• venkata mani teja
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 I have My Lightning File upload component . it only  Accept Csv Files . i have to create Child Contact From That Csv File and Parent must be Account.

Any Idea???
Hi All,
I have My Custom Visualforce Page With Pagination.each page i am displaying 5 Records .so  When I select Few Records Before Goining To Delete. I want Show popup Window  and size of Records in Popup Window.
When click Ok In PopWindow then Only Delete Records otherwise not to delete.
I have Account When Record is created ,i have to COLONE THAT RECORD VALES AND  create one Child Account Child record in same Object using FIELD SETS  
I have Account When Record is created ,i have to COLONE THAT RECORD VALES AND  create one Child Account Child record in same Object using FIELD SETS  
Hi Team,

trying to deisgn CSV uploder in lightning component and need to display in table after uploading CSV file and on click on save button need to save account reords in data base.
public class PMO_CsvUploaderController {
    public Blob csvFileBody{get;set;}
    public string csvAsString{get;set;}
    public String[] csvFileLines{get;set;}
    public List<Account> Acclist{get;set;}
    public PMO_CsvUploaderController(){
        csvFileLines = new String[]{};
            Acclist = New List<Account>(); 
    public void importCSVFile(){
            csvAsString = csvFileBody.toString();
            csvFileLines = csvAsString.split('\n'); 
            for(Integer i=1;i<csvFileLines.size();i++){
                Account couObj = new Account();
                string[] csvRecordData = csvFileLines[i].split(',');            
                couObj.name = csvRecordData[1] ;        
                couObj.AccountNumber = csvRecordData[2];
                couObj.Phone = csvRecordData[3];
                couObj.Rating = csvRecordData[4];
                    String temp_fees=csvRecordData[3];
                    couObj.Course_fees__c = Decimal.valueOf(temp_fees);
                    String temp_date=csvRecordData[4];
                    couObj.Course_Date__c = Date.parse(temp_date); 
            insert Acclist;
        catch (Exception e){
            ApexPages.Message errorMessage = new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.severity.ERROR,'An error has occured while importing data. Please make sure input csv file is correct');

Using these contoroller to create account.. help me to design lightning component
Hi All,

  I have requirement to upload CSV file into Salesforce using lightning component then this record will insert in Sobject records.Please guide me on this scenario.

This no longer works as described in the Trailhead.  Selecting "User with Limited Access to Treasures" on the CRUD & FLS Visualforce Demo tab yields an "insufficient access" error with no data returned.