• Kelsey Baustian
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Hi folks! I'm having an issue where a flow is failing. The flow kicks off when an opportunity is marked as Closed Won. It's triggered by a Process Builder. 
The Process Builder collects the following variables:
User-added imageThe debug log says that the cr_RenewalOpportunity node in the Flow is failing because the required field Close Date is missing. 
14:46:54.242 (5656788028)|FLOW_BULK_ELEMENT_END|FlowRecordCreate|cr_RenewalOpportunity|0|59
14:46:54.242 (5667458037)|FLOW_VALUE_ASSIGNMENT|1611cc4c1048e8e717356fa030b717ce20f4498-6e77|error.errorId|1983635415-277147 (1644796487)
14:46:54.242 (5667482577)|FLOW_VALUE_ASSIGNMENT|1611cc4c1048e8e717356fa030b717ce20f4498-6e77|error.type|FLOW_INTERVIEW_SAVE_RESULT
14:46:54.242 (5667490849)|FLOW_VALUE_ASSIGNMENT|1611cc4c1048e8e717356fa030b717ce20f4498-6e77|error.apiErrorCode|REQUIRED_FIELD_MISSING
14:46:54.242 (5667498783)|FLOW_VALUE_ASSIGNMENT|1611cc4c1048e8e717356fa030b717ce20f4498-6e77|error.message|This error occurred when the flow tried to create records: REQUIRED_FIELD_MISSING: Required fields are missing: [CloseDate]. You can look up ExceptionCode values in the SOAP API Developer Guide.
14:46:54.242 (5667508858)|FLOW_VALUE_ASSIGNMENT|1611cc4c1048e8e717356fa030b717ce20f4498-6e77|error.endUserMessage|This error occurred when the flow tried to create records: REQUIRED_FIELD_MISSING: Required fields are missing: [CloseDate]. You can look up ExceptionCode values in the SOAP API Developer Guide.
14:46:54.242 (5807848268)|FLOW_ELEMENT_ERROR|This error occurred when the flow tried to create records: REQUIRED_FIELD_MISSING: Required fields are missing: [CloseDate]. You can look up ExceptionCode values in the <a href='https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.api.meta/api/sforce_api_calls_concepts_core_data_objects.htm#'>SOAP API Developer Guide</a>.|FlowRecordCreate|cr_RenewalOpportunity
14:46:54.242 (5808114880)|FLOW_START_INTERVIEWS_END|1
14:46:54.242 (5810250904)|FLOW_ACTIONCALL_DETAIL|1581cc4c1048e8e717356fa030b717ce20f4498-6e59|myRule_11_A1|Flows|Renewal_Opportunity_Creation|false|An error occurred when executing a flow interview.
However, I have it set up to use the variable from the Process Builder:
User-added image
Is there any way to look further to see what the issue might be, or does anyone have any ideas? Thanks in advance!
Hello! I'm using an Apex trigger I found online to track Opportunity Product History. Here's the original code: 
trigger trackOppProduct on OpportunityLineItem (after insert, after update) {
List<Opportunity_Product_History__c> hisTrackList = new List<Opportunity_Product_History__c>();
// Iterate through the OpportunityLineItems and create the History Tracking Record.
for (Integer i=0; i < Trigger.new.size(); i++) {

OpportunityLineItem newCM = Trigger.new[i];
if(Trigger.isInsert) {
hisTrackList.add(new Opportunity_Product_History__c(OpportunityLineItem_Record_Id__c = newCM.Id,
Object_Name__c = 'OpportunityLineItem',
Field_Name__c = 'Product Status', 
Previous_Value__c = '',
Current_Value__c = newCM.Product_Status__c,                                                 
Modified_Date_Time__c = System.now(),
Modified_By__c = UserInfo.getUserId()
} else if(Trigger.old[i].Product_Status__c != newCM.Product_Status__c){
OpportunityLineItem oldCM = Trigger.old[i];
hisTrackList.add(new Opportunity_Product_History__c(OpportunityLineItem_Record_Id__c = newCM.Id,
Object_Name__c = 'OpportunityLineItem',
Field_Name__c = 'Product Status',                                                   
Previous_Value__c = oldCM.Product_Status__c,
Current_Value__c = newCM.Product_Status__c,
Modified_Date_Time__c = System.now(),
Modified_By__c = UserInfo.getUserId()
if(!hisTrackList.isEmpty()) {
insert hisTrackList;

