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Want to prevent Deletion or Creation of Accounts in the month of January. How can we achieve this, pls help me gys. I am new to apex.
I tried some solutions but created date is null in before Insert and addError is not allowed in after trigger. So how can we bring them both together to display an error whenever an account is going to be created
I am generating random number of length 9 digits .. sometimes, the leading zero is dropped and I am getting less than 9 digits sometimes... so, I need to check the number length in apex ..if it;s less than 9 numbers I want to generate another one. How to get the length ?
  • May 17, 2019
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i Everyone i am new in Salesforce 
So Please Help Me Out From this Scenario 

I have a two Custom Field on a Custom Object

   Api Name=Zip_Code__c

2.Owner(Lookup User)

  Api Name=Owner

On Territory(Territory__c) Custom Object

My Condition is When i Insert a Zip Code like example:

When i again insert 332713 and assign to a new Owner then Display a error we can not Assign a zipcode to this user Only a single zipcode is assigned to only three Owners(Sales Representatives)
Three Sales Representatives at most can be assigned to a single zipcode.Display an error if a user attempts to associate another sales representative to a zipcode

Please Replay As Soon Possible I dont know how to over come from this scenario so Please help me 

Neeraj Sharma