• jlo
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Hi all, 


I wonder if anyone knows when the updated GUI will be released? Our app shows the Spring '10 ladybug, but the GUI still reflects the original (old) environment. Wasn't one of the updates a new/refreshed GUI?  




How do you navigate to a specific top-level (standard object or custom object) tab from Apex? Not to a specific instance of an SObject, but to the top-level tab/list.





  • January 29, 2010
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Is it possible to have a VF page with click to dial using Skype. If yes, can someone please guide me through the process.

As an OEM Embedded ISV partner, we are supposed to prevent end users on our Force solution from accessing the standard CRM components  -- and access to the CRM components and the App Exchange can be a bit confusing for a true OEM end-customer who does not always associate our app with Salesforce.


Is there a way to keep the standard SFDC header with std tabs & our custom logo--yet remove the Force.com logo and the app drop down list on the right hand side of the screen?


From reading resources, it seems this can be done with Visualforce but looks like an all or nothing effort meaning that VF pages would have to be created to re-create all of the standard page functionality...with new logo/image changes.


I know VF can drop the standard header using the showHeader='false' but is there a way to easier way keep the standard header yet edit it?


Any advice on the best way to accomplish this is welcome... Thanks in advance.



I was trying the google viz code and could make a pie chart. But I couldn't figure out how to generate the corrent json string to make a Gauge.


Has anyone made a gauge before and could share a snippet of how to define the googleviz rows and cells to make it draw? I'm trying to put 2 or 3 together.




  • April 09, 2009
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Suppose if i do three manage releases 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 of my app. After the third release, if i want to revert back the code which i had released in 1.0.

Is there any version control system through which i can get back the earlier code .


How can i achieve this?


Any help on this will be highly appreciated.



I am trying to execute the following code for recalling an approval process an ends up getting the following error



execution of AfterUpdate caused by: System.DmlException: Process failed. First exception on row 0; first error: INVALID_OPERATION, Illegal transition type:


 Approval.ProcessWorkItemRequest pwr = new Approval.ProcessWorkItemRequest();
List<ProcessInstance> procins = new List<ProcessInstance>([select Id from ProcessInstance where Status = 'Pending' and TargetObjectId = :objectId]);
// Retrieve the process work instance id associated to the process instance
            List<ProcessInstanceWorkitem>  workitem = new List<ProcessInstanceWorkitem>([select Id from ProcessInstanceWorkitem where ProcessInstanceId = :procins[0].id]);

            if ((workitem != null) && (workitem.size() > 0))

                // Execute process request
                Approval.ProcessResult pr = Approval.process(pwr);


According to the Help documents, it should be possible to follow relationship chains to fill out mail merge fields (e.g. "Opportunity.Account.CreatedBy.Phone"). For my custom objects; however, I can only get them to work across a single relationship.


So, "{!NullValue(Answer__c.Response__c.Account__c.OwnerFirstName, "Account Manager")}," seems like it ought to work but it doesn't. (In my object model, Answer__c has a lookup relationship named "Response" to a Response__c, which has a lookup relationship "Account" to an Account).


The string "Answer__c.Response__c" works, but the string "Answer__c.Response__c.Account__c" does not either.


I see there is some 40 character limit on merge field names? 40 characters, REALLY???


I've tried removing the "__c" names, also using "__r" but no help. Does this feature actually work? Can someone help get me back on the right track?


Hi I'm not able to pass a Field Value in URL to another page so that a Particular field is always prepopulated on page load.

I've my button code as this:
<apex:commandButton value="New Billing" onclick="javascript:{!URLFOR($Action.Billing__c.New,null,[retURL=URLFOR($Action.Task.View,task.Id),ActivityId__c=task.Id],false)}"/>
With this URL the value is Set correctly, but the value is not prefiled on page load :(.

 Now if I replace the value of URL to this:
<apex:commandButton value="New Billing" onclick="javascript:{!URLFOR($Action.Billing__c.New,null,[retURL=URLFOR($Action.Task.View,task.Id),00N80000002c4Qe=task.Id],false)}"/>

 Where 00N80000002c4Qe is ID value of the control on target page which is needed to be pre-populated. But this above throws me SYNTAX Error of missing Field Name.

Can anyone guide me how to properly Set Return URL as well as pass some custom values in URL from a VF page?

