• stratus admin
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Can anyone provide the way to escape the standard Knowledge article view so it is in the print screen by default. I'd like to pop-up the window on our site (btw popup=true is not working)


This is my code:


<a href="{!URLFOR($Action.KnowledgeArticle.View, PopularArticle.id)}">{!PopularArticle.title}</a>


I'd like this to produce a page without the header/footer (ie pring view)


I note that the print view is just "/p" tagged to the URL like so: "http://url.com/path/p" I can't get the URL of the knowledge article and I can't seem to append the "/p" in any way. Help is really appresciated.



Can anyone see why the following would produce a NULL value for the User ID in the following. The purpose of this is to set the Account Owner on the Opportunity Sales team.


trigger SetOpportunityAccountOwner on Opportunity (after insert, after update) {
 OpportunityTeamMember[] newMembers = new OpportunityTeamMember[]{};
 OpportunityShare[] newShares = new OpportunityShare[]{};

 for (Opportunity o : trigger.new)
    if (o.OwnerId != o.Account.OwnerId)
        OpportunityTeamMember m = new OpportunityTeamMember();
        m.OpportunityId = o.id;
        m.UserId = o.Account.ownerid;
        m.TeamMemberRole = 'Account Owner';




USER_DEBUG|[14,9]|DEBUG|test: OpportunityTeamMember:{OpportunityId=006S0000003lpdcIAA, UserId=null, TeamMemberRole=Account Owner}


ERROR ADDING OPPORTUNITY TEAM MEMBER:OpportunityTeamMember:{OpportunityId=006S0000003lpdcIAA, UserId=null, TeamMemberRole=Account Owner}::Database.Error[getFields=(User);getMessage=Required fields are missing: [User];getStatusCode=System.StatusCode.REQUIRED_FIELD_MISSING;]


Thanks in advance.



I’m using the Visualforce knowledge:articleListcall. On the output of this is there any way to display the LastModifiedDate of the article??




<knowledge:articleList articleVar="article" hasMoreVar="hasMore"categories="{!categoryGroupNameVar}:{!currentCategory}">


{!article.title}| {!article.LastModifiedDate}




There is no documentation reference anywhere to the output variables fromthe ArticleList.


Interesting to note the SFDC error when an improper variableis called: it shows an authentication error.



Sorry, dumb newbie question. I have a trigger I am trying to configure that pulls a pick-list attribute (sales_region__c) off of the User object and is to place it on a the same named field of a custom object. This is what I have:
trigger SetOwnerRegion on SFL5_Projects__c (after update) {

SFL5_Projects__c pr;

 for (Integer i = 0; i < Trigger.new.size();i++){ 
  SFL5_Projects__c  ProjectNew = Trigger.new[i]; 
  SFL5_Projects__c  ProjectOld = Trigger.old[i]; 
  // we check to see if the subject has changed 
  if (ProjectNew.ownerID != ProjectOld.ownerID) {  
    user cr = [select Sales_Region__c from user where id = :ProjectNew.ownerID ]; 
    pr.Sales_Region__c = cr.Sales_Region__c;
    update pr;
And it is generating this error:
execution of AfterUpdate caused by: System.NullPointerException: Attempt to de-reference a null object: Trigger.SetOwnerRegion: line 11.
Any suggestions?
Hi can someone help me out? I'm trying to do a SOQL query on a Share object to get the users names granted access to a custom object. I can't seem to join to the user table. This is the basic Query:

Select s.AccessLevel, s.Id, s.LastModifiedDate, s.UserOrGroupId from SFL5_Projects__Share s where s.RowCause = 'Manual'

Is it possible to get user names from this, or do I have to take the results of this an loop over another query?



Hi, the Mass Converter in the AppExchange authored by SFDC labs needs updated. The function to query leads by lead stratus is actually querying CampaignMember status, therefore this feature has no value. I've updated the SOQL query to join to the lead table, but this requires that the end point be updated as well.
This is the App in question:
I have the updated the code if you'd like. It's actually a very hande little tool.
I have a JavaScript variable I'm setting to create a lead from a contact. Some of the fields contain carriage returns. As you can imagine, JavaScript does not like this.

