• Wei Dong 10
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How can I differ a User that is an inner one or someone from Google or Facebook?
Is there anything with which I can differ?

In my RESTful API suppose I have a username and a password, how can check whether the user is verified (I cannot fetch the password and do checks...)?

I have an EmailMessage trigger (after insert), I'll do some checks of attachments (Notice my attachments are of ContentDocumentLink!)
The code looks like this following:
private static void doNotAllowProfilesSendEmailsWithAttachments(List<EmailMessage> newMessages) {

        if (!validateCurrentUserRule()) {
            System.debug('====User without the permission===');
            String digitalSignature = [SELECT CA_Digital_Signature__c FROM User WHERE Id = :UserInfo.getUserId()][0].CA_Digital_Signature__c;
            Set<String> msgIdSet = new Set<String>();
            Map<String, Set<String>> attMap = new Map<String, Set<String>>();
            for(EmailMessage msg:newMessages){
            for(ContentDocumentLink cdl :[SELECT Id, LinkedEntityId, ContentDocumentId, ContentDocument.title FROM ContentDocumentLink where LinkedEntityId IN :msgIdSet]){
                    attMap.put(cdl.LinkedEntityId, new Set<string>());
            for(EmailMessage msg:newMessages){
                if(msg.Incoming == FALSE){
                    for(String title : attMap.get(msg.Id)){
                            msg.addError('You may not include an attachment in outbound emails.');
And then my Unit test is:
    public static void doNotAllowProfilesSendEmailsWithAttachments_TestWrong() {

        String[]emails = new String[]{
        Boolean isSentSuccessful = true;

        // Test when we attach an attachment with 'Stand User'
        Profile p = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE Name = 'Consumer Care Agent'];
        User u = new User(Alias = 'standt', Email = 'standarduser@testorg.com',
                EmailEncodingKey = 'UTF-8', LastName = 'Testing', LanguageLocaleKey = 'en_US',
                LocaleSidKey = 'en_US', ProfileId = p.Id,
                TimeZoneSidKey = 'America/Los_Angeles',
                UserName = 'standarduser_dongwei_test@testorg.com');


        System.runAs(u) {

            // Insert a new contact for inner search contact ID
            Contact newContact = new Contact();
            newContact.LastName = 'Last Name';
            insert newContact;

            // 1. Create a Document as an attachment
            Document doc = new Document();
            doc.Name = 'Test document';
            doc.Body = Blob.valueOf('Test me');
            doc.ContentType = 'text/plain';
            doc.Type = 'txt';
            doc.FolderId = UserInfo.getUserId();
            insert doc;

            // 2. Preparing to attach the attachment
            Messaging.EmailFileAttachment file = new Messaging.EmailFileAttachment();
            // Make this as an attachment
            file.Body = doc.Body;

            // 3. Successfully sent
            Map<String, String> replacers = new Map<String, String>();
            replacers.put('dongwei', '');
            isSentSuccessful = CA_Utility.sendSingleEmail(emails,
                    'Test', 'Test body',replacers, 'DongWei',
                    true, new Messaging.EmailFileAttachment[]{

            EmailMessage email = new EmailMessage();
            email.FromAddress = 'test@abc.org';
            email.Incoming = True;
            email.ToAddress = 'test@xyz.org';
            email.Subject = 'Test email';
            email.HtmlBody = 'Test email body';

            Blob beforeblob = Blob.valueOf('Unit Test Attachment Body');

            ContentVersion cv = new ContentVersion();
            cv.title = 'Bad Signature Here';
            cv.PathOnClient = 'test';
            cv.VersionData = beforeblob;
            insert cv;

            ContentVersion testContent = [SELECT id, ContentDocumentId FROM ContentVersion where Id = :cv.Id];

            ContentDocumentLink contentlink = new ContentDocumentLink();
            contentlink.LinkedEntityId = email.Id;
            contentlink.ShareType = 'V';
            contentlink.ContentDocumentId = testcontent.ContentDocumentId;
            contentlink.LinkedEntityId = email.Id;

            insert email;

I tried to use Email attach to attach an attachments, but nothing hopes to improve the coverage; And when I tried to use "ContentDocumentLink" it still doesn't help. 