The problem is that this code only tracks one field. So, what I'm trying to do is add in the other fields I'd like tracked. I thought I could copy and paste chunks of the Apex to make it work. I've gotten to the below code after a few hours and it doesn't show any errors or problems. I was thinking it would track a second field that I indicated. However, it's still only tracking the first field, Product Status. 
trigger trackOppProduct on OpportunityLineItem (after insert, after update) {
List<Opportunity_Product_History__c> hisTrackList = new List<Opportunity_Product_History__c>();
// Iterate through the OpportunityLineItems and create the History Tracking Record.
for (Integer i=0; i < Trigger.new.size(); i++) {

OpportunityLineItem newCM = Trigger.new[i];
if(Trigger.isInsert) {
hisTrackList.add(new Opportunity_Product_History__c(OpportunityLineItem_Record_Id__c = newCM.Id,
Object_Name__c = 'OpportunityLineItem',
Field_Name__c = 'Product Status', 
Previous_Value__c = '',
Current_Value__c = newCM.Product_Status__c,                                                 
Modified_Date_Time__c = System.now(),
Modified_By__c = UserInfo.getUserId()
hisTrackList.add(new Opportunity_Product_History__c(OpportunityLineItem_Record_Id__c = newCM.Id,
Object_Name__c = 'OpportunityLineItem',
Field_Name__c = 'Annual Minimum', 
Previous_Value__c = '',
Current_Value__c = newCM.Annual_Minimum__c,                                                 
Modified_Date_Time__c = System.now(),
Modified_By__c = UserInfo.getUserId()                                                                                                    
} else if(Trigger.old[i].Product_Status__c != newCM.Product_Status__c){
OpportunityLineItem oldCM = Trigger.old[i];
hisTrackList.add(new Opportunity_Product_History__c(OpportunityLineItem_Record_Id__c = newCM.Id,
Object_Name__c = 'OpportunityLineItem',
Field_Name__c = 'Product Status',                                                   
Previous_Value__c = oldCM.Product_Status__c,
Current_Value__c = newCM.Product_Status__c,
Modified_Date_Time__c = System.now(),
Modified_By__c = UserInfo.getUserId()
    } else if(Trigger.old[i].Annual_Minimum__c != newCM.Annual_Minimum__c){
OpportunityLineItem oldCM = Trigger.old[i];
hisTrackList.add(new Opportunity_Product_History__c(OpportunityLineItem_Record_Id__c = newCM.Id,
Object_Name__c = 'OpportunityLineItem',
Field_Name__c = 'Annual Minimum',                                                   
Previous_Value__c = oldCM.Annual_Minimum__c,
Current_Value__c = newCM.Annual_Minimum__c,
Modified_Date_Time__c = System.now(),
Modified_By__c = UserInfo.getUserId()
if(!hisTrackList.isEmpty()) {
insert hisTrackList;

I am not a developer by any means, just an accidental admin trying to make this work. Any insight you could provide would be greatly appreciated. 
Hello, I'm trying to create about 400 Opportunity Line Item records on 400 Opportunities via Data Loader and I keep getting this error message:

dlrs_OpportunityLineItemTrigger: System.LimitException: Apex CPU Time Limit Exceeded

I'm an admin and a contractor we worked with before I joined would have written this code. I found the trigger and the class but don't know if there's a way to bypass it to run this data load? Any help would be greatly appreciated. 
Hello all, I'm trying to create a screen flow where I can have a Lookup to Contact records. The end result is going to be when the flow creates a Task, the person selected in the Contact record lookup is the WhoId. 

