• Raphael Bendenoun
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We are using Einstein Activty capute to link our gmail to Salesforce and especially the Calendars. 
We would like to be able to relate an Event to an opportunity. 
If we created the event ==> Good we can relate it 
if someone invited us to the meeting ==> the event is like read only mode 

How can we relate those to the desired opportunity ? 
Hi Friends,
I have a custom field defined as a picklist. 
I would like to set the values of my picklist based on a SOQL query on List view. 
That way my users will be able to assign an opportunity to a specific list view.

how could I do that using apex ? 
Hi Friends,
I created a digital Experience website for my community user and I would like to give them the ability to Download and view document that are in a library.

how can I give access to those community users ? 

thx you
Hi Guys, 
I am building an experience website for my community and I would like to give them the ability to view and download some files. 

I created a library in my files and added a file there
I then added a component in my experience Website. 

however I get: 
User-added image

How can I get my community user to view the file ? 

Thx you very much  

Hi Friends, 
I am working on a LWC that contain a data table. 
My data table beiing with a large number of columns, I decided to enable the class slds-scrollable which now contain the table within the div
Have a look:
User-added image

In my component I have an edit mode, that when clicked replace the fields with combobox. 

My issue as you can see in the picture is that the combox when click is not really visible. Because the slds-scrollable add a paramerer of overflow Hidden so I cannot see it. 

If I change it to overflow Visible then the combobox is visible but on scroll ONLY have a look: 

User-added image

if I delete the slds-scrolable then my table go outside of the div .. but the combobox is behaving alright with overflow visible

User-added image

Please help me !! How can I have my table scrolable on X within my div and in the same time having my combobox behaving in the right way with overflow visible 

Hi Friends I am using the lightning Channel message in order to make two LWC talk one to another. The behaviour is very simple the first component has 3 picklists and the second component should display the ID of the selected item

User-added imageI manage to make it work when the user change the picklist but I do not manage to make it work on the component are loaded and the default value is displayed

Another thing .. for some reason when I selected another picklist the ID value in the other disapear.. 

Could you please help me with those two issues ? please ? 

Here is my code : 
component 1 JS:

import { LightningElement,wire} from 'lwc';
import getRegion from '@salesforce/apex/PicklistHelper.getRegion';
import getCountry from '@salesforce/apex/PicklistHelper.getCountry';
import getMarket from '@salesforce/apex/PicklistHelper.getMarket';
import {publish, MessageContext} from 'lightning/messageService';
import RegionmessageChannel from '@salesforce/messageChannel/MarketMC__c';

export default class FilterPanel extends LightningElement {

    retrieveRegion({error, data}){
        let tempArray = []
        let tempDefaultValueList = []
            for(let key in data){
                tempArray.push({label:data[key], value:key}); 
        this.regionOptionsList = tempArray;
        this.selectedRegion = tempDefaultValueList[0];


        const payload = { regionID: tempDefaultValueList[0]};
        publish(this.messageContext, RegionmessageChannel, payload);

        this.selectedRegion = event.target.value;
        const payload = { regionID: this.selectedRegion};
        publish(this.messageContext, RegionmessageChannel, payload);

    @wire(getCountry, {RegionId: '$selectedRegion'})
    retrieveCountry({error, data}){
        let CountrytempArray = []
        let countryTempDefaultList = []
            for(let key in data){
                CountrytempArray.push({label:data[key], value:key}); 
        this.countryOptionsList = CountrytempArray;
        this.selectedCountry = countryTempDefaultList[0]

        this.selectedCountry = event.target.value;
        const payload = { countryID: this.selectedCountry};
        publish(this.messageContext, RegionmessageChannel, payload);

    @wire(getMarket, {CountryId: '$selectedCountry'})
    retrieveMarket({error, data}){
        let MarketempArray = []
        let marketTempDefaultList = []
            for(let key in data){
                MarketempArray.push({label:data[key], value:key}); 
        this.marketOptionsList = MarketempArray;
        this.selectedMarket = marketTempDefaultList[0]

        this.selectedMarket = event.target.value;
        const payload = { marketID: this.selectedMarket};
        publish(this.messageContext, RegionmessageChannel, payload);



Component 2 JS: 

import { LightningElement, api, wire } from 'lwc';
import { subscribe, MessageContext, APPLICATION_SCOPE } from 'lightning/messageService';
import RegionmessageChannel from '@salesforce/messageChannel/MarketMC__c';

export default class InlineDataTablePropertyQualification extends LightningElement {

    subscription = null;

    subscribeToMessageChannel() {
        if (!this.subscription) {
            this.subscription = subscribe(
                (message) => this.handleMessage(message),
                { scope: APPLICATION_SCOPE }

    handleMessage(message) {
        this.SelectedRegionID = message.regionID;
        this.SelectedCountryID = message.countryID;
        this.SelectedMarketID = message.marketID;

    connectedCallback() {

my XML:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<LightningMessageChannel xmlns="http://soap.sforce.com/2006/04/metadata">
    <description>This chanel get the makrket ID selected in the Project management filter component</description>
        <description>Gewt the region ID</description>
        <description>Get the country ID</description>
        <description>Get the market ID</description>
    <masterLabel>Market ID from filter component</masterLabel>