This is my example variable:

lead.set("Description", "{!Contact.Description}");

How is the best way to clean up this variable so it doesn't show up with carriage retruns?

lead.set("Description", "This is my test example



Ok, here is a question on which fires first: The Lead Assignment Rule or the Workflow Rule? (through the API) Since we can't use an assignment rule to notify users, I am trying to use the workflow alerts instead. The issue I'm having is that the workflow doesn't seem to be picking up the "record owner" as defined in the lead assignment rule. The assignment rule is being fired correctly, however the workflow notification is unaware of the "record owner" when a new lead is created. Am I stuck with moving all of my assignment rules to the workflow? If so, how can you indicate the sequence of the workflow items being fired? Arrrgh!
Any insight would be appreciated.
Hi all,
Do we have a function to trigger lead assignment email (using the notification template defined on the assignment rule) via the API after the Winter 07 release?
Can anyone tell me if the useDefaultRule for leads call will initiate the email as specified on the rule entry notification template? I am able to route the lead correctly, but no email is sent. Is there an additional parameter for this?
Because of the "run as" limitations on the dashboards, I'd like to create a custom tab with several chart reports embeded on it. I am having an issue trying to decode one of the parameters called "rsid". Does anyone know where this comes from and if it can be passed?
This is my error "SOAPAction HTTP header missing", any tips?



"Information","jrpp-19","01/31/06","14:11:30","SFORCE","xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""UTF-8""?soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=""http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"" xmlns:xsd=""http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"" xmlns:xsi=""http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance""soapenv:Body soapenv:Fault faultcode soapenv:Client/faultcode faultstring>SOAPAction HTTP header missing faultstring soapenv:Fault soapenv:Body/soapenv:Envelope Message Edited by stratus admin on span class=date_text>02-01-2006 span span class=time_text 06:27 AM Message Edited by stratus admin on span class=date_text 02-01-2006 span span class=time_text 06:27 AM span

Message Edited by stratus admin on 02-01-2006 06:39 AM

Can anyone provide the way to escape the standard Knowledge article view so it is in the print screen by default. I'd like to pop-up the window on our site (btw popup=true is not working)


This is my code:


<a href="{!URLFOR($Action.KnowledgeArticle.View, PopularArticle.id)}">{!PopularArticle.title}</a>


I'd like this to produce a page without the header/footer (ie pring view)


I note that the print view is just "/p" tagged to the URL like so: "http://url.com/path/p" I can't get the URL of the knowledge article and I can't seem to append the "/p" in any way. Help is really appresciated.



I’m using the Visualforce knowledge:articleListcall. On the output of this is there any way to display the LastModifiedDate of the article??




<knowledge:articleList articleVar="article" hasMoreVar="hasMore"categories="{!categoryGroupNameVar}:{!currentCategory}">


{!article.title}| {!article.LastModifiedDate}




There is no documentation reference anywhere to the output variables fromthe ArticleList.


Interesting to note the SFDC error when an improper variableis called: it shows an authentication error.



I built a web to lead and thank you form using Sites and CMS Force.  Both pages open up on their own perfectly.  When the "Web-to-Lead" page is open and the user hits Submit, they are taken to the "Thank You" page.


On the Thank You page, I want it to stay open for 3 seconds and automatically switch back to the Web-to-Lead form.  The reason is we want to use this at tradeshows to capture leads so when a person inputs information, it thanks them, then reverts back to the web to lead form for the next person.


I cannot get the Thank You page refresh to work however.  It works perfectly as HTML so I thought it would work in a Visualforce page.  Here is the code I'm using.  The questionable part is in red.  Does anyone have an idea on how to make this work?  Currently the "Thank You" page just loops back over to itself every 3 seconds. 


<apex:page showHeader="false">
<title>Idearc Media National Sales</title>

<META http-equiv="refresh" content="3"; URL="http://idearcmedia.force.com/w2l">


<table width="100%" cellspacing=20>
<td align=center>
Thank you for entering.</font></td></tr>
<tr><td align=center>
<font size=5>You will be notified within 14 days if you are the WINNER!</FONT>
<tr><td align=center>
<tr><td align=center>
<c:contentblock name="Logo"></c:contentblock>

If you use a Custom Label as the value for the "title" attribute of Apex Page, it does not render a title at all for the page's code.


per the documentation, the title attribute should said the page title, with exception to "developer mode".  i presume "developer mode" is the browser-based deverloper tools that you can set in personal preferences.  i don't use that at all, and can confirm that this title attribute is not working in my dev org, and my prod org, in both regular VF and via Sites as well.
Hi can someone help me out? I'm trying to do a SOQL query on a Share object to get the users names granted access to a custom object. I can't seem to join to the user table. This is the basic Query:

Select s.AccessLevel, s.Id, s.LastModifiedDate, s.UserOrGroupId from SFL5_Projects__Share s where s.RowCause = 'Manual'

Is it possible to get user names from this, or do I have to take the results of this an loop over another query?

