• Ravichandra sindhe
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need a batch interface to migrate opportunity with attachments data from one org to another org

any idea on how we can do

loading opportunity with attchments from one org to another org using data loader

i have a text box

when i enter a word in text box.and come out of text box value should be masked like ******.

when i move cursor over it it should show unmaked value

Account object has primary contact and other contact records as well.For each contact we have case records as well.

i want to send mail to the primary contact of the account object about total number of open cases of for each contact

Hi all,

i need help on displaying a data from rich text area to text area with a same formate which a maintain data in rich text area

ex: below formate i kept in rich text area..i need to display same formate in text area..but its not happening..its just remove spaces and display the data

Hi all,

i need help on displaying a data from rich text area to text area with a same formate which a maintain data in rich text area


i have below scenerio, need a help on how to achieve this through custom metadata settings

based on a value i select from drop down..i need to match and get corresponding value

example :

drop down has : red,blue,green

when i select Red...i need to get corresponding indicator value such as R.

so for Green ..G...how to achieve this through custom meta data settings..

Please help with sample code

Hi All,

i need a help on what is best way to handle to check email address is valid or not..when customer adding an email address

any example for all the possible ways for email validation rules.

example : email address should not contain A-Z

Should not contain 0-9 numbers

sample code examples

while retrieving message from rich text area getting HTMl tags along with a message

how to avoid HTMl tags and display message alone in lightnig component

based on ID which i pass, i need to get the below picklist values from custom meta data settings and display it in a lighnting combo box.


ID : 5

picklist values:




I am planning to use custom settings..need a help

How to fetch a list from customer settings to my lighting component combo box

List of Colour : 

i am ttrying to fetch a message from a table.

and the text field is RICH TEXT AREA.

i am getting a HTML design things to along with a message text.

as below.

<table class="ql-table-blob" border="0" style="width: 337pt;" width="449"><tbody><tr height="60" style="height: 45.0pt;"><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="xl65" height="60" width="449" style="height: 45.0pt; width: 337pt;">*Verbatim*

please send a email to customer as its verified


i need a help to display picklist option based on condition



display list of cars in lightnig picklist
display list of bikes in lightnig picklist

<lightning:button variant="brand" label="Yes" title="Brand action" iconName="utility:check" iconPosition="left" disabled="true" aura:id="yesID" />

 var DisYes=cmp.find("v.yesID");

DisYes.set("v.disabled", false);  

1.Would like to fetch string from table

ex: red,blue,green

2.separate it with comma separator

3.display it a in combo box as a list


need a help on how to acheive it in a lightning component

Hi All

i am planning to write one generic function to replace varibale values in a message text.

Example :

i am keeping message text in a table

1.i pass message Id to getch message text from a table

2.once i get message text from table.

messagetext: *%variable1%* number chnaged along with customer *%variable2%* name

so i pass input parameters like below


pass these params to to replace those messagetext variable values .

and get the fuinal text


so how much ever i pass param values mu generic function should take those values and replace the varibale and give me the text.


so please do help me

table name :Messages


messageText:name chnaged from *%oldname%* to new name *%newname%*

i will pass messageID,oldname,newname as per below




i want those old and new name replaced with a table message.


and finally i need that message to make an update


example the output message should 

name chnaged from ravi to new name chandra.

need a batch interface to migrate opportunity with attachments data from one org to another org

<lightning:button variant="brand" label="Yes" title="Brand action" iconName="utility:check" iconPosition="left" disabled="true" aura:id="yesID" />

 var DisYes=cmp.find("v.yesID");

DisYes.set("v.disabled", false);  

Example :

1.Update a phone number to backend

2.once successfull response comes from backend.

3.take the 'oldphone' and 'newphone'number value(planning to use trigger).

4.put both old and new phone number values in an array.

5.pass it to a table to form a  note text.

note text will be like 'Phone number chnaged from %Oldphone% to %newPhone%'

once the text updated with phone values.

update the text to backend



I need to setup a lightning input data that should has a mask.
When the user digits a cell-phone - it's should be formatted in screen.
(xx) xxx-xxxx
Can anyone help me ?

How to show 5 rows with lightning:textarea?

Thanks in advance.
public class ContactAndLeadSearch {
public static List<List<SObject>> searchContactsAndLeads(string FN)
    List<List<sObject>> searchList = [FIND 'FN' IN all fields 
RETURNING Contact(FirstName,LastName) ,Lead(FirstName,Lastname)];
//Contact[] searchContacts = (Contact[])searchList[0];
//Lead[] searchLeads = (Lead[])searchList[1];
return searchList;


Please someone correct this code ,, this one was nt fulfilling the challenge req.