• Eric Latreille 8
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I am using an example of the dynamic table where you can add and remove rows from a LWC. I was able to create a dynamic header (with Start through End Date), create dynamic input fields under each element of the header and also add and remove rows. Now I need to map the dynamic input fields to the right fields to create multiple records. See below image:
In that example, it will create 4 records where the first will be Invoice April, the total amount will be 6200$ and it will also create 2 child records where the first one will be SEM | Adwords | 1200 and the second one will be FACEBOOK | Content | 5000$
The Second record will be Invoice May  for a total amount of 1200$ and with only one child record called SEM | Adwords | 1200 and so is the third and forth records.
My HTML Code:
<template for:each={contentArray} for:item="field" for:index="index">
                        <tr key={keyIndex}>
                            <td scope="col">
                            <template for:each={headerArray} for:item="field" for:index="index">
                                <td key={field.Index} scope="col">    
                                    <lightning-input data-index={index} access-key={index} id={index} type='text' value={field.Index} onchange={changeHandler}>
                            <td scope="col">
                                <lightning-icon icon-name="action:delete"  access-key={index} id={index} alternative-text="Click to Call" size="small" title="large size" onclick={removeRow}>
my js code
        this.template.querySelectorAll('lightning-input-field').forEach(element => {
            this.contentArray = this.contentArray && element.reportValidity();

    saveMultipleRecords() {
        saveRecords({ recList : this.contentArray })
            .then(result => {
                this.message = result;
                this.error = undefined;                

                if(this.message !== undefined) {
                        new ShowToastEvent({
                            title: 'Success',
                            message: 'Records Created!',
                            variant: 'success',
            .catch(error => {
                this.message = undefined;
                this.error = error;
                    new ShowToastEvent({
                        title: 'Error creating records',
                        message: error.body.message,
                        variant: 'error',
                console.log("error", JSON.stringify(this.error));

and my cls:

public with sharing class invoiceSchedule {
    public static List<scheduleTable__c> saveRecords(List<scheduleTable__c> recList){
        Insert recList;

I am new to coding and not too sure how can I get the data from my input fields but I know that I will need to clone that array and create an array of object? How can that work?

Your help is appreciated.


I am not able to save my record. no error message is showing.
Here is my class.

public with sharing class ScheduleClass {
    public static Product_Schedule__c submitSchedule(String psRecordId, string psName, string psDescription){
        Product_Schedule__c psObj = new Product_Schedule__c();
        insert psObj;
        return psObj;
If I add the id of my record page it works but if I am trying to pass the id through my js file it is not working.
Here is my JS File:
import {LightningElement, track, api } from 'lwc';
import submitSchedule from '@salesforce/apex/ScheduleClass.submitSchedule';
import {ShowToastEvent} from 'lightning/platformShowToastEvent';

export default class ScheduleClass extends LightningElement {
    @track psObjName;
    @track psObjDescription;
    @api psRecordId;
    @track errorMsg;
        if(event.target.name == 'psName'){
        this.psObjName = event.target.value;
        if(event.target.name == 'psDescription'){
        this.psObjDescription = event.target.value;  
        this.psRecordId = result.Id;
        window.console.log('psRecordId ' + this.psRecordId);       
        const toastEvent = new ShowToastEvent({
            message:'Record created successfully',
          /*Start Navigation*/
            type: 'standard__recordPage',
            attributes: {
                psRecordId: this.psRecordId,
                objectApiName: 'Invoice_Schedule__c',
                actionName: 'view'
         /*End Navigation*/
    .catch(error =>{

What Am I doing wrong?
Hi all,
I am curious to know how to do something like that. I have a custom object called Product_Schedule. In that object, I have the name, description, the month and the amount. I need to create record from a VF where I will be repeating the month coming from the opportunity and this will save it in multiple record in my object.
Example start_date = March 2021 and end_date = June 2021. I have 4 months to repeat in my columns. to the table header will look like that:
product | Description | March 2021 | April 2021 | May 2021 | June 2021
I can easily bind Product, description, month but not the amount as the ID stays the same so only the last month will work. How should I manage this?
I am not able to save my record. no error message is showing.
Here is my class.

public with sharing class ScheduleClass {
    public static Product_Schedule__c submitSchedule(String psRecordId, string psName, string psDescription){
        Product_Schedule__c psObj = new Product_Schedule__c();
        insert psObj;
        return psObj;
If I add the id of my record page it works but if I am trying to pass the id through my js file it is not working.
Here is my JS File:
import {LightningElement, track, api } from 'lwc';
import submitSchedule from '@salesforce/apex/ScheduleClass.submitSchedule';
import {ShowToastEvent} from 'lightning/platformShowToastEvent';

export default class ScheduleClass extends LightningElement {
    @track psObjName;
    @track psObjDescription;
    @api psRecordId;
    @track errorMsg;
        if(event.target.name == 'psName'){
        this.psObjName = event.target.value;
        if(event.target.name == 'psDescription'){
        this.psObjDescription = event.target.value;  
        this.psRecordId = result.Id;
        window.console.log('psRecordId ' + this.psRecordId);       
        const toastEvent = new ShowToastEvent({
            message:'Record created successfully',
          /*Start Navigation*/
            type: 'standard__recordPage',
            attributes: {
                psRecordId: this.psRecordId,
                objectApiName: 'Invoice_Schedule__c',
                actionName: 'view'
         /*End Navigation*/
    .catch(error =>{

What Am I doing wrong?
Here is my vf 

<apex:page standardController="Opportunity" standardStylesheets="false" applyHtmlTag="false" showHeader="false" renderAs="PDF">

   .... information generated based on the opportunity fields..

The vf is linked to a detailed buton.
When i click  the button  it opens vf page but in the same time i want to be saved as an attachment/file in the opportunity  

Any suggested implementations ? 
  • April 01, 2019
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We have been designing a FLOW within a demo org and have hit a brick wall.

We have created a flow using a custom button on an opportunity record that creates a new invoice and drags the amount, account id and some other data into the INV record.

How can I extend its usage by pulling the products into the line items within the invoice using flow? Any idea's?

I started by using an opportunity line item lookup to gather the data and assgined to variables. The problem I face is getting that data to show on the INV record of the specific opportunity.

I am trying to understand standard controllers vs. custom--and how they can be used with Custom Objects?


Most of the code samples I have found all use the standard Account or Contact as the example like...


<apex:page standardController="Account" showHeader="true"  tabStyle="Account" > 


I have several Custom Objects that I have created---and have trying to create a simple Tabbed view of the object detail and related lists instead of the typical list view--using VF.


I am just starting on VF...


>Do standard controllers get 'auto-created' for each custom object?--assume so and thats how the display using standard SF look?


> When I try starting my VF page to be used on my Custom Object with...



<apex:page standardController="ThenameIusedtocreatetheobject_c" showHeader="true"  tabStyle="ThenameIusedtocreatetheobject_c"" > 



I get errors - ThenameIusedtocreatetheobject_c Does not Exist, etc.



What am I missing about standard controllers on custom objects?  Do all custom objects require a custom controller to be coded?


Thanks for the assistance...