• Pavushetti Abhilash 3
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Hi Everyone.
I have developed Custom Listview In LWC, where users can fetch record based on listview. 
I need to create button, where button allows user to CREATE NEW LISTVIEW same as like standard one. Here criteria required with three fields Ex: Recordtype equals to somevalue. After saving, created LIstView should save in Listviews.
How can I achieve this. 

Hi Everyone.
I am new to Integration. How can I call External API using continous Asynchronous Apex. How much data can I send in One go/ call.
My requirement is on sending Bulk data using Continuous Asynchronous Apex callout. Lets say 5000 case line items. I divided these into four chunks, each chunk holds 1500. 
Can I make callout by sending all chunks at a time using Continuos Asynchronous way. If so how, please let me know.

Thanks In advance.
Hi Everyone,
We used apex class to send email to customer once case gets closed. It works fine when we use workflows to send email. But we used apex class to send email to customer. The customer has COMMUNITY license with customer profile. I dont see email related permissions for community license profiles. Is is any permission issue why customer cannot receive email. I am sure about apex class. How could I achieve this. 
Thanks in advance. 
Hi Everyone,
There are few survey reports displays the responses of questions in survey which is submitted by customer. So that report contain responses. All these reponses stored in SURVEY QUESTION SCORE object. 
This SURVEY QUESTION SCORE object is not a direct object, wont show in configuration part( object manager, OWD, Permission sets and profile). 
Until unless survey question score object has required permission the REPORT DATA will not visible to that user.
How can I acheive this. Remaining reports(based on case) are visible to specific user. (given all survey related permissions). Its a challenge for me. Please me out guys.

Hi eveyone. I am beginner. 
I need to give view all permission to object(eg:accounts) to a specific user(another profile, not an Admin) so that object data can able to view by that user. How can I achieve this through apex code. Please let me know.
Hi Everyone,
I have created a report on survey response given by customers after case closed. Responses stored in the SURVEY QUESTION SCORES object. In this object there is a score field.
After draging of score field on report automatically scores were calculated for each question.
My questions are FIVE STAR rating type. After customer given rating the score taken as 33 and same question repeating with score 67. 
How the score calclulated as 33 and 67.Max customer can give upto 5 point. How 33 and 67 captured. 
My score field is standard one, not a formula field. For score 33 response count is ONE.(one customer one time). How 33 as score.
Same question repeated multiple times with different scores.

Please let me know HOW THE SCORE IS CALCULATING. please see below pic for reference.
User-added image
Need to send emails using batch apex when case get closed after 10days. Let me know it folks.
Hi Everyone.
I need to display LWC datatable based on two input fields. One input field is for ROW and second input field for COLUMN. When user give 2 as row input field, 3 as column input field. Then 2 -Row 3-Column empty datatable shoold display. Please let me know on this.
Please write a soql query to get latest record as per latest date and time.
Eg: select id, name from case  ORDER BY createdDate
I need to display record in table as per latest record created by time default.
Hi Everyone.
I need to implement Datepicker on LWC with some validations. Weekends shouldnot selectable and user is allowed to select only upto 30 days and past days should grey out and disable it. Refer method 1.
I have used JQueryLib for this.Please refer method 2.
It will be helpful to get solution either in METHOD 1 OR 2.

<lightning-input type="date" onchange={handleCollectionDate} class="selector" min={mindate} disabled={disabled} ></lightning-input>

