• Diane Clayton 6
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  • Member since 2018

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I have a requirement to send a report once a week to individual customers the status of their open orders as an email with attached xsl formatted nicely. 

I don't want to manually create a report for each customer. I had tried scheduling an apex class the creates the extract as csv and emails but the client wants it to be formatted nicely with coloured headings and not require the user to format dates

I think it would be possible to create a report of all open orders then write a scheduled apex class to run the report with the report api and filter on each customer. But would it be possible to email that filtered report and attach as xsl?

Any advice or example code appreciated.
When I try to create a new version of one of my dx packages with the code coverage flag it's failing on a unit test. I think this is because it needs to use a global value set in the dependent package. 

If I install my package in a new scratch org with it's 4 dependent packages that are listed in the sfdx-project.json then the unit tests all pass. Is there anyway to get around this?

I've been using DX for a while now but today when I went to pull down my changes with pull command I received odd errors about objects I don't recognise:
ERROR running force:source:pull:  Entity of type 'ListView' named 'ProductServiceCampaignItem.My_ProductServiceCampaignItems' cannot be found
Entity of type 'ListView' named 'ProductServiceCampaignItem.My_RecentProductServiceCampaignItems' cannot be found
Entity of type 'ListView' named 'ShiftTemplate.My_RecentShiftTemplates' cannot be found
Entity of type 'ListView' named 'ProductServiceCampaignItem.All_ProductServiceCampaignItems' cannot be found
Entity of type 'ListView' named 'ShiftTemplate.My_ShiftTemplates' cannot be found
Entity of type 'ListView' named 'ShiftTemplate.All_ShiftTemplates' cannot be found
Entity type 'Prompt' is not available in this api version

So I added the following to my forceignore file

this has removed most of the errors but I still get just this error:

ERROR running force:source:pull:  Entity type 'Prompt' is not available in this api version

I have a VF page with a standard controller. I want to style it with custom css to make it looks like an Angular site it needs to integrate with. I have achieved the look I want by setting standardstylesheet to false however the buttons don't work anymore. 
Is it possible to do what I'm trying to do?
I created new custom object with some custom fields and did a force:source:pull in dx to pull the meta data down. However when I look in my local I only see the meta field xml files for 2 of the new fields 3 are missing. Is there a way to get this out I've tried
  1. ​ forcing it  sfdx force:source:pull -f
  2. modifying the fields to see if it will trigger it to see a change
  3. check the permission of system admin 
When I try to create a new version of one of my dx packages with the code coverage flag it's failing on a unit test. I think this is because it needs to use a global value set in the dependent package. 

If I install my package in a new scratch org with it's 4 dependent packages that are listed in the sfdx-project.json then the unit tests all pass. Is there anyway to get around this?

I've been using DX for a while now but today when I went to pull down my changes with pull command I received odd errors about objects I don't recognise:
ERROR running force:source:pull:  Entity of type 'ListView' named 'ProductServiceCampaignItem.My_ProductServiceCampaignItems' cannot be found
Entity of type 'ListView' named 'ProductServiceCampaignItem.My_RecentProductServiceCampaignItems' cannot be found
Entity of type 'ListView' named 'ShiftTemplate.My_RecentShiftTemplates' cannot be found
Entity of type 'ListView' named 'ProductServiceCampaignItem.All_ProductServiceCampaignItems' cannot be found
Entity of type 'ListView' named 'ShiftTemplate.My_ShiftTemplates' cannot be found
Entity of type 'ListView' named 'ShiftTemplate.All_ShiftTemplates' cannot be found
Entity type 'Prompt' is not available in this api version

So I added the following to my forceignore file

this has removed most of the errors but I still get just this error:

ERROR running force:source:pull:  Entity type 'Prompt' is not available in this api version

I have a VF page with a standard controller. I want to style it with custom css to make it looks like an Angular site it needs to integrate with. I have achieved the look I want by setting standardstylesheet to false however the buttons don't work anymore. 
Is it possible to do what I'm trying to do?