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The app requires a purchase, user then receives a URL for installation.

I'm trying to figure out how much the app costs? Any information about that?



regarding full sandboxes, documentation:

"Only Full sandboxes support performance testing, load testing, and staging"

https://help.salesforce.com/s/articleView?id=sf.create_test_instance.htm&type=5 (https://help.salesforce.com/s/articleView?id=sf.create_test_instance.htm&type=5)

What is performance testing, load testing and staging and how to perform them in Salesforce?

"Use the with sharing keyword when declaring a class to enforce sharing rules of the current user."

Does it also enforce other ways of sharing?

"However, if a controller extension extends a standard controller, the logic from the standard controller does not execute in system mode. Instead, it executes in user mode, in which the permissions, field-level security, and sharing rules of the current user apply."

Does this mean that all code used from Standard Controller and Controller Extension run in User mode, or only Standard Controller runs in User Mode and Controller Extension runs in system mode?

I would like to extend my Standard Controller with a Controller Extension but execute the code in my Controller Extension in USER MODE.

Hey guys, 

on the official site for Salesforce Admin Certification is this point:
  • Given a scenario, identify the capabilities and implications of the sales process. (for example: sales process, opportunity, path, and forecast impact.)
What exactly is forecast impact? Is it the same as Collaborative Forecasting? 
I need to achieve this:

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So far I achieved this:

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In my datatable, I am using this to set the columns of the component:
component.set('v.columns', [
            //  {label: 'Id', fieldName: 'Id', type: 'text' , editable: true, hidden: true},
            {label: 'First Name', fieldName: 'FirstName', type: 'text', editable: true},
            {label: 'Last Name', fieldName: 'LastName', type: 'text', editable: true},
            {label: 'Email', fieldName: 'Email', type: 'email', editable: true},
            {label: 'Phone', fieldName: 'Phone', type: 'phone', editable: true},

But it does not do the trick. Is there a workaround, for example using a standard html datatable?
I have two components. First component has Next button in the footer (bottom right corner). I want to implement such functionality that when a user clicks that next button, the first component is closed and a second is open.

I am using Lightning Components (not LWC!). I tried using Navigation API but I haven't figured it out so far.

I want it to work the very same when when you add products to a Quote (first you choose products from Price Book, then you click next and choose the values of the products and click Save - two sreen component).

Anyone has got a clue how to do this?

could anyone guide me regarding Lightning Components with multiple screens?

Example: I open the component using a Quick Actions. In the window a put some information inside input field and click a NEXT button in the bottom right corner. Then a new component window opens up and the old is hidden. In the new component window there is some data displayed based on what was information was put in in the first screen.

How to achieve this?
I am trying to figure out how to customize access to a File. Salesforce Lightning UI has an option how to manually do it:

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But so far I haven't been able to find a Share object for ContentDocument. There is only ContentDocumentLink, but this link a File to a record, not to a user. Which object represents the above example of File access customization?

let's say that I have an Account A with External ID '123'.

I have 10 payments with field Account External ID - each payment = 1 record.

I want to import these 10 payments and they all have the Account External Id equal to '123', so they should map to the Account A via a lookup.

How do I do that?
Users are able to show other users' calendars using Add Calendar in Other Calendars section. Events are then shown in the Calendar, but clicking on them does not open the detail of a Calendar Event. No error message either, just nothing happens.

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How to fix this?
Hi, Trailhead offers just a little bit of integrations. If I wanted to become a skilled person in integrations, what course should I buy and study? What worked for you?
My formula counts the number of months between two dates and by divides a currency field by that number to get an average/month result.

What works:

Currency field

Number of months between two dates
((YEAR(EndDate__c) - YEAR(StartDate__c ))*12) + (MONTH(EndDate__c) - MONTH(StartDate__c ))

What does not work and needs to work:

Currency field divided by number of months between two dates
(Fee__c / ((YEAR(EndDate__c) - YEAR(StartDate__c ))*12) + (MONTH(EndDate__c) - MONTH(StartDate__c )))

My last formula does not compute anything - the field remains blank. Why is that? How to solve that?

I managed to import less than 50 000 records using Data Loader to my sandbox. Why is it so? Does the minimum of 50 000 apply only for production orgs?

I am trying to display some more fields of records that are shown in a lookup. It works for me when I am editing a record, but when I am creating a record, it just shows only name of the record:

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I changed the search layout of the Stage record, but it did not help. Is it even possible?

Hi, what happened after sun API retires? Let's say that I made a batch apex class 5 years ago and the API is 22.0. Then the API is about to expire. Do I have to change my code? What if I don't change it. Will it stop working? :) Does it mean that we all will have to update our code after some time, because the API will expire?
Hi, I am trying to mention a record in a Chatter via Process Builder.

So far I've tried:


DOes not work... how?

I tried setting up an automatic Chatter notification from Approval Process as a Final Approval action.

 I only see Field Update, Task, Outbound Message and Email Alert options. Is it possible to send a Chatter notification (like a message with @mention) to a user?

trigger always runs in system mode.


But what if the trigger calls a method from a class which has "with sharing" or "without sharing defined"?

I did my own tests and it seems that if the method is called from a trigger, even the method executes in system mode, so it does not matter if it is "with" or "without sharing", once it is called from a trigger, it always runs in system mode.

Yes or no?

I am trying to display some more fields of records that are shown in a lookup. It works for me when I am editing a record, but when I am creating a record, it just shows only name of the record:

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I changed the search layout of the Stage record, but it did not help. Is it even possible?

trigger always runs in system mode.


But what if the trigger calls a method from a class which has "with sharing" or "without sharing defined"?