  • December 16, 2008
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Using the API I'm trying to create an event and invite an attendee to that event.
I'm finding that I can't create an Event followed by an EventAttendee as I get the following error:
Is it possible to do what I'm looking for?
Thanks in advance
  • November 11, 2008
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I've built a matrix of PageBlockTables with a bunch of values in the columns and the totals in the header. Now for the problems:
  • How do I format the header? None of my efforts to get the column header to align on the right hand side of the column has had any effect.
  • How do I display a currency symbol in the header?
<apex:facet name="header">&euro;{!totalCAssets}</apex:facet>
<apex:column style="text-align:right" headerstyle="text-align:right" width="25%" headerValue="&euro;{!totalCAssets}">

didn't work. It simply displays the string "&euro;

Still trying to work out a few other issues I'm experiencing, but those would be a great help already!

Thanks for your help!

I have the following requirement -

I have an object(Student) that has two fields: one CheckBox type and other Text type (scenario - Pass/Fail status and Student Name).
What I am trying to do is get the student object information in the visualforce page in updatable mode. Check/Uncheck one or more student record(s) and carry out the required operation with the help of a custom button(e.g. select students named name1, name3,name5 and change their Pass/Fail status to Pass by clicking the button Change status to Pass) at once.

Any suggestions will be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Has anyone had any success supporting multiple languages with Fusion Charts?


I need to add a "Byte Order Mark" to an xml file generated via Visualforce. This sample JSP code shows how to do it using an OutputStream, but I can't figure out how to do the same thing using Visualforce or Apex.

response.setContentType( "text/xml; charset=UTF-8" );
OutputStream outs = response.getOutputStream();
outs.write( new byte[]{(byte)0xEF, (byte)0xBB, (byte)0xBF} );
// Now write your XML data to output stream



There are some more samples about how to add a BOM in other languages here: http://www.fusioncharts.com/do cs/Contents/SpChar.html


  • July 02, 2010
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S-Controls were labeled as deprecated in the Spring ‘09 release. With the upcoming Spring ‘10 release, we will be taking the next step in S-Control deprecation. Read the S-Control Deprecation article for more detail on what will and what won't change with the next phase of S-Control deprecation.
  • January 05, 2010
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I just ran in to a problem where I was trying to reference Apex code that lived in a Managed Package, and even though I had the correct syntax, I just couldn't get my code to compile properly. I'd like to share the solution with you.


 Here's a simplified version of the code that was frustrating me:


public class PackageExtenderClass{

public PackageExtenderClass(){

public String myExtenderMethod(){
String temp = myNamespace.UtilityClass.getRandomString();

return temp;


 The above code is correct in every way, but I couldn't get it to compile - I kept getting this error:

Error: Compile Error: Package Visibility: Type is not visible: utilityclass at line 7 column 26


It turns out that in order to solve this problem, I needed to update the Version Settings for my PackageExtenderClass so that it referenced the 1.6 version of the 'myNamespace' Managed Package instead of the older 1.3 version. This is becuase the 1.3 version of the Managed Package didn't include a definition for the getRandomString() method. The getRandomString() method was only added in the 1.6 version of the Managed Package.


  • October 21, 2009
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If I have a list of Account Ids that I want to run a query against, is there a way to get the Account records to be returned in the same order as in my original list? (My tests below fail. They seem to indicate that records are ordered by Id by default.)



public testMethod static void testOrderedListOfAccounts(){
Account a1 = new Account(name='A1 Account');
Account a2 = new Account(name='A2 Account');
Account a3 = new Account(name='A3 Account');
List<Account> newAccounts = new List<Account>{a1, a2, a3};
insert newAccounts;

/* order of accounts going in to the query is a3, a1, a2. */
List<Id> unorderedAccountIds = new List<Id>{a3.Id, a1.Id, a2.Id};

List<Account> returnedAccounts = [SELECT Id, Name

FROM Account

WHERE Id IN :unorderedAccountIds];


/* This query doesn't return in order either.*/

//List<Account> returnedAccounts =

//Database.query('SELECT Id, Name FROM Account WHERE Id IN (\'' +

// a3.Id + '\', \'' + a1.Id + '\', \'' + a2.Id + '\')');


/* This query doesn't return in order either.*/

//List<Account> returnedAccounts =

//Database.query('SELECT Id, Name FROM Account WHERE Id = \'' +

// a3.Id + '\' OR Id = \'' + a1.Id + '\' OR Id = \'' + a2.Id + '\'');