Any one can help me to improve the coverage about entering the 'for' of ContentDocumentLink in my trigger?
I have a RESTful API that lets me update something.

Since this is an External User (A user is automatically created with a Personal Account). I wanna know why I cannot update User's username? If I update this, there'll be the error occuring:

10:38:10:978 USER_DEBUG [283]|DEBUG|=== User Updated Error ===Update failed. First exception on row 0 with id 0030m00000IztRaAAJ; first error: MIXED_DML_OPERATION, DML operation on setup object is not permitted after you have updated a non-setup object (or vice versa): Account, original object: User: []

Here're the codes:
public static CA_RSEUserResponse updateUserInfo(CA_RSEUserInfo rseUserInfo) {

    User u = null;
    CA_RSEUserResponse resp = new CA_RSEUserResponse();
    Savepoint sv = Database.setSavepoint();

    try {
        // 1. Update User
        u = [
                SELECT Username,Email,FirstName,LastName,Id,ContactId
                FROM User
                WHERE Id = :rseUserInfo.id
                LIMIT 1

        System.debug('=== User ID is ===' + rseUserInfo.id);
        System.debug('User Contact ID is ===' + u.ContactId);

        u.Username = rseUserInfo.email_address;
        u.Email = rseUserInfo.email_address;
        u.FirstName = rseUserInfo.first_name;
        u.LastName = rseUserInfo.last_name;
        update u;

        // 2. Find the related contact and fill in the info
        Contact foundContact = [
                SELECT LastName,FirstName,Birthdate,MailingCity,MailingState,
                FROM Contact
                WHERE Id = :u.ContactId
                LIMIT 1

        System.debug('Birth Year ==='+rseUserInfo.birth_year);

        foundContact.LastName = rseUserInfo.last_name;
        foundContact.FirstName = rseUserInfo.first_name;
        foundContact.Birthdate = rseUserInfo.birth_year;
        foundContact.MailingCity = rseUserInfo.city;
        foundContact.MailingState = rseUserInfo.state;
        foundContact.MailingPostalCode = rseUserInfo.zip;
        foundContact.Phone = rseUserInfo.mobile_phone;
        foundContact.CA_Subscription_Status__c = rseUserInfo.subscription_status;
        foundContact.CA_Gender__c = rseUserInfo.gender;
        foundContact.CA_Dependants__c = rseUserInfo.dependants;
        foundContact.CA_SkillLevel__c = rseUserInfo.skill_level;
        foundContact.CA_FavoriteCuisines__c = rseUserInfo.favorite_cuisines;
        foundContact.CA_RecipeDislikes__c = rseUserInfo.recipe_dislikes;
        foundContact.CA_RecipeLikes__c = rseUserInfo.recipe_favorites;
        foundContact.CA_Retailer__c = rseUserInfo.retailer;
        foundContact.CA_LanguagePreference__c = rseUserInfo.language_preference;
        foundContact.CA_EnjoymentLevel__c = rseUserInfo.enjoyment_level;
        foundContact.CA_RepeatFrequency__c = rseUserInfo.repeat_frequency;
        foundContact.CA_AdventureLevel__c = rseUserInfo.adventure_level;
        foundContact.CA_CreatedProfile__c = rseUserInfo.created_profile;
        foundContact.CA_CompletedProfile__c = rseUserInfo.completed_profile;
        foundContact.CA_HouseholdAdults__c = rseUserInfo.household_adults;
        update foundContact;

        resp.errorMsg = null;
        resp.content = rseUserInfo;
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        System.debug('=== User Updated Error ===' + ex.getMessage());
        rseUserInfo = null;

    return resp;
If I remove 'User.username = xxx' for update, everything is good……so why and how to update that?
I have created an EmailMessage, but I cannot fetch the name of the attachments through "EmailMessage.Attachments", so how? Any examples?
Hello all:

I tried to embed my own website's page with Salesforce, and I've deployed my static HTML page into Azure as an example , the codes look like this following (this is the WebSite's URL:https://salesforcehtmltest.azurewebsites.net/).
<!DOCTYPE html>

