• Stephen Lee 44
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Is it possible to make  Knowledge or Articles visually look like various hierarchically structured document repos? I love how easy Vuepress is to set up and i've seen MadCap talked about in previous posts. Just curious if there is some out of the box solution to emulate those 2 platforms.. or easier still.. how can we make our Lightning Community help section look like help.salesforce.com ? With that cool side navbar!

Basically get this error:

'{0}' isn't a valid contentBodyId.:source

Whenever i try to Create Content in a Workspace and select Document. Tried this with various PDFs (large and small) as well as a Word Doc. All share the  same repros and errors


Is there a tool set or external component on the App Exchange that can basically convert an External Service (and it's actions) into something human readible that you can drop into a Community Page? That would render something so that end-users could see the External Service Actions and understand what's supported?

Secondary question is.. is there anything like a Redocly plugin that could be dropped into a Community Page to accomplish the same documentation goal?


I really need to know if there is a stack trace for when I Add an External Service.. i keep getting an error: ui.services.connection.api.ToolingConnectionException: com.sforce.ws.ConnectionException: Exception occurred in direct soap call

and i need to know more information about it. But i don't full understand how to capture the error or it.s stack trace,

I tried turning on Debug Logs in Classic Service Mode, but that didn't work.
Basically I want to display the External Service on a community landing page, or in a Knowledge article or some other human-readable document such that users can be aware that the External Service has GET methods and what properties are required to use the service.

I really need to know if there is a stack trace for when I Add an External Service.. i keep getting an error: ui.services.connection.api.ToolingConnectionException: com.sforce.ws.ConnectionException: Exception occurred in direct soap call

and i need to know more information about it. But i don't full understand how to capture the error or it.s stack trace,

I tried turning on Debug Logs in Classic Service Mode, but that didn't work.