/* Verify order of Accounts is a3, a1, a2. */

System.debug('returnedAccounts[0] = ' + returnedAccounts[0]);
System.debug('returnedAccounts[1] = ' + returnedAccounts[1]);
System.debug('returnedAccounts[2] = ' + returnedAccounts[2]);
System.AssertEquals(a3.Id, returnedAccounts[0].Id); /* Test always fails here. */
System.AssertEquals(a1.Id, returnedAccounts[1].Id);
System.AssertEquals(a2.Id, returnedAccounts[2].Id);




Message Edited by jlo on 05-13-2009 11:30 AM
  • May 13, 2009
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Has anyone else run in to problems with the Google Docs integrations? Regardless of whether I use Firefox or IE, I keep getting 405 errors:

HTTP method GET is not supported by this URL
Error 405

HTTP 405 - Resource not allowed
Internet Explorer 

I clicked on the "authorization" link to allow the application to access my Google Docs account, and the integrations are able to list existing documents in my account. In addition, the integrations appear to be able to create documents in my account. Unfortunately, I just can't open them. Any ideas about why this might be occurring?


  • July 23, 2008
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Has anyone ever had problems generating correct java stub classes with WebLogic's 8.1 "clientgen" appliation and the Partner WSDL?

Here's the error message that we're encountering:


[clientgen] Generating client jar for d:\temp\salesforce\partner.wsdl ...

[clientgen] WARNING: Unable to fully map ['urn:sobject.partner.soap.sforce.com']:sObject using javax.xml.soap.SOAPElement
…<many more similar warnings> 

The sObject definition in the partner.wsdl has:
           <complexType name="sObject">
<element name="type" type="xsd:string"/>
<element name="fieldsToNull" type="xsd:string" nillable="true" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<element name="Id" type="tns:ID" nillable="true"/>
<any namespace="##targetNamespace" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" processContents="lax"/>

I think that “<any>” tag is only supported in JAX-RPC Spec 1.1 (at least that’s what this thread implies: http://forums.bea.com/bea/message.jspa?messageID=400007979&tstart=60 ). And to get support for JAX-RPC Spec 1.1, we’d have to upgrade to Weblogic 9.X, which is not currently an  option.

  • August 10, 2007
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We are currently trying to develop an application on VF where we need to embed charts in PDF. Wanted to see if any one had tried it before or forsee any issues with it.
I had found the following article regarding charts and VisualForce




CM-Focus LLC



Our app uses a number of Visualforce "snippets" that are placed into the page layouts of Contacts, Leads, and Accounts.  These chunks of Visualforce provide related list-like functionality with a couple extra bells and whistles.


Lately, our customers have been noticing some severe slowdowns on pages with those Visualforce components.


I've also reproduced the issue a number of times myself, both with Debug Logging turned on & with it turned off.


For example, I went to view one of the Accounts in our EE org.  The actual queries that the Apex controller is executing should take at most 2 seconds (I've timed this extensively from the command line).


However, the first time you try to view an Account, I've seen the page take over one minute to load. I've even seen the whole page *timeout* (after 130 seconds), so nothing (not even the normal stuff, let alone our Visualforce chunk) is visible.


Subsequently reloads of the same page take about 5 or 6 seconds - still too long, and still a significant penalty above the raw query time that the Controller needs:



I have a couple questions:


a.  How do the Salesforce Appservers cache Visualforce code?  This pattern seems to me like the individual Appserver that is handling my request has to go get the code for my visualforce page and then compile it, and then cache it, and this causes the periodic huge slowdown.


b.  Considering that Visualforce page chunks are embedded in the page layout as an IFRAME, why would they be a gating factor for the rest of the page?



As far as I can tell, when a browser requests a page that has Visualforce in it, the appserver notices the Visualforce bits and starts running them and *blocks* the entire rest of the page delivery until the Visualforce part is done (and cached, so when the browser actually makes the IFRAME request it gets the answer back quickly).


This seems like a premature optimization which is getting an unintended result.  If a small chunk of Visualforce is slow, it ends making the entire page useless rather than simply having a part of the page load a bit slower than the rest. (after the rest is visible & completely useful).


Especially when we're seeing these occasional 2 minutes "something's not in cache / gotta compile your page" issues, it makes the use of Visualforce components in standard page layouts a dicey proposition or maybe a bad idea entirely.  Which is especially rough, considering our App has been out for 2 years and hasn't had this problem before.


Can anyone at Salesforce comment on this?