    <meta name="salesforce-community" content="https://dev-conagradev.cs65.force.com">
    <meta name="salesforce-client-id" content="3MVG9aFryxgomHTbDJ87BGyiOIOX.JQ_GDxC3h1i72cfZeP_Wm9dgVzNm31vXngKKGYRv665beVbQQL_Bdq9d">
    <meta name="salesforce-redirect-uri" content="https://loginwidget.herokuapp.com/latest/_callback.html">
    <meta name="salesforce-mode" content="modal">
    <meta name="salesforce-target" content="#salesforce-login">
    <meta name="salesforce-login-handler" content="onLogin">
    <meta name="salesforce-logout-handler" content="onLogout">
    <link href="https://dev-conagradev.cs65.force.com/readyseteat/servlet/servlet.loginwidgetcontroller?type=css"
        rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <script src="https://dev-conagradev.cs65.force.com/readyseteat/servlet/servlet.loginwidgetcontroller?type=javascript_widget"
        async defer></script>

        function onLogin(identity) {

            var targetDiv = document.querySelector(SFIDWidget.config.target);
            var img = document.createElement('img');
            img.src = identity.photos.thumbnail;
            img.className = "sfid-avatar";

            var username = document.createElement('span');
            username.innerHTML = identity.username;
            username.className = "sfid-avatar-name";

            var iddiv = document.createElement('div');
            iddiv.id = "sfid-identity";

            targetDiv.innerHTML = '';

        function onLogout() {



    <div id="salesforce-login" data-login-event="onLogin"></div>


2) Add this website into CORS:
User-added image
3) When I run the page on Azure, it still doesn't work……Why?
User-added image
As what I asked above, how can I do that in apex code?
Plz tell me step by step in codes.

PS:I didn't find profile about "Custom Community" profile?
The SCMI document is too simple and I cannot understand how to call it in details.....So how to do with that?

How can I create a User with SCMI and an Account?
How to link them together?
A very simple question,

Suppose I send a request to oauth (part of my codes are shown here):

    <script type="text/javascript">
        function login() {

            alert("Now you are going to log into Salesforce...");
            // According to the client_id, client_secret, you can directly
            // go to the Salesforce


    <button onclick="login()">Login To Salesforce</button>


I want to make it a Modal Popup, so can this be done?
Hi all,
I have several questions during my dev of customize self-registeration:

1) I've created a Community called "https://dev-conagradev.cs65.force.com/readyseteat",  but to my surprise is that there's a suffix "/s"……Why? I cannot remove that at all. How can I remove that?
User-added image

2) I entered the "builder" of that to select a self-registeration page (My selection is "SelRegister"——A lightning page with some components):
User-added image

But to my surprise——When I run the page I always receive an error (See the red below), why? I do nothing to do codes at all.
Even if I tried to do some alerts, I didn't see anything popped up to me?No alert dialog pops out?
User-added image

In my Server-side code, where to see "System.Debug"? I see nothing outputted in the Developer Console……
User-added image

Is there any full example of using SelfRegister page to implement your own registeration step by step? Thanks!
Hi all,

I created an Email template, with some fields binding such as {!Case.CaseNumber},……. My template looks like this following:
<table border="1" style="text-align:left;width:600">
            <th width="100%" colspan="4">Case: {!Case.CaseNumber}</th>
            <th width="100%" colspan="4">NOTES/VERBATIM:</th>
            <th width="25%">Case No:</th>
            <td width="25%">{!Case.CaseNumber}</td>
            <td width="25%">&nbsp;</td>
            <td width="25%">&nbsp;</td>
However, I have another customized object called "Note", So one Case may have 0 or many notes.

What puzzled me is that I want to dynamically generate rows in a table (one note one row dynamically).  So in my email template I have a token called "{notes}", what I want to do is to:

a) Get HtmlValue from the email template.
b) Use "String.Replace" to replace the fixed string "{notes}" with my own data.

But how to send email with that? You know that I've dynamically changed the email template and I don't want to make {!Case.CaseNumber} lost or something wrong.... So my final question is:

Is it possible to dynamically change the EmailTemplate (some part) but just keep its binding fields? Any good solutions or examples?
I have to use "window.confirm(……)" in the Lightning page to confirm, is there anything like "showToast" window in the Lightning or any other solutions?

