• Carol McConnell
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I am creating reports and I need to get the user role however I'm not sure what the best way would be to get the role of a user in a user field.

I. E. I have a user field with John Smith, how do I pull in John Smith's role? This is not the contact owner but a user field which is a lookup field.

I am completly new to VisualForce pages but what I'm trying to do is to display a message when a field changes to a certain text.  The field is a picklist, so I don't know if that matters.  Here is what I have in my VF page. When I make the change in the field, I'm not getting anything, no error or anything.  This is just a reminder for them to do something after they change the substatus field to Negotiations Complete.

I would appreciate your assistance.

<apex:page standardcontroller="Provider_Interactions__c">
var PIsubstatus = '{!Provider_Interactions__c.Sub_Status__c}';
window.onload = function () {
if(PIsubstatus == 'Negotiations Complete')
alert ('Please Update The Fee Schedule Information');

I'm trying to figure out what the formula would be to require one picklist be selected if a certain item in another multi select picklist field is chosen.

I.E.  If Project type which is a multi select picklist contain PG then the PG type picklist field should be required.

I am creating reports and I need to get the user role however I'm not sure what the best way would be to get the role of a user in a user field.

I. E. I have a user field with John Smith, how do I pull in John Smith's role? This is not the contact owner but a user field which is a lookup field.

I am completly new to VisualForce pages but what I'm trying to do is to display a message when a field changes to a certain text.  The field is a picklist, so I don't know if that matters.  Here is what I have in my VF page. When I make the change in the field, I'm not getting anything, no error or anything.  This is just a reminder for them to do something after they change the substatus field to Negotiations Complete.

I would appreciate your assistance.

<apex:page standardcontroller="Provider_Interactions__c">
var PIsubstatus = '{!Provider_Interactions__c.Sub_Status__c}';
window.onload = function () {
if(PIsubstatus == 'Negotiations Complete')
alert ('Please Update The Fee Schedule Information');

I'm trying to figure out what the formula would be to require one picklist be selected if a certain item in another multi select picklist field is chosen.

I.E.  If Project type which is a multi select picklist contain PG then the PG type picklist field should be required.
