• kaustubh priy jaiswal
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Need a detail solution for this question without code. Is their any way to this by salesforce administration?
Create the picklist field, take the different value of the field.
When the picklist value is selected then render the section every time when the picklist value gets saved.
For example: If the picklist field is Game, Value will be cricket, football,...So if cricket is selected then show the new section name cricket in the page layout, and the same for other values.
I am attempting to complete the Execute SOQL and SOSL Queries in the Developer Console Basics module and the challenge is creating logs that have nothing to do with the SOSL inline query that is requested. I have executed the following code in the Execute anonymous window and the challenge still does not show as completed.
List<List<sObject>> searchList = [FIND 'Mission Control' IN ALL FIELDS 
                                  RETURNING Contact(FirstName, LastName,
                                  Phone, Email, Description)];
Contact[] searchContacts = (Contact[])searchList[0];

for (Contact c : searchContacts) {
   System.debug(c.LastName + ',' + c.FirstName);

So even with the above the challenge still returns with an error of:
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
Could not find the contact's name in the debug log. Be sure to run a query for your record, and to write your contact's name to the debug log using the System.debug() method.


I am Prasant.I am new to salesforce developemnet.I have learnet most of the salesforce concepts like Apex,triggers,API's and salesforce customization.I have practiced with varuous uses cases form this forum.However i still don't have experience of a full time project.So if any body can help me in this context.

Thanks in advance,
We have the following visualforce page for new Lead that uses an ActionSupport tag. The functionality is to rerender the Street name field to auto-populate the information based on the postal code information entered. The issue is that the page does a validation before submitting the information to server when user enters the postal code; and the auto-population of street name fails. But if all the madatory information is entered in the VF lead page like (Lead name,Company,Street Number,etc) before the request is submittied with the postal code, then it works fine and populates the rest of the address.
We also tried using the "immediate"  attribute of actionSupport tag byt setting it to false like this, but in vain.
Please find the attached VF page and Controller. This is the snippet of VF code that is having issues:
            <apex:inputField value="{!lead.Postal_Code__c}" required="true" id="postal_code">           
                 <apex:actionSupport event="onblur"   action="{!addressAutoPop}"  reRender="sname" immediate="true" />
             <apex:inputField id="snumber" value="{!lead.Street_Number__c}" required="true"/><b/>
                <apex:inputField id="sname" value="{!lead.Street_Name__c}" />           

Appreciate all your valuable feedbacks.

Thanks and regards
  • November 04, 2008
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