However, when debugging, I'm getting an error message. Can you please take a look and point out what I'm doing wrong? Thank you!User-added imageUser-added image
Hello. I created a Flow and a Process Builder to kick it off and it's not firing. I'm an admin, not a developer, and would love some help. 
What the flow should do is, when an opportunity is created, look at the contacts from the related account and find which one is marked primary, and take the values from several fields and put them in matching fields on the Opp. 
Below are the screenshots of the flow and pb. Can someone tell me where I went wrong? Thank you!

User-added imageUser-added imageUser-added imageUser-added imageUser-added image
Hi folks! I'm having an issue where a flow is failing. The flow kicks off when an opportunity is marked as Closed Won. It's triggered by a Process Builder. 
The Process Builder collects the following variables:
User-added imageThe debug log says that the cr_RenewalOpportunity node in the Flow is failing because the required field Close Date is missing. 
14:46:54.242 (5656788028)|FLOW_BULK_ELEMENT_END|FlowRecordCreate|cr_RenewalOpportunity|0|59
14:46:54.242 (5667458037)|FLOW_VALUE_ASSIGNMENT|1611cc4c1048e8e717356fa030b717ce20f4498-6e77|error.errorId|1983635415-277147 (1644796487)
14:46:54.242 (5667482577)|FLOW_VALUE_ASSIGNMENT|1611cc4c1048e8e717356fa030b717ce20f4498-6e77|error.type|FLOW_INTERVIEW_SAVE_RESULT
14:46:54.242 (5667490849)|FLOW_VALUE_ASSIGNMENT|1611cc4c1048e8e717356fa030b717ce20f4498-6e77|error.apiErrorCode|REQUIRED_FIELD_MISSING
14:46:54.242 (5667498783)|FLOW_VALUE_ASSIGNMENT|1611cc4c1048e8e717356fa030b717ce20f4498-6e77|error.message|This error occurred when the flow tried to create records: REQUIRED_FIELD_MISSING: Required fields are missing: [CloseDate]. You can look up ExceptionCode values in the SOAP API Developer Guide.
14:46:54.242 (5667508858)|FLOW_VALUE_ASSIGNMENT|1611cc4c1048e8e717356fa030b717ce20f4498-6e77|error.endUserMessage|This error occurred when the flow tried to create records: REQUIRED_FIELD_MISSING: Required fields are missing: [CloseDate]. You can look up ExceptionCode values in the SOAP API Developer Guide.
14:46:54.242 (5807848268)|FLOW_ELEMENT_ERROR|This error occurred when the flow tried to create records: REQUIRED_FIELD_MISSING: Required fields are missing: [CloseDate]. You can look up ExceptionCode values in the <a href='https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.api.meta/api/sforce_api_calls_concepts_core_data_objects.htm#'>SOAP API Developer Guide</a>.|FlowRecordCreate|cr_RenewalOpportunity
14:46:54.242 (5808114880)|FLOW_START_INTERVIEWS_END|1
14:46:54.242 (5810250904)|FLOW_ACTIONCALL_DETAIL|1581cc4c1048e8e717356fa030b717ce20f4498-6e59|myRule_11_A1|Flows|Renewal_Opportunity_Creation|false|An error occurred when executing a flow interview.
However, I have it set up to use the variable from the Process Builder:
User-added image
Is there any way to look further to see what the issue might be, or does anyone have any ideas? Thanks in advance!
For a few weeks now all users see a banner at the top of the screen. It's an advertisment for Quip. How do I remove it? 

It reads - You're almost there... to collaborate on Salesforce data wherever you are, get started with Salesforce Anywhere (Quip).Take the Last Step

Our users shouldn't be seeing advertisments. 
Hello. I created a Flow and a Process Builder to kick it off and it's not firing. I'm an admin, not a developer, and would love some help. 
What the flow should do is, when an opportunity is created, look at the contacts from the related account and find which one is marked primary, and take the values from several fields and put them in matching fields on the Opp. 
Below are the screenshots of the flow and pb. Can someone tell me where I went wrong? Thank you!

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