I did my own tests and it seems that if the method is called from a trigger, even the method executes in system mode, so it does not matter if it is "with" or "without sharing", once it is called from a trigger, it always runs in system mode.

Yes or no?
Hello, due to a major production udpate I need to remotely log off all users who are logged into a Field Service Mobile application.

Is there a simple way how to do this, or do I have to revoke all users OAuth connections to the app? 

my org has about 40 users that I need to log out from their applications. This means that I need to revoke all their OAuth connections:

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There are about 120 connections to revoke. I can not do that manually, it would take too much time. According to documentation, I can make a Post request to revoke an OAuth connection:


I managed to obtain all the OAuth ids, but how do I now make a POST callout according to the documentation to delete them all? Could anyone give me a sample code? This would really help. Thanks.

I have a user with Partner Community license. My goal is to set up the navigation menu of the community in such way that through this menu users can access Service Appointment lists the same way a standard user can open the Service Appointment tab and choose any available record in the list view.

Problem is that the user does not see the list view after clicking on navigation menu item. It throws an error.

Admin preview:

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What Partner Community user sees:

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Profile settings of Partner Community user profile:

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Tabs are also enabled for all objects:

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What is the problem?
Hey, I am studying for developer II cert and I ran into a peculiar thing.

my test class does NOT trigger mixed DML error, although I am inserting setup and non-setup objects. Why not? My code:
public class UpdateAccountNameTest {
    public static void test1(){
        Profile prfl = [Select Id, Name from Profile where name ='System Administrator'];
        Account acc = new Account();
        acc.Name = 'test';
        insert acc;
        Custom_Object1__c a = new Custom_Object1__c();
        a.Name = 'testAccount';
        insert a;
        User usr2 = new User();
        usr2.LastName = 'setup1';
        usr2.Username = 'test1@test123.net';
        usr2.Email = 'tes1t@test123.net';
        usr2.Alias = 'Test1';
        usr2.CommunityNickname = 'Test1';
        usr2.TimeZoneSidKey = 'Europe/Prague';
        usr2.LocaleSidKey = 'cs_CZ';
        usr2.EmailEncodingKey = 'UTF-8';
        usr2.ProfileId = prfl.Id;
        usr2.LanguageLocaleKey = 'en_US';
        usr2.IsActive = true;
        insert usr2;     

Trying to create data with a custom LastModifiedDate value for testing purpose. So far these things I've tried don't work:
  1. Using Test.loadData - although Salesforce provided us with information about setting custom value of LastModifiedDate, this does not seem to work even when following the tutorial. Link: https://help.salesforce.com/articleView?id=000332070&type=1&mode=1 (https://help.salesforce.com/articleView?id=000332070&type=1&mode=1)
  2. Using JSON.deserialize - also does not work - copied the sample code and tried the same method, it shows errors. Link: https://help.salesforce.com/articleView?id=000332070&type=1&mode=1 (https://help.salesforce.com/articleView?id=000332070&type=1&mode=1)
  3. Setting CratedDate through Test.setCreatedDate(recordId, createdDatetime) method - I hoped the LastModifiedBy field would have changed with it, it does not.

Is there any other WORKING way how to set LastModifiedDate of a record? 
Hey whatsup,

what does this mean?
Product2 pro;
            if ((pro = (Product2)Tools.findRecordByValue(pros, 'Id', rec.Product2Id)) != null) {
... some code here

Tools is a class I have a method called findRecordByValue, but WHAT IS THIS????
Why is (Product2) before the Tools method???

Can someone give me a link to explanation about what this is? It seems like a java fundamental thing.

Hello, I have two record types: X1 and X2

Controling picklist: Type has values 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Dependent picklist: Subtype has A, B, C, D, E

For record type X1 I need the Subtype value to equal A if Type equals value 1.
For record type X2 I need the Subtype alue to equal B if Type equals value 1.

Is this possible in any way or do I have to create twice as much values in Type field availible only for some record types?

I have sharing settings for Accounts/Contracts set to Read/View,
Contacts are set to Inherits from Parent,
User has CRED on Profile for Account and Contact.

Yet he can not see a Contact, where is the problem?
Hello, I have a code. I created fields on Account for trigger.old and trigger.new. They are always identical. How come?

The trigger works as a roll-up summary, but the values are not up-to-date when retrieving them via query.
trigger AggregateOrderAmount on Order (after insert, before update, after delete, after undelete) {
    Set<ID> setID = new Set<ID>();
    List<Account> lstAcc = new List<Account>();
    double val;
    for(integer i = 0; i<Trigger.New.Size(); i++){
        val = (trigger.new[i].TotalAmount - trigger.old[i].TotalAmount);
    if(trigger.isinsert || trigger.isundelete){
        for(order o : trigger.new){
    else if(trigger.isDelete){
        for(order o : trigger.old){
    else if(trigger.isUpdate){
         for(order o : trigger.new){
            if(o.AccountId != null){
                if(trigger.oldmap.get(o.id).AccountId != o.AccountId){
    if(setid.size() > 0){
        lstAcc = [Select id,Order_Sum__c, val1__c, val2__c,(Select id,TotalAmount from Orders) from Account where id IN : setID];
    for(Account acc : lstAcc){
        for(Order ord : acc.Orders){
            val += ord.TotalAmount;
             for(integer i = 0; i<Trigger.New.Size(); i++){
            acc.val1__c = trigger.new[i].TotalAmount;
            acc.val2__c = trigger.old[i].TotalAmount;
        acc.Order_Sum__c = val;
    update lstAcc;

Hey guys, I installed VSCode, authorized my developer sandbox and retrieved all metadata including objects and fields. Yet those field names do not autopopulate as you can see on the screenshot. Is there a way to fix this? Thank you alot. If your answer fixes my problem I will mark it as the best answer.
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