• Madhu Dk
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Hi All,

i want to mimic this condition in Flow

if(m.UserOrGroupID.getsObjectType() == Schema.User.sObjectType){

i am not getting the option to check 'getsObjectType' or Schema.User.sObjectType in my flow decission 

please can any one guide me on this.

Thank you.
Hi All,

I have to debug the lightning component design in salesforce1 app. but i can not do it.
So i used salesforce1 extension for chrome to debug.
when ever i open the Service appointament detail page in SF1 extension it loads clasic view.
i also tried devtools in chrome for mobile same thing happens.

can some one please let me know what am i doing worng. why it opens classic view in SF1extension and devtools mobile.
how to debug design related stuf.

Thank you.
Hi All

How to read/assign NewValue,OldValue from service appointment history object in a Flow.

In side the loop i am checking a condition
if(loopvar.NewValue == 'Travel'){

But when this executes it throws error
Formula result is data type (Object), incompatible with expected data type (Text)

i think loopvar.NewValue is returning a object.
But how to read/convert tha object to text type

Kindly help me out

Thank you.
Hi All,

i am working on Service Appointment History
i am fetching the record based on service appointment Id, Field is equal to Status, order by created date desc using Get Records.
next calling the loop
for every itteration i am checking a condition

when i run this check it gives error 

Error element ttttt (FlowDecision).
Formula result is data type (Object), incompatible with expected data type (Text).

1. GetRecords
Get SAH REcord
2. Loop
3. Decision

Hi All,
Need to give tabs in template.
I tried, but not able to select the other tab to drag drop the components.
Here is my code
<aura:component implements="lightning:recordHomeTemplate" description="Two tabs one for Tab1 and Tab2, Tab1  two section, left and righr. Tab 2 has one section">

    <aura:attribute name="header" type="Aura.Component[]" />
    <aura:attribute name="column1" type="Aura.Component[]" />
    <aura:attribute name="column2" type="Aura.Component[]" />
    <aura:attribute name="column3" type="Aura.Component[]" />
        <lightning:layout horizontalAlign="spread" pullToBoundary="small">
                        <lightning:layoutItem  flexibility="grow"
            <lightning:tabset variant="scoped">
                <lightning:tab label="Tab1" id="Tab1">
                    <lightning:layout horizontalAlign="spread" pullToBoundary="small">
                        <lightning:layoutItem size="8" flexibility="grow"
                        <lightning:layoutItem size="4" flexibility="grow"
                <lightning:tab onactive="{! c.handleActive }" label="Tab2" id="Tab2">
                    <lightning:layout horizontalAlign="spread" pullToBoundary="small">
                        <lightning:layoutItem flexibility="grow"
Kindly help me out.
Hi All,

i want to use my custome template.
<aura:component implements="lightning:recordHomeTemplate" description="3 column">
    <aura:attribute name="column1" type="Aura.Component[]" />
    <aura:attribute name="column2" type="Aura.Component[]" />
    <aura:attribute name="column3" type="Aura.Component[]" />
        <lightning:layout horizontalAlign="spread" pullToBoundary="small">
            <lightning:layoutItem size="4" flexibility="grow"
            <lightning:layoutItem size="4" flexibility="grow"
            <lightning:layoutItem size="4" flexibility="grow"


<design:component label="Two Tab Design">
    <flexipage:template >
      <flexipage:region name="column1" defaultWidth="Medium" />
      <flexipage:region name="column2" defaultWidth="Medium" />
      <flexipage:region name="column3" defaultWidth="Medium" />

i want to use this template in service appoiintment detail page, whose page type is Record Page.

Not getting where am i doing it wrong.
Please help me out.
Hi All,

I have created hybrid-remote app.
while running in xcode, i am getting this error


it says
Duplicate interface definition for class 'CDVPluginResult'
Duplicate interface definition for class 'CDVInvokedUrlCommand'
Redefinition of 'CDVCommandStatus'
Property has a previous declaration  and so on...

i guess while doing cordova prepare it is not building to native ios properly.

i did remove platform also,but same issue
Kindly help me out.
Hi All,

how to enable pull-down refresh in hybrid remote application.
Should i must do it on vf / lightning pages?

Kindly help me out

Thank you.

