• akanksha pandharkame 3
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Hello all,

I want to create custom actvity for journey in marketing cloud. I'm referring below links -




I followed these steps and build my code for Custom acyivity UI and config.json when I tried to host my code on heroku it throws me language error as heroku supports node.js, PHP, java etc languages.

Can someone support me with proper steps of cretaing CustomActivity.js code and Config.json code which I can host on heroku. Or if someone have came across such scenarios and have some help guide or links please do share.

Thanks in Advance!

Hello all, 
I have created email in marketing cloud, in email I have Email form, once client fills the details and submits the form I want to populate thank you message based on the client language.
I have created Interactive email page to achive this, but I'm not able to get URL parameters for language code in interactive email page.
Can anyone please help me with this.
Thanks in Advance!

Hi all,

I am integrating Outlook with Salesforce where in I am facing an issue when I am composing an email with attachment in it, I select the tab of Log Email on send but it doesn't display the attachment of the mail in salesforce.

 I am attaching an image which decpicts the exact sitauion I am facing.

Kindly reply if anyone has worked on the same.

Thank you in advance!
User-added image  

Hi all,
I have successfully integrated outlook with salesforce.but when I am creating an opportunity from outlook panel, It is throwing an error as 'Required field missing'. 
I have custom fields on opportunity which are required but those custom fields are not visible in the outlook panel. 
Kindly suggest how I can add these custom fields in the outlook panel.

Thank you in advance!