@track mindate;
   @track selector;
   @track disabled;
       connectedCallback() {
            let today = new Date() ;
            let dd = today.getDate() + 2;
            let mm = today.getMonth() + 1;
            let y = today.getFullYear();
            this.mindate = y + '-' + mm + '-' + dd;
            this.selector = 'cursor';
            this.dispSelectedDate = '';
            this.template.querySelectorAll('.selector').forEach(each => {
                each.value = '';
           if( this.getDay()==6|| this.getDay()==0){
                console.log('weekend', this.getDay());
But above code is not working for disable  weekends and past dates are grey in color but user can able to select.(actually user should not selectable). 
<lightning-input type="date" onchange={handleCollectionDate} class='selector'></lightning-input>
renderedCallback() {
            loadScript(this,jQuery + '/jquery-ui-1.12.1/jquery-ui.min.js')
        ]).then(() =>{
                beforeShowDay: function(date) {
                    var today = new Date();
                    if(date > today){
                        return [true];
                        return [false];
            console.log('JQueryLib loaded.');
        }).catch(error =>{
            console.log('Failed to load the JQueryLib : ' +error);
I found that JQueryLib loaded successfully in console.log. Let me know where I am missing.
Hi Everyone.
I need to add Email(not email button) beside Post in layout (dragged chatter publisher in feed) . So I added email in layout  and assigned to two profiles profile A and profile B. For profile A its visible. For profile B its not visible. Only post is displaying. I cheked with feature settings, support settings. I dont think there is problem with settings, because Email is showing to one profile A but not B. Is there any permissions required in profile B?  What will be the reason for not displaying. Same layout for another profileA it displays but not profile B. Please let me know.
Hi eveyone.
I need to display row number as seperate column with Row number as label in Custom LWC datatable. For every record should display serial number as seperate column with header. 
NOTE: I am not asking about show-row-number= true.
I should display row number as seperate field/column in table.

                            class="POdataTable slds-table_header-fixed_container slds-scrollable_x slds-border_top" 

@track columns = [
            label: 'Row Number', cell: (row, index) => index + 1 
If I am wrong PLEASE let me know. Thanks. 
Hi everyone.
There is button in lwc datatable column. When user clicks on button the field value should update. (field is checkbox, it should check). WHEN BUTTON IS ON THE APPROVAL STATUS FIELD SHOULD CHECK . Its not working. Please let me know where I am doing mistake. Please refer my lwc html, JS and apex.
<c-custom-type-component draft-values={draftValues}  
import getSelectedCaseLineItems from '@salesforce/apex/rmaCaseLineItemController.getSelectedCaseLineItems';
import updateToggle from '@salesforce/apex/rmaCaseLineItemController.updateToggle';

const columns = [ 
{ label: 'Approval Status', fieldName: 'Approval_status__c', type: 'toggleButton', disabled: false, initialWidth: 120,
           typeAttributes: { 
                buttonDisabled: { fieldName:'Approval_status__c' }, 
                rowId: { fieldName: 'getrowIs' }, 
         const {value}=event.detail
         this.saveCase = true;
        updateToggle({cliId: this.currentRecordId})
          .then(() => {
            return refreshApex(this.caseLineItems);
        .catch((error) => {
            console.log('unable to update the record due to'+JSON.stringify(this.errorMessage));
---------------APEX CLASS-------------
public with sharing class rmaCaseLineItemController {
    public static List<R4C_Case_Line_Item__c> getSelectedCaseLineItems(string caseid){
        return [SELECT ID,PO__c,Name,Remedy__c,Return_Reason__c,Return_Type__c,Stocking__r.Name,Stocking__c,MMID_BU_Hierarchy__c,MMID_BU_Hierarchy__r.Name, Approval_status__c, 
                SO__c, PO_Date__c,Sold_To__r.Name,Ship_To__r.Name,Sold_To__c,Ship_To__c,Line_Item__c,
                Intel_Product_Name__c, Stocking_ID__r.Name, Customer_Part_Number__c
                FROM R4C_Case_Line_Item__c where Case__r.Id = :caseid];
   public static R4C_Case_Line_Item__c updateToggle(String cliId){
       System.debug('Cli' +cliId);
       R4C_Case_Line_Item__c cli=[select Id,Approval_status__c from R4C_Case_Line_Item__c where Id=:cliId];
       cli.Approval_status__c= True;
           update cli;
       catch (Exception e) {
           System.debug('unable to update the record due to'+e.getMessage());
       return cli;
Hi everyone. As I am beginner in Rest API. I have a JSON (which is sending). That JSON should receive from API. How could I do this. Can anyone share some blogs and links more helpful.
Thanks in advance.
I have two record types in sobject. Based on field value the record type should change using FLOWS. How could I accomplish this. Please let me know. Just I did
1. Get Records in Recordtype object.
get records1get records2update record
2. Updated records
Hi Everyone.
I want to add colors to LWC standard Lightning datattable. Please let me know how to add. 
<div class="slds-m-top_small slds-m-bottom_xx-large" >

