpportunityContactRole Roles = new OpportunityContactRole();
for(Opportunity opp:Trigger.new){
Roles = [select Id,IsPrimary,ContactId, Role from OpportunityContactRole where IsPrimary=True AND opportunity.id=:opp.Id];
opp.Name__c = Roles.ContactId;
opp.Email__c = Roles.Role;
update opp;


  • December 13, 2010
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