• Parul Singh 17
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I don't understand why I still get an error while validating the first challenge

Account are deduplicated, names are not in uppercase, and all fields are correctly imported (Residential type was activated)

list of accounts

But still this message :

Any idea ? I made it on 2 different playground orgs, and still the same
I'm trying to complete the "Set Up Single Sign-On for Your Internal Users" Trailhead challenge, and was able to execute the description of the challenge successfully. However, I'm getting the following error when checking the challenge on Trailhead:
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
Could not find SAML Enabled in your org's setup audit trail. Make sure that you have 'SAML Enabled' checked under 'Federated Single Sign-On Using SAML' in your org's 'Single Sign-On Settings'.

I've reviewed the settings, and "SAML Enabled" is true, and I'm connected to the right org when doing the challenge. Has anyone else encountered this?