{label:'PO#', fieldName:'PO_Number__c', type:'text',class : "POdataTable", innerWidth:120, cellAttributes: 
        { class: 'slds-text-color_success slds-text-title_caps slds-color__background_gray-5'}
    },-------- so on columns
.THIS .POdataTable thead th span { 
background-color: #2a5596; 
color: white;
How to create record id for custom object in lwc. And How to pass the custom object record id in LWC.
Hi everyone.
I have a custom object Address__c. In address there are few fields called Strret, Colony, City, State, Country. In LWC combobox drop down, these custom object fields should display. Please let me know the required code part. For example just like in Amazon while selecting delivery we will get picklist values with addresses linked to account. If we have 4 addresses amazon will ask in dropdown the ask to select one address. 
Hi everyone.
I got a small issue that when I dont give the account name my entire component is getting error. Saying that Name undefined. When I gave the account name the TABLE is displaying, when i left empty in account field entire comp getting error. Atleast the table should display with empty field and displaying other fields(what user given input). Empty field should not effect the other fields displaying. 
1. So here I have 4 fields two fields are mandatory. Other two fields are optional(MMID__r, STOCKING_ID__r)
2. When user not entered optional fields atleat remaining fields should display. But in my comp entire table not displaying showing error message. Error msg: [Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'Name')]

Please refer JS 
@wire(getSelectedCaseLineItems, {caseid: '$recordId'})
       caseLineItems({ error, data }){
                 this.caseLineItems = data.map(
                  record => Object.assign(
                      {"Sold_To__r.Name": record.Sold_To__r.Name, "Ship_To__r.Name": record.Ship_To__r.Name,
                        "MMID__r.Name": record.MMID__r.Name == null ? "": record.MMID__r.Name
                        "Stocking_ID__r.Name": record.Stocking_ID__r.Name == null ? "" : record.Stocking_ID__r.Name
           else if(error){
               this.error = error;
                this.caseLineItems = undefined;

In order to display remaining fields( which user given input) I used if-else condition. 
@wire(getSelectedCaseLineItems, {caseid: '$recordId'})
       caseLineItems({ error, data }){
             if(data.MMID__r.Name != null && data.Stocking_ID__r.Name != null){
               this.caseLineItems = data.map(
                  record => Object.assign(
                      {"Sold_To__r.Name": record.Sold_To__r.Name, "Ship_To__r.Name": record.Ship_To__r.Name,
                        "MMID__r.Name": record.MMID__r.Name, "Stocking_ID__r.Name": record.Stocking_ID__r.Name
             } else {
                 this.caseLineItems = data.map(
                  record => Object.assign(
                      {"Sold_To__r.Name": record.Sold_To__r.Name, "Ship_To__r.Name": record.Ship_To__r.Name,
                        "MMID__r.Name": record.MMID__r.Name == null ? "": record.MMID__r.Name, 
                        "Stocking_ID__r.Name": record.Stocking_ID__r.Name == null ? "" : record.Stocking_ID__r.Name
           else if(error){
               this.error = error;
                this.caseLineItems = undefined;
Here also same error. Its not entering if loop.
Hi folks.
I did the INLINE EDITING in SLDS table LWC. When user updated the record with INLINE EDITING and clicks on SAVE the record not updating. Record updates only when we RELOAD THE PAGE. Record should update as soon as user click on save. Please help me regarding this. Refer below HTML and JS code. Let me know any change in refreshApex()..
    <div class="slds-m-bottom_large">
        <div class="slds-grid slds-gutters">
            <div class="slds-col slds-size_4-of-5" style='font-weight: 500;font-size: 18px'>
                <span>RMA Case Line Item History</span>
    <div class="landingpagebody">      
        <lightning-card title="">          
        <div class="slds-m-top_large">                  
            <lightning-datatable draft-values={draftValues}  
import { LightningElement, wire, track, api} from 'lwc';
import { getRecord, getFieldValue } from "lightning/uiRecordApi";
//import CONTACT_ID from "@salesforce/schema/User.ContactId";
import USER_ID from "@salesforce/user/Id";
import { ShowToastEvent } from 'lightning/platformShowToastEvent';
import getSelectedCaseLineItems from '@salesforce/apex/rmaCaseLineItemController.getSelectedCaseLineItems';
import updateCases from '@salesforce/apex/rmaCaseLineItemController.updateCases';
import { refreshApex } from '@salesforce/apex';
import { updateRecord } from 'lightning/uiRecordApi';