I wana hardcode the login url.
Right now i am adding it in change server.

Hi All,

This is the home page, here app header is not present.
this is sandbox community home page, no headers

 This is my production home page, here app header is present.
 What / where should i check in oreder to hide the app header.

app header is present

both are hybrid remote app, in sandbox i am getting default login but in production i guess they have custome login page.

Kindly help me out.

Hi All,

while using hybrid remote app, i am setting the server and logging in.
when i log out i am not redirected to same page from where i logged in.
what i must do to get the same page( where i have option to change server) after logging out ?

Thank you

i have created a hybrid-remote app it was working fine when i checked last time.
Today its not working fine.
After login, by the name of connected app it will ask for permission, after allowing, the app pops a link to open it using SF1 app or default browser.

Before it was not asking like this or it was opeinig in this way, it was directly taking to the respected page/view

i am using hybrid remote app, when i login i am getting toast message, which saya 'error:authenticatin error, please try again'.

i am building the app for android and running it in emulator.
forcehybrid version 7.3.0

Thank you

I am new to salesforce kindly help me out.
I am creating a hybrid remote app,
while creating, it asks to enter the start page for your app.
in the doc they have told, For start page, specify the relative URL of your Apex landing page—for example, apex/BasicVFPage.

i want to link the app to community in our org.
what will be the landing page, how to find out the landing page and its relative path.

Thank you.
How to keep user logged in all time?


I am using Android App, in which i am using WebView to open salesforce url.
After logging in, if i close app and open it after few hours (6hr) it will ask me to login again.
How to make it logged in all time.
Hi All,

i am working on Service Appointment History
i am fetching the record based on service appointment Id, Field is equal to Status, order by created date desc using Get Records.
next calling the loop
for every itteration i am checking a condition

when i run this check it gives error 

Error element ttttt (FlowDecision).
Formula result is data type (Object), incompatible with expected data type (Text).

1. GetRecords
Get SAH REcord
2. Loop
3. Decision

Hi All,

i want to use my custome template.
<aura:component implements="lightning:recordHomeTemplate" description="3 column">
    <aura:attribute name="column1" type="Aura.Component[]" />
    <aura:attribute name="column2" type="Aura.Component[]" />
    <aura:attribute name="column3" type="Aura.Component[]" />
        <lightning:layout horizontalAlign="spread" pullToBoundary="small">
            <lightning:layoutItem size="4" flexibility="grow"
            <lightning:layoutItem size="4" flexibility="grow"
            <lightning:layoutItem size="4" flexibility="grow"


<design:component label="Two Tab Design">
    <flexipage:template >
      <flexipage:region name="column1" defaultWidth="Medium" />
      <flexipage:region name="column2" defaultWidth="Medium" />
      <flexipage:region name="column3" defaultWidth="Medium" />

i want to use this template in service appoiintment detail page, whose page type is Record Page.

Not getting where am i doing it wrong.
Please help me out.
Hi All,

This is the home page, here app header is not present.
this is sandbox community home page, no headers

 This is my production home page, here app header is present.
 What / where should i check in oreder to hide the app header.

app header is present

both are hybrid remote app, in sandbox i am getting default login but in production i guess they have custome login page.

Kindly help me out.


i am using hybrid remote app, when i login i am getting toast message, which saya 'error:authenticatin error, please try again'.

i am building the app for android and running it in emulator.
forcehybrid version 7.3.0

Thank you

I am new to salesforce kindly help me out.
I am creating a hybrid remote app,
while creating, it asks to enter the start page for your app.
in the doc they have told, For start page, specify the relative URL of your Apex landing page—for example, apex/BasicVFPage.

i want to link the app to community in our org.
what will be the landing page, how to find out the landing page and its relative path.

Thank you.
How to keep user logged in all time?


I am using Android App, in which i am using WebView to open salesforce url.
After logging in, if i close app and open it after few hours (6hr) it will ask me to login again.
How to make it logged in all time.
I am trying to access one of my Customer Community pages and I can not access it from the Header bar. I can access it from SF "Communitites" "All Communitites" I can access "Mannage" and Builder from there. 
Why do I get the above error when trying to access it from the Global header area?

Any help greatly appreciated.
Adeline Moore