• ChrisLively
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  I'm receiving an INVALID_TYPE exception when attempting to perform an update call on an Opportunity record.  The exception message is "Must send a concrete entity type." 

Any thoughts on what this means?




This is an FYI.  After 2 days of much pounding and gnashing of teeth I finally managed to get the Enterprise WSDL to work with D7.  There are two problems.  The first problem, and by far easiest to figure out, occurred during the initial WSDL import.  Make sure you UNCHECK "Do not emit unused types" in the Other Options section.  If you don't do this then you won't get the object declarations for Accounts, Contacts, etc.

The second, and by far most ludicrous, issue is the declaration for the QueryResult object.  It is just flat wrong.  Below is the correct declaration.  Note that the additional constructor, two functions, two properties, and change of datatype for the Frecords field.  Copy the code for them straight from the retrieveResponse object declaration.

  QueryResult = class(TRemotable)
    Fdone: Boolean;
    FqueryLocator: QueryLocator;
    Frecords: sObjects;
    Fsize: Integer;
    constructor Create; override;
    destructor Destroy; override;
    function   GetsObjectArray(Index: Integer): sObject;
    function   GetsObjectArrayLength: Integer;
    property   sObjectArray[Index: Integer]: sObject read GetsObjectArray; default;
    property   Len: Integer read GetsObjectArrayLength;
    property done: Boolean read Fdone write Fdone;
    property queryLocator: QueryLocator read FqueryLocator write FqueryLocator;
    property records: sObjects read Frecords write Frecords;
    property size: Integer read Fsize write Fsize;

If you need any help let me know,

Chris Lively

This is an FYI.  After 2 days of much pounding and gnashing of teeth I finally managed to get the Enterprise WSDL to work with D7.  There are two problems.  The first problem, and by far easiest to figure out, occurred during the initial WSDL import.  Make sure you UNCHECK "Do not emit unused types" in the Other Options section.  If you don't do this then you won't get the object declarations for Accounts, Contacts, etc.

The second, and by far most ludicrous, issue is the declaration for the QueryResult object.  It is just flat wrong.  Below is the correct declaration.  Note that the additional constructor, two functions, two properties, and change of datatype for the Frecords field.  Copy the code for them straight from the retrieveResponse object declaration.

  QueryResult = class(TRemotable)
    Fdone: Boolean;
    FqueryLocator: QueryLocator;
    Frecords: sObjects;
    Fsize: Integer;
    constructor Create; override;
    destructor Destroy; override;
    function   GetsObjectArray(Index: Integer): sObject;
    function   GetsObjectArrayLength: Integer;
    property   sObjectArray[Index: Integer]: sObject read GetsObjectArray; default;
    property   Len: Integer read GetsObjectArrayLength;
    property done: Boolean read Fdone write Fdone;
    property queryLocator: QueryLocator read FqueryLocator write FqueryLocator;
    property records: sObjects read Frecords write Frecords;
    property size: Integer read Fsize write Fsize;

If you need any help let me know,

Chris Lively

I've asked this before but didn't get much of a reply.

We have a number of Solutions in our knowledgebase and would like to offer the published ones to our users via a web interface.  The web GUI would provide the ability of our customers to search the knowledgebase based on user-entered keywords.

Is this possible with the SalesForce API?  Has anyone done something like this before?  The alternative is to create our own database with Solution information, provide a searchable web-front end to that, develop a way to copy solutions from our db into SalesForce via the API, copy the Solution ID from SalesForce back into our database, copy the Published fields from within SalesForce back out to our database.  Obviously, I'm looking for an easier method than this.



  I'm receiving an INVALID_TYPE exception when attempting to perform an update call on an Opportunity record.  The exception message is "Must send a concrete entity type." 

Any thoughts on what this means?