 // import { recordId } from 'lightning/uiRecordApi';

export default class RmaCaseLineItem extends LightningElement {
    @api recordId;
    objectApiName = 'R4C_Case_Line_Item__c'; 
    @track rmarecord;
    @track conid;
    @track error;
    @track draftValues = [];

    @track columns = [ 
        {label:'Approval status', fieldName:'Approval_status__c', type: 'boolean',editable: true},
        {label:'PO#', fieldName:'Name', type:'url', 
        typeAttributes: {
            label: { 
                fieldName: 'Name' 
            target : '_blank'
        {label:'SO#', fieldName:'SO__c', type:'text'},
        {label:'PO Date', fieldName:'PO_Date__c',type:'text'},
        {label:'Sold To', fieldName:'Sold_To__c', type:'text'},
        {label:'Ship To', fieldName:'Ship_To__c', type:'text'},
        {label:'Line Item', fieldName:'Line_Item__c', type:'text'},
        {label:'Intel Product Number', fieldName:'MMID__c',type:'text'},
        {label:'Intel Product Name', fieldName:'EPM_Name__c', type:'text'},
        {label:'Customer Part Number', fieldName:'Stocking_ID__c', type:'text'},
        {label:'Quantity', fieldName:'Quantity__c', type:'text'},
        {label:'Return Quantity',fieldName:'Return_Quantity__c', type:'number'},
        {label:'Billed Quantity', fieldName:'Billed_Quantity__c',type:'text'},
        {label:'Net value', fieldName:'Net_Value__c', type:'currency'},
    @wire(getSelectedCaseLineItems, {caseid: '$recordId'}) caseLineItems({data, error}){
            this.rmarecord = data;
          //  console.log(recordId);
      //  this.draftValues = event.detail.draftValues;
        const recordInputs = event.detail.draftValues.slice().map(draft => {
            const fields = Object.assign({}, draft);
            return { fields };
         console.log('RECORDINPUTS', JSON.stringify(recordInputs));
        // Updating the records using the UiRecordAPi
        const promises = recordInputs.map(recordInput => updateRecord(recordInput));
        Promise.all(promises).then(rmarecord => {
                new ShowToastEvent({
                    title: 'Success',
                    message: 'Records Updated Successfully!!',
                    variant: 'success'
            this.draftValues = [];
            // Display fresh data in the datatable
             return this.refresh;
        }).catch(error => {
                new ShowToastEvent({
                    title: 'Error',
                    message: 'An Error Occured!!',
                    variant: 'error'
        })  .finally(() => {
            this.draftValues = [];
    // This function is used to refresh the table once data updated
    async refresh() {
        await refreshApex(this.rmarecord);
Hi Everyone.
I am new to Integration. How can I call External API using continous Asynchronous Apex. How much data can I send in One go/ call.
My requirement is on sending Bulk data using Continuous Asynchronous Apex callout. Lets say 5000 case line items. I divided these into four chunks, each chunk holds 1500. 
Can I make callout by sending all chunks at a time using Continuos Asynchronous way. If so how, please let me know.

Thanks In advance.
Hi Everyone,
There are few survey reports displays the responses of questions in survey which is submitted by customer. So that report contain responses. All these reponses stored in SURVEY QUESTION SCORE object. 
This SURVEY QUESTION SCORE object is not a direct object, wont show in configuration part( object manager, OWD, Permission sets and profile). 
Until unless survey question score object has required permission the REPORT DATA will not visible to that user.
How can I acheive this. Remaining reports(based on case) are visible to specific user. (given all survey related permissions). Its a challenge for me. Please me out guys.

