• vrdev
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Issue: When trying to execute a SOQL query statement in the API on the EmailTemplate object we are getting the following errors:

2007-01-22 11:01:59 AM (error): EMAIL TEMPLATE ERROR: email@domain.com> UNKNOWN_EXCEPTION: An unexpected error occured. Please include this ErrorId if you contact support: 1445848441-158

Additional information:
This error seems to occur for "some, but not all" accounts we're testing. The managed package has been installed in DE, EE and PE accounts and we are seeing successes and failures for each version and this is across multiple servers (NA1, NA2, NA3, etc).  The ErrorID varies as well, we've seen:


I have logged a formal case, left a few messages with the developer support line and pinged a few members of the AppExchange team -- just looking for someone to get back to me with any type of feedback.
  • January 22, 2007
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Our app provides query functionality against the Lead and Contact objects, similar to the "Create a new view" mechanism in salesforce.com. We are looking for a way to include an operator for "does not contain" but it appears that the API documentation does not provide information to make this happen.

Does anyone know of a way to handle this, short of pulling all data first and then excluding everyone that falls into the "contains" collection?
  • November 16, 2005
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Our app provides query functionality against the Lead and Contact objects, similar to the "Create a new view" mechanism in salesforce.com. We are looking for a way to include an operator for "does not contain" but it appears that the API documentation does not provide information to make this happen.

Does anyone know of a way to handle this, short of pulling all data first and then excluding everyone that falls into the "contains" collection?
  • November 16, 2005
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