• lakshmi prasanna 84
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this is because , we havenot added the Object to the Queue , go to Queues and add the custom object into the list of selected objects ,then it will workUser-added imageUser-added image
this is because , we havenot added the Object to the Queue , go to Queues and add the custom object into the list of selected objects ,then it will workUser-added imageUser-added image
this is because , we havenot added the Object to the Queue , go to Queues and add the custom object into the list of selected objects ,then it will workUser-added imageUser-added image
Hi, I have completed the test class for the Test Automation logic  challenge. Both my trigger and helper class are getting 100% covered. But the challenge is not complted due to the following error:

Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The 'MaintenanceRequestHelper' class did not achieve 100% code coverage via your test methods. Make sure that you chose 'Run All' tests in the Developer Console at least once before attempting to verify this challenge.

Can some one point me in the right direction to move forward with the badge completion. TIA !!!
I keep getting this error for the below challenge:

Error: Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The 'Phone__x' external object is not correctly setup with an indirect relationship to the User standard object.

The mobile phones being tracked by an external application are used by specific users in your Salesforce instance. Create an indirect lookup relationship between the 'Phone' External Object and the 'User' standard object.
  • Create an OData 2.0 external data source with 'Mobile Devices' as the label, 'Mobile_Devices' as the name, and this URL: https://phone-odata-demo.herokuapp.com/devices.svc/. Note: If you have completed the previous challenge in this module ('Setting up Lightning Connect'), the External Data Source should already exist in your Developer Edition.
  • Add a new 'Phone UUID' custom field on the User standard object with the resulting API name of 'Phone_UUID__c'. The field should be of type 'Text' and marked as 'Unique' and 'External ID'.
  • Change the 'UUID' field on the 'Phone__x' external object to be an indirect lookup relationship to the 'User' standard object. Use the 'Phone_UUID__c' field as the matching key for this indirect lookup relationship.
  • Update any existing User record in your Developer Edition instance to have a value of '0000123442' for the 'Phone_UUID__c' field.
This is a screenshot of the custom user field:

User-added image

Here is the UUID field:
User-added image

What am I doing wrong?

I am trying to deploy one class which has implemented Schedulable interface.

But when I try to deploy it using ANT I am getting the following error :

"Schedulable class has jobs pending or in progress".


I am waiting for this to get resolved since more than 48 hrs and it doesn't seem to resolve.

What can be done in such case? How to deploy it to production? I tried to deploy by making packages but could not since the components in the package already exist in production and gives an error when I unzip the package. Please suggest what can be done in this situation.

  • March 26, 2010
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