Hi Everyone.
I need to add Email(not email button) beside Post in layout (dragged chatter publisher in feed) . So I added email in layout  and assigned to two profiles profile A and profile B. For profile A its visible. For profile B its not visible. Only post is displaying. I cheked with feature settings, support settings. I dont think there is problem with settings, because Email is showing to one profile A but not B. Is there any permissions required in profile B?  What will be the reason for not displaying. Same layout for another profileA it displays but not profile B. Please let me know.
Hi eveyone.
I need to display row number as seperate column with Row number as label in Custom LWC datatable. For every record should display serial number as seperate column with header. 
NOTE: I am not asking about show-row-number= true.
I should display row number as seperate field/column in table.

                            class="POdataTable slds-table_header-fixed_container slds-scrollable_x slds-border_top" 

@track columns = [
            label: 'Row Number', cell: (row, index) => index + 1 
If I am wrong PLEASE let me know. Thanks. 
Hi Everyone.
I want to add colors to LWC standard Lightning datattable. Please let me know how to add. 
<div class="slds-m-top_small slds-m-bottom_xx-large" >

{label:'PO#', fieldName:'PO_Number__c', type:'text',class : "POdataTable", innerWidth:120, cellAttributes: 
        { class: 'slds-text-color_success slds-text-title_caps slds-color__background_gray-5'}
    },-------- so on columns
.THIS .POdataTable thead th span { 
background-color: #2a5596; 
color: white;
Hi everyone.
I have a custom object Address__c. In address there are few fields called Strret, Colony, City, State, Country. In LWC combobox drop down, these custom object fields should display. Please let me know the required code part. For example just like in Amazon while selecting delivery we will get picklist values with addresses linked to account. If we have 4 addresses amazon will ask in dropdown the ask to select one address. 
Hi folks.
I did the INLINE EDITING in SLDS table LWC. When user updated the record with INLINE EDITING and clicks on SAVE the record not updating. Record updates only when we RELOAD THE PAGE. Record should update as soon as user click on save. Please help me regarding this. Refer below HTML and JS code. Let me know any change in refreshApex()..
    <div class="slds-m-bottom_large">
        <div class="slds-grid slds-gutters">
            <div class="slds-col slds-size_4-of-5" style='font-weight: 500;font-size: 18px'>
                <span>RMA Case Line Item History</span>
    <div class="landingpagebody">      
        <lightning-card title="">          
        <div class="slds-m-top_large">                  
            <lightning-datatable draft-values={draftValues}  
import { LightningElement, wire, track, api} from 'lwc';
import { getRecord, getFieldValue } from "lightning/uiRecordApi";
//import CONTACT_ID from "@salesforce/schema/User.ContactId";
import USER_ID from "@salesforce/user/Id";
import { ShowToastEvent } from 'lightning/platformShowToastEvent';
import getSelectedCaseLineItems from '@salesforce/apex/rmaCaseLineItemController.getSelectedCaseLineItems';
import updateCases from '@salesforce/apex/rmaCaseLineItemController.updateCases';
import { refreshApex } from '@salesforce/apex';
import { updateRecord } from 'lightning/uiRecordApi';

 // import { recordId } from 'lightning/uiRecordApi';

export default class RmaCaseLineItem extends LightningElement {
    @api recordId;
    objectApiName = 'R4C_Case_Line_Item__c'; 
    @track rmarecord;
    @track conid;
    @track error;
    @track draftValues = [];