Hi Friends, 
I am trying to use the Lightning Message Chanel and deploy it to my sandbox but every time I do so I get an error message that have no idea how to interpret 

=== Deploy Errors
───────────────────────────────────────────────────── ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
force-app/main/default/lwc/filterPanel/filterPanel.js No MODULE named markup://c:childLWC found : [markup://c:filterPanel]

here is my JS code 
import { LightningElement, wire } from 'lwc';
import getRegion from '@salesforce/apex/PicklistHelper.getRegion';
import getCountry from '@salesforce/apex/PicklistHelper.getCountry';
import getMarket from '@salesforce/apex/PicklistHelper.getMarket';
import { publish, subscribe, unsubscribe, APPLICATION_SCOPE, MessageContext } from 'lightning/messageService';
import recordSelected from "@salesforce/messageChannel/MarketMC__c";

export default class FilterPanel extends LightningElement {

    retrieveRegion({error, data}){
        let tempArray = []
        let tempDefaultValueList = []
            for(let key in data){
                tempArray.push({label:data[key], value:key}); 
        this.regionOptionsList = tempArray;
        this.selectedRegion = tempDefaultValueList[0];
        const payload  = {regionID: selectedRegion};
        publish(this.messageContext, recordSelected, payload);

        this.selectedRegion = event.target.value;
        const payload  = {regionID: selectedRegion};
        publish(this.messageContext, recordSelected, payload);

    @wire(getCountry, {RegionId: '$selectedRegion'})
    retrieveCountry({error, data}){
        let CountrytempArray = []
        let countryTempDefaultList = []
            for(let key in data){
                CountrytempArray.push({label:data[key], value:key}); 
        this.countryOptionsList = CountrytempArray;
        this.selectedCountry = countryTempDefaultList[0]

        this.selectedCountry = event.target.value;

    @wire(getMarket, {CountryId: '$selectedCountry'})
    retrieveMarket({error, data}){
        let MarketempArray = []
        let marketTempDefaultList = []
            for(let key in data){
                MarketempArray.push({label:data[key], value:key}); 
        this.marketOptionsList = MarketempArray;
        this.selectedMarket = marketTempDefaultList[0]

        this.selectedMarket = event.target.value;



We are using the Salesforce Api to order to create new contacts on Salesforce and one of the field is a rich-text and is able to receive HTML We are trying to format this field as a list as in the following example:
"country": "Algeria",
"description": "<<ul><li>Description: Broker</li><li>Additional Notes: Hi how are you</li><li>Property Name: none</li><li>Property Address: none</li><li>City: None</li><li>Current Use: Land</li><li>Interested In: Renting the property</li><li>Asking Price: 500</li><li>Currency: AWG</li></ul>",
"email": "jojojo@gmail.com",
"firstName": "Johnnny",
"lastName": "Doee",
"web_to_lead": true
The contact is well sent to salesforce but the description instead of being displayed that way:
  • Description: Broker
  • Additional Notes: Hi how are you
  • Property Name: none
  • Property Address: none
  • City: None
  • Current Use: Land
  • Interested In: Renting the property
  • Asking Price: 500
  • Currency: AWG
it is display as a string in the following way: Descrption: Broker - Additional Notes: hi how are you - Property Name: none - .........

Any idea how could I keep the desired HTML format? 

Hi all, 
I have a custom object "Custom1" on which we added an Approval process. The process is easy when the object is approved by the approver then I have a Final Approval Actions that is set to update a field in "Custom1" Called is_approved ( True/False - Checkbox)

Then using a Flow builder I set that if the field is is_approved: True then it should trigger the flow that will update a field in many records linked to "Custom1"

For some reason, the Flow Builder is not triggered when it happens after the approval process. However, if I edit the field is_approved to TRUE manually then the flow is triggered 

Could you please help me to trigger it after the approval process?


FYI: User-added image


Hi Friends,
For some reason, my Activities on the lead and campaign Object are only read-only on specific Record ID 

For example for my campaign, I have three different record ID, let say A, B, C and only B have the ability the other have the Activitiy component as Read Only 

Any idea on how to enable for each Record ID ? 

User-added imageAs you can see in the picture, User were able to do it before.. 
But for some reason it stoped working .. 