You know that One Case has one Contact in default. But there's an interesting thing——

Here's my test class:
public class SampleTest {
    public static void testForMailingValidation() {

        Account newAccount = new Account();
        newAccount.Name = 'dongwei';
        insert newAccount;

        Contact newContact = new Contact();
        newContact.AccountId = newAccount.Id;
        newContact.Salutation = 'Mr.';
        newContact.LastName = 'TEST';
        newContact.Email = 'testLetter@pwc.com';
        newContact.MailingStreet = 'testStreet';
        newContact.MailingCity = 'testCity';
        newContact.MailingState = 'testState';
        newContact.MailingPostalCode = 'testPostalCode';
        newContact.MailingCountry = 'testCountry';
        insert newContact;

        System.debug('Test for mailing address===' + newContact.MailingAddress);  // why null?
        System.debug('Test for mailing MailingCity===' + newContact.MailingCity); // we have a real value 'testCity'

        Case newCase = new Case();
        newCase.ContactId = newContact.Id;
        insert newCase;

        List<Case> cases = [
                SELECT Contact.MailingCity
                FROM Case
                WHERE Id = :newCase.Id
                LIMIT 1
        // Why I got null here?
        System.debug('Test for mailing MailingCity after insert of Case===' + cases[0].Contact.MailingCity);

As my comment, I REALLY don't know what the relationship between MailingAddress and MailingCity,MailingPostCode……ect. 
To my surprise, why I get null if I want to fetch the value through the Contact from case???
How to solve that?
Hello all:
Suppose I have a Case and a Product. And the "Product" is One to Many Cases. So a Case has a "Lookup(Product)"  field referring to "Product".

Now If I write something like this in the Email Template:


When I save this template, I found the template will AUTOMATICALLY remove "SomeProductField", this means it seems the template ONLY leave the basic properties belonging to the Case itself.

So now my question is:
1)Does an email template not have a function to refer its parent or child properties' properties? (something like what I gave you in my example)?
2)So I have to use formular field to refer the parent field value in the Case and then refer this in the email template?

I have an EmailMessage trigger (after insert), I'll do some checks of attachments (Notice my attachments are of ContentDocumentLink!)
The code looks like this following:
private static void doNotAllowProfilesSendEmailsWithAttachments(List<EmailMessage> newMessages) {

        if (!validateCurrentUserRule()) {
            System.debug('====User without the permission===');
            String digitalSignature = [SELECT CA_Digital_Signature__c FROM User WHERE Id = :UserInfo.getUserId()][0].CA_Digital_Signature__c;
            Set<String> msgIdSet = new Set<String>();
            Map<String, Set<String>> attMap = new Map<String, Set<String>>();
            for(EmailMessage msg:newMessages){
            for(ContentDocumentLink cdl :[SELECT Id, LinkedEntityId, ContentDocumentId, ContentDocument.title FROM ContentDocumentLink where LinkedEntityId IN :msgIdSet]){
                    attMap.put(cdl.LinkedEntityId, new Set<string>());
            for(EmailMessage msg:newMessages){
                if(msg.Incoming == FALSE){
                    for(String title : attMap.get(msg.Id)){
                            msg.addError('You may not include an attachment in outbound emails.');
And then my Unit test is:
    public static void doNotAllowProfilesSendEmailsWithAttachments_TestWrong() {

        String[]emails = new String[]{
        Boolean isSentSuccessful = true;

        // Test when we attach an attachment with 'Stand User'
        Profile p = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE Name = 'Consumer Care Agent'];
        User u = new User(Alias = 'standt', Email = 'standarduser@testorg.com',
                EmailEncodingKey = 'UTF-8', LastName = 'Testing', LanguageLocaleKey = 'en_US',
                LocaleSidKey = 'en_US', ProfileId = p.Id,
                TimeZoneSidKey = 'America/Los_Angeles',
                UserName = 'standarduser_dongwei_test@testorg.com');


        System.runAs(u) {

            // Insert a new contact for inner search contact ID
            Contact newContact = new Contact();
            newContact.LastName = 'Last Name';
            insert newContact;

            // 1. Create a Document as an attachment
            Document doc = new Document();
            doc.Name = 'Test document';
            doc.Body = Blob.valueOf('Test me');
            doc.ContentType = 'text/plain';
            doc.Type = 'txt';
            doc.FolderId = UserInfo.getUserId();
            insert doc;