Message Edited by jhart on 02-13-2010 10:47 PM
  • February 12, 2010
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Hi all, 


I wonder if anyone knows when the updated GUI will be released? Our app shows the Spring '10 ladybug, but the GUI still reflects the original (old) environment. Wasn't one of the updates a new/refreshed GUI?  




How do you navigate to a specific top-level (standard object or custom object) tab from Apex? Not to a specific instance of an SObject, but to the top-level tab/list.





  • January 29, 2010
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Is it possible to have a VF page with click to dial using Skype. If yes, can someone please guide me through the process.

As an OEM Embedded ISV partner, we are supposed to prevent end users on our Force solution from accessing the standard CRM components  -- and access to the CRM components and the App Exchange can be a bit confusing for a true OEM end-customer who does not always associate our app with Salesforce.


Is there a way to keep the standard SFDC header with std tabs & our custom logo--yet remove the Force.com logo and the app drop down list on the right hand side of the screen?


From reading resources, it seems this can be done with Visualforce but looks like an all or nothing effort meaning that VF pages would have to be created to re-create all of the standard page functionality...with new logo/image changes.


I know VF can drop the standard header using the showHeader='false' but is there a way to easier way keep the standard header yet edit it?


Any advice on the best way to accomplish this is welcome... Thanks in advance.



I'm having trouble getting an org chart google visualization working.  I don't have any problem getting the sample code working for orgcharts from http://code.google.com/apis/visualization/documentation/gallery/orgchart.html.


I'm also able to get the datachart working as per the example from http://wiki.developerforce.com/index.php/Google_Visualizations.


Then I created my own page with a datachart using a json dataset with the appropriate columns to support an org chart.  I displayed this json data on my visual force page with this code:


<c:DataTable jsondata="{!RelationTable}"/>


The chart displayed perfectly and the data appeared to be in exactly the format required for an orgchart.


Then I added this statement to display the data in orgchart format:

 <c:orgchart jsondata="{!RelationTable}"/>

However, this statement gives me the following error when I try to save the visual force page:

"Component c:orgchart does not exist"


Does anyone have any idea of why the orgchart is not considered a valid component?  Is there some other visual force code or script that can be used to display the orgchart?  I tried modifying the code from the documentation gallery example to use json data, but I was unable to get that to work.


Thanks for reading this and any help you might be able to offer.



I'm currently working on setting up a visualforce page that contains a gauge from the Google Visualization library, and while the gauge shows on initial page load, if I attempt to rerender the section (inside of an outputpanel) the header will show but the gauge itself won't.


I can examine the page and see that the JSON is being updated, so I'm not sure what I may be doing wrong here.  Can anyone help out or have struggled through this already?

Hi ,


I need to create a line chart showing 3 lines one for Actual 08 and 09

And the third for budget 09.


I have created 2 custom Objects so my Actual's are all part of one record for the year.

 I know the code for a pie chart is


IMAGE("http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?cht=c1&chd=t:" & Text( Variable_1__c )
& "," & Text(Variable_2 __c ) & "," & Text(Variable_3__c ) & "," & Text(Variable_4__c ) & "," & Text(Variable_5__c ) & "&chs=300x100&chf=bg,s,f3f3ec&chl= Variable 1 Name | Variable 2 Name | Variable 3 Name | Variable 4 Name | Variable 5 Name ", "Chart Title")


Do I need to create 36 fields to have my line charts????


Thank you




I'm wondering if anyone has experience deploying VisualForce pages related to custom objects that have overridden default buttons and actions such as new, edit, and tab view. It seems that when we have deployed to a new org, none of our custom objects have these overridden actions.


The reason why I find this so curious is that it seems like it would have to be possible in order to package up an app and make it available on the AppExchange, for example. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!





I followed the steps in the Developer Guide. The default site is accessible but when I click on the Position ID to go to the PublicJobDetails page, I am taken to the 'Authorization Required - You must first login in or register before accessing this page. 


The visualforce page has been added to the Site and Custom Object Permissions have been granted to Site Users. 


Message Edited by sumu on 04-29-2009 12:53 PM
  • April 29, 2009
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I was trying the google viz code and could make a pie chart. But I couldn't figure out how to generate the corrent json string to make a Gauge.


Has anyone made a gauge before and could share a snippet of how to define the googleviz rows and cells to make it draw? I'm trying to put 2 or 3 together.




  • April 09, 2009
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