• Saurabh Priyadarshan
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I have a lwc which displays few account fields. I am using wire service to display account field values. But when there is no value, it shows undefined as a value in LWC. I want to show it as a blank. 
I tried several ways but couldn't come up with a solution. Please help.
Here is the javascript code:

export default class AccountTab extends LightningElement {
    @api recordId;
    @api accountList;
    @wire(getAccounts, {recordId:'$recordId'})
            this.accountList = data;
            console.log('current record id : '+this.recordId);
        }else if(error){

I have a user that encounters random error when opening few tabs in Salesforce lightning and when he goes back to one tab, he gets this error : "Problem occured while initializing component."

I logged in as the user and was not able to reproduce the same error.  I ran the debug logs while user reproduced the error from his end, but did not see an error when reviewing the logs.

The screenshot of the error is here:
User-added image
Any suggestions on how to resolve this would be really helpful!
I have been following all the steps for this challenge but when I run the apex tests in Salesforce classic it shows "1/2 Test methods passes". Moreover, I couldn't find any BeAwesome' test with the 'sb_security' Namespace Prefix in lightning. So tried in classic but eventually failed.
Can anyone help me in this? Been trying since 2 days.. Thanks!!
 Suppose there is a profile P1 and it has users U1, U2 and U3. There is  a custom object CO1 and has fields F1, F2, F3,... F10. Now I want to give access to U1 to fields from F1 to F5 and other users U2 and U3 to fileds F6 to F10. How do i do that??
I have a lwc which displays few account fields. I am using wire service to display account field values. But when there is no value, it shows undefined as a value in LWC. I want to show it as a blank. 
I tried several ways but couldn't come up with a solution. Please help.
Here is the javascript code:

export default class AccountTab extends LightningElement {
    @api recordId;
    @api accountList;
    @wire(getAccounts, {recordId:'$recordId'})
            this.accountList = data;
            console.log('current record id : '+this.recordId);
        }else if(error){
Hello guys

I am having above scenario but  i am not able to findout perfect solution and i was trying but it is not working.

could someone help me out..
 Suppose there is a profile P1 and it has users U1, U2 and U3. There is  a custom object CO1 and has fields F1, F2, F3,... F10. Now I want to give access to U1 to fields from F1 to F5 and other users U2 and U3 to fileds F6 to F10. How do i do that??



In relation to SFDC Global search, how can I add a field to this search? Is it only custom fields that can be added or can I specify that an existing SFDC field can be added to this?


Is there any documentation on how the global search is configured? I did not find any on searching.