            // 2. Preparing to attach the attachment
            Messaging.EmailFileAttachment file = new Messaging.EmailFileAttachment();
            // Make this as an attachment
            file.Body = doc.Body;

            // 3. Successfully sent
            Map<String, String> replacers = new Map<String, String>();
            replacers.put('dongwei', '');
            isSentSuccessful = CA_Utility.sendSingleEmail(emails,
                    'Test', 'Test body',replacers, 'DongWei',
                    true, new Messaging.EmailFileAttachment[]{

            EmailMessage email = new EmailMessage();
            email.FromAddress = 'test@abc.org';
            email.Incoming = True;
            email.ToAddress = 'test@xyz.org';
            email.Subject = 'Test email';
            email.HtmlBody = 'Test email body';

            Blob beforeblob = Blob.valueOf('Unit Test Attachment Body');

            ContentVersion cv = new ContentVersion();
            cv.title = 'Bad Signature Here';
            cv.PathOnClient = 'test';
            cv.VersionData = beforeblob;
            insert cv;

            ContentVersion testContent = [SELECT id, ContentDocumentId FROM ContentVersion where Id = :cv.Id];

            ContentDocumentLink contentlink = new ContentDocumentLink();
            contentlink.LinkedEntityId = email.Id;
            contentlink.ShareType = 'V';
            contentlink.ContentDocumentId = testcontent.ContentDocumentId;
            contentlink.LinkedEntityId = email.Id;

            insert email;

I tried to use Email attach to attach an attachments, but nothing hopes to improve the coverage; And when I tried to use "ContentDocumentLink" it still doesn't help. 

Any one can help me to improve the coverage about entering the 'for' of ContentDocumentLink in my trigger?
I have a RESTful API that lets me update something.

Since this is an External User (A user is automatically created with a Personal Account). I wanna know why I cannot update User's username? If I update this, there'll be the error occuring:

10:38:10:978 USER_DEBUG [283]|DEBUG|=== User Updated Error ===Update failed. First exception on row 0 with id 0030m00000IztRaAAJ; first error: MIXED_DML_OPERATION, DML operation on setup object is not permitted after you have updated a non-setup object (or vice versa): Account, original object: User: []

Here're the codes:
public static CA_RSEUserResponse updateUserInfo(CA_RSEUserInfo rseUserInfo) {

    User u = null;
    CA_RSEUserResponse resp = new CA_RSEUserResponse();
    Savepoint sv = Database.setSavepoint();

    try {
        // 1. Update User
        u = [
                SELECT Username,Email,FirstName,LastName,Id,ContactId
                FROM User
                WHERE Id = :rseUserInfo.id
                LIMIT 1

        System.debug('=== User ID is ===' + rseUserInfo.id);
        System.debug('User Contact ID is ===' + u.ContactId);

        u.Username = rseUserInfo.email_address;
        u.Email = rseUserInfo.email_address;
        u.FirstName = rseUserInfo.first_name;
        u.LastName = rseUserInfo.last_name;
        update u;

        // 2. Find the related contact and fill in the info
        Contact foundContact = [
                SELECT LastName,FirstName,Birthdate,MailingCity,MailingState,
                FROM Contact
                WHERE Id = :u.ContactId
                LIMIT 1

        System.debug('Birth Year ==='+rseUserInfo.birth_year);

        foundContact.LastName = rseUserInfo.last_name;
        foundContact.FirstName = rseUserInfo.first_name;
        foundContact.Birthdate = rseUserInfo.birth_year;
        foundContact.MailingCity = rseUserInfo.city;
        foundContact.MailingState = rseUserInfo.state;
        foundContact.MailingPostalCode = rseUserInfo.zip;
        foundContact.Phone = rseUserInfo.mobile_phone;
        foundContact.CA_Subscription_Status__c = rseUserInfo.subscription_status;
        foundContact.CA_Gender__c = rseUserInfo.gender;
        foundContact.CA_Dependants__c = rseUserInfo.dependants;
        foundContact.CA_SkillLevel__c = rseUserInfo.skill_level;
        foundContact.CA_FavoriteCuisines__c = rseUserInfo.favorite_cuisines;
        foundContact.CA_RecipeDislikes__c = rseUserInfo.recipe_dislikes;
        foundContact.CA_RecipeLikes__c = rseUserInfo.recipe_favorites;
        foundContact.CA_Retailer__c = rseUserInfo.retailer;
        foundContact.CA_LanguagePreference__c = rseUserInfo.language_preference;
        foundContact.CA_EnjoymentLevel__c = rseUserInfo.enjoyment_level;
        foundContact.CA_RepeatFrequency__c = rseUserInfo.repeat_frequency;
        foundContact.CA_AdventureLevel__c = rseUserInfo.adventure_level;
        foundContact.CA_CreatedProfile__c = rseUserInfo.created_profile;
        foundContact.CA_CompletedProfile__c = rseUserInfo.completed_profile;
        foundContact.CA_HouseholdAdults__c = rseUserInfo.household_adults;
        update foundContact;

