• Rahul Srivastava 44
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Hi All,
I have a requirements that I want to add Email Signature as image in mail. I have added my signature in 'My Email settings'. While sending email from opportunity I can see my image as signature but when I receive mail that image is not populating properly. Please find below signature task and let me know am I doing correct? 
User-added image
I am working on Group edition. I have a requirement that I have to configure duplicate rule for Lead object but in this edition we don't have option to create duplicate/ matching rule also we can't write triggers. Please let me know if any other option we have or any app-exchange app we have for duplicate management in group edition.
Onclick 'New opportunity' button under the account. We see 'Account Name' field prepopulate as in images below.
User-added image

My requirement is while clicking lookup button for account selection. It should show only the existing account or user cannot change the current populating account. If a user selects another account it should throw error. How can we achieve this?