    @track columns = [ 
        {label:'Approval status', fieldName:'Approval_status__c', type: 'boolean',editable: true},
        {label:'PO#', fieldName:'Name', type:'url', 
        typeAttributes: {
            label: { 
                fieldName: 'Name' 
            target : '_blank'
        {label:'SO#', fieldName:'SO__c', type:'text'},
        {label:'PO Date', fieldName:'PO_Date__c',type:'text'},
        {label:'Sold To', fieldName:'Sold_To__c', type:'text'},
        {label:'Ship To', fieldName:'Ship_To__c', type:'text'},
        {label:'Line Item', fieldName:'Line_Item__c', type:'text'},
        {label:'Intel Product Number', fieldName:'MMID__c',type:'text'},
        {label:'Intel Product Name', fieldName:'EPM_Name__c', type:'text'},
        {label:'Customer Part Number', fieldName:'Stocking_ID__c', type:'text'},
        {label:'Quantity', fieldName:'Quantity__c', type:'text'},
        {label:'Return Quantity',fieldName:'Return_Quantity__c', type:'number'},
        {label:'Billed Quantity', fieldName:'Billed_Quantity__c',type:'text'},
        {label:'Net value', fieldName:'Net_Value__c', type:'currency'},
    @wire(getSelectedCaseLineItems, {caseid: '$recordId'}) caseLineItems({data, error}){
            this.rmarecord = data;
          //  console.log(recordId);
      //  this.draftValues = event.detail.draftValues;
        const recordInputs = event.detail.draftValues.slice().map(draft => {
            const fields = Object.assign({}, draft);
            return { fields };
         console.log('RECORDINPUTS', JSON.stringify(recordInputs));
        // Updating the records using the UiRecordAPi
        const promises = recordInputs.map(recordInput => updateRecord(recordInput));
        Promise.all(promises).then(rmarecord => {
                new ShowToastEvent({
                    title: 'Success',
                    message: 'Records Updated Successfully!!',
                    variant: 'success'
            this.draftValues = [];
            // Display fresh data in the datatable
             return this.refresh;
        }).catch(error => {
                new ShowToastEvent({
                    title: 'Error',
                    message: 'An Error Occured!!',
                    variant: 'error'
        })  .finally(() => {
            this.draftValues = [];
    // This function is used to refresh the table once data updated
    async refresh() {
        await refreshApex(this.rmarecord);
User-added imageHi Folks,
I want to create a new case using NEW BUTTON in case object. So there were no standard button NEW available. In case object "Search Layout for Salesforce Classic" gone to List Views edit and Checked (box) the New button. So the button added. When I click on NEW button, I got the above error.(pic 1) Please provide the solution to overcome.
User-added image
I have created Action(New button) in Buttons and Links. So when i click on NEW button, its asking "please select atleast one existing record" (pic 2). So when i select one existing record, based on that its creating new record. I need to create new record directly without asking existing record. How could I overcome this. Please provide any solution among two methods. 
I'm working on the process builder challenge, and I can't seem to get it to work. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Challenge: You've been given a requirement to keep Contact addresses in sync with the Account they belong to. Use Process Builder to create a new process that updates all child Contact addresses when the address of the Account record is updated. This process: Can have any name. Must be activated. Must update Contact mailing address fields (Street, City, State, Post Code, Country) when the parent Account shipping address field values are updated.
What I did:
1. All Contact validation rules were deleted.
2. Under process builder, Choose an object was set to Account (when a record is created or updated)
3. Under criteria: dummy name, selected when conditions are met, selected all 8 of the account shipping fields (isChanged, boolean true) and Any of the conditions are met.
4. Craeted a UPDATE action. Added fields Mailing street field reference with Account.shipping street, Mailing city ref with Acct.shippingcity, etc, etc.
So child (contact) mailing address will change when there is an update in parent(account) shipping address.
So when I check the challenge it doesnt accepting and thrown a message ""We updated the shipping address in an account record, but we can’t find the new address values in each child contact’s mailing address. Make sure the process is active"". 
I am sure that my process is active. I checked my all contacts mailing address, few contacts have mailing address few doesnt have. For few conatcts I added address( street, city, postcode, country,state). But so many contacts are exist. Does this affecting my challenge? How could I overcome this????
Hello, I am displaying custom object records in Datatable via @wire, Since account is a lookup, it displays account id instead of account name. How can I display the name of the account in the colum. 

I have tried the following but it doesn't work. Please suggest.
        label: 'My Accounts',
        type: 'text',
        sortable: true
Hi everyone,
I'm working with a lightning component and it's working cool but I want to know if it's possible to disable certain days from a datepicker (weekends).
I did something similar but just for past days. 

I've reading that could be possible using jQuery but I can't find a good "documentation" about that, 