        resp.errorMsg = null;
        resp.content = rseUserInfo;
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        System.debug('=== User Updated Error ===' + ex.getMessage());
        rseUserInfo = null;

    return resp;
If I remove 'User.username = xxx' for update, everything is good……so why and how to update that?
I have created an EmailMessage, but I cannot fetch the name of the attachments through "EmailMessage.Attachments", so how? Any examples?
Hello all:

I tried to embed my own website's page with Salesforce, and I've deployed my static HTML page into Azure as an example , the codes look like this following (this is the WebSite's URL:https://salesforcehtmltest.azurewebsites.net/).
<!DOCTYPE html>

    <meta name="salesforce-community" content="https://dev-conagradev.cs65.force.com">
    <meta name="salesforce-client-id" content="3MVG9aFryxgomHTbDJ87BGyiOIOX.JQ_GDxC3h1i72cfZeP_Wm9dgVzNm31vXngKKGYRv665beVbQQL_Bdq9d">
    <meta name="salesforce-redirect-uri" content="https://loginwidget.herokuapp.com/latest/_callback.html">
    <meta name="salesforce-mode" content="modal">
    <meta name="salesforce-target" content="#salesforce-login">
    <meta name="salesforce-login-handler" content="onLogin">
    <meta name="salesforce-logout-handler" content="onLogout">
    <link href="https://dev-conagradev.cs65.force.com/readyseteat/servlet/servlet.loginwidgetcontroller?type=css"
        rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <script src="https://dev-conagradev.cs65.force.com/readyseteat/servlet/servlet.loginwidgetcontroller?type=javascript_widget"
        async defer></script>

        function onLogin(identity) {

            var targetDiv = document.querySelector(SFIDWidget.config.target);
            var img = document.createElement('img');
            img.src = identity.photos.thumbnail;
            img.className = "sfid-avatar";

            var username = document.createElement('span');
            username.innerHTML = identity.username;
            username.className = "sfid-avatar-name";

            var iddiv = document.createElement('div');
            iddiv.id = "sfid-identity";

            targetDiv.innerHTML = '';

        function onLogout() {



    <div id="salesforce-login" data-login-event="onLogin"></div>


2) Add this website into CORS:
User-added image
3) When I run the page on Azure, it still doesn't work……Why?
User-added image
A very simple question,

Suppose I send a request to oauth (part of my codes are shown here):

    <script type="text/javascript">
        function login() {

            alert("Now you are going to log into Salesforce...");
            // According to the client_id, client_secret, you can directly
            // go to the Salesforce


    <button onclick="login()">Login To Salesforce</button>


I want to make it a Modal Popup, so can this be done?
Hi all,
I have several questions during my dev of customize self-registeration:

1) I've created a Community called "https://dev-conagradev.cs65.force.com/readyseteat",  but to my surprise is that there's a suffix "/s"……Why? I cannot remove that at all. How can I remove that?
User-added image

2) I entered the "builder" of that to select a self-registeration page (My selection is "SelRegister"——A lightning page with some components):
User-added image

But to my surprise——When I run the page I always receive an error (See the red below), why? I do nothing to do codes at all.
Even if I tried to do some alerts, I didn't see anything popped up to me?No alert dialog pops out?
User-added image

In my Server-side code, where to see "System.Debug"? I see nothing outputted in the Developer Console……
User-added image

Is there any full example of using SelfRegister page to implement your own registeration step by step? Thanks!
I have to use "window.confirm(……)" in the Lightning page to confirm, is there anything like "showToast" window in the Lightning or any other solutions?