Hi Friends, 
I am trying to customize the log in page of my company Salesforce, 
I created an URL on our servers, making sure it was HTTPS
I added the URL  in Setup > MyDomain> Right frame

The picture is displayed .. but not responsive. which means that it does not look good on small screen and does not look good on bigger screen as well 

Could you please help ? How Can I make that picture responsive
Thx you

Hi all,

I am quite new to Salesforce, trying to understand how to customize it to my company's needs. 
My goal is to be able to define teams, 
I understood that teams are defined by roles. and if a Manager user is assigned to a specific role "Manager" he will be able to see everything shared by users assigned to roles beneath that 'Manager'

my question is the following: If two managers share the same role "Manager" will they be able to see everything that is related to the other Manager in addition to the users beneath the 'Manager' Role? 

how can I achieve it ? 
Thx you very much 

Hi Friends, 
I am working on a LWC that contain a data table. 
My data table beiing with a large number of columns, I decided to enable the class slds-scrollable which now contain the table within the div
Have a look:
User-added image

In my component I have an edit mode, that when clicked replace the fields with combobox. 

My issue as you can see in the picture is that the combox when click is not really visible. Because the slds-scrollable add a paramerer of overflow Hidden so I cannot see it. 

If I change it to overflow Visible then the combobox is visible but on scroll ONLY have a look: 

User-added image

if I delete the slds-scrolable then my table go outside of the div .. but the combobox is behaving alright with overflow visible

User-added image

Please help me !! How can I have my table scrolable on X within my div and in the same time having my combobox behaving in the right way with overflow visible 

Hi Friends, 
I am trying to use the Lightning Message Chanel and deploy it to my sandbox but every time I do so I get an error message that have no idea how to interpret 

=== Deploy Errors
───────────────────────────────────────────────────── ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
force-app/main/default/lwc/filterPanel/filterPanel.js No MODULE named markup://c:childLWC found : [markup://c:filterPanel]

here is my JS code 
import { LightningElement, wire } from 'lwc';
import getRegion from '@salesforce/apex/PicklistHelper.getRegion';
import getCountry from '@salesforce/apex/PicklistHelper.getCountry';
import getMarket from '@salesforce/apex/PicklistHelper.getMarket';
import { publish, subscribe, unsubscribe, APPLICATION_SCOPE, MessageContext } from 'lightning/messageService';
import recordSelected from "@salesforce/messageChannel/MarketMC__c";

export default class FilterPanel extends LightningElement {

    retrieveRegion({error, data}){
        let tempArray = []
        let tempDefaultValueList = []
            for(let key in data){
                tempArray.push({label:data[key], value:key}); 
        this.regionOptionsList = tempArray;
        this.selectedRegion = tempDefaultValueList[0];
        const payload  = {regionID: selectedRegion};
        publish(this.messageContext, recordSelected, payload);

        this.selectedRegion = event.target.value;
        const payload  = {regionID: selectedRegion};
        publish(this.messageContext, recordSelected, payload);

    @wire(getCountry, {RegionId: '$selectedRegion'})
    retrieveCountry({error, data}){
        let CountrytempArray = []
        let countryTempDefaultList = []
            for(let key in data){
                CountrytempArray.push({label:data[key], value:key}); 
        this.countryOptionsList = CountrytempArray;
        this.selectedCountry = countryTempDefaultList[0]

        this.selectedCountry = event.target.value;

    @wire(getMarket, {CountryId: '$selectedCountry'})
    retrieveMarket({error, data}){
        let MarketempArray = []
        let marketTempDefaultList = []
            for(let key in data){
                MarketempArray.push({label:data[key], value:key}); 
        this.marketOptionsList = MarketempArray;
        this.selectedMarket = marketTempDefaultList[0]

        this.selectedMarket = event.target.value;




Hi all, 
I have a custom object "Custom1" on which we added an Approval process. The process is easy when the object is approved by the approver then I have a Final Approval Actions that is set to update a field in "Custom1" Called is_approved ( True/False - Checkbox)

Then using a Flow builder I set that if the field is is_approved: True then it should trigger the flow that will update a field in many records linked to "Custom1"

For some reason, the Flow Builder is not triggered when it happens after the approval process. However, if I edit the field is_approved to TRUE manually then the flow is triggered 

Could you please help me to trigger it after the approval process?


FYI: User-added image


Hi Friends, 
I am trying to customize the log in page of my company Salesforce, 
I created an URL on our servers, making sure it was HTTPS
I added the URL  in Setup > MyDomain> Right frame

The picture is displayed .. but not responsive. which means that it does not look good on small screen and does not look good on bigger screen as well 

Could you please help ? How Can I make that picture responsive
Thx you

Hi all,

I am quite new to Salesforce, trying to understand how to customize it to my company's needs. 
My goal is to be able to define teams, 
I understood that teams are defined by roles. and if a Manager user is assigned to a specific role "Manager" he will be able to see everything shared by users assigned to roles beneath that 'Manager'

my question is the following: If two managers share the same role "Manager" will they be able to see everything that is related to the other Manager in addition to the users beneath the 'Manager' Role? 

how can I achieve it ? 
Thx you very much