• elinkbiz
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In the API 8.0 binding.describeSObject(className) only allows you to specify Custom Objects and not Standard Objects like (Product, Account, etc). The following error is returned .

faultString: INVALID_TYPE: sObject type 'Product' is not supported.

However in the 7.0 Endpoint the API works fine for both standard and custom objects. I understand in 8.0 you can call binding.describeGlobals() and filter through the types for standard objects "Products", but there is no way to introspect the objects for Fields, Types, Validation, etc.
8.0 End Point


7.0 End Point
If we use the 7.0 Endpoint we recieved with the describeSObject call on standard objects, we can fetch the fields on the object returned. See below. Is there a new undocumented way to do the same thing in 8.0 endpoint. All the Salesforce example documents show the 7.0 method of fetching and introspecting the Standard and Custom objects. This is an important feature for us because of server caching we do on introspected fields. Will this be fixed in the near term, is there a work around? What is the life span of the 7.0 interface if we continue to use it? 

The new server url is: https://na2-api.salesforce.com/services/Soap/u/7.0

Found the class type=Product

Found object and fields for [Product]

Id Type [id] Length [18]

PricebookId Type [reference] Length [18]

Name Type [string] Length [240]

ProductCode Type [string] Length [60]

DefaultPrice Type [currency] Length [0]

Description Type [string] Length [240]

QuantityScheduleType Type [picklist] Length [120]

QuantityInstallmentPeriod Type [picklist] Length [120]

NumberOfQuantityInstallments Type [int] Length [0]

RevenueScheduleType Type [picklist] Length [120]

RevenueInstallmentPeriod Type [picklist] Length [120]

NumberOfRevenueInstallments Type [int] Length [0]

CanUseQuantitySchedule Type [boolean] Length [0]

CanUseRevenueSchedule Type [boolean] Length [0]

IsActive Type [boolean] Length [0]

CreatedDate Type [datetime] Length [0]

CreatedById Type [reference] Length [18]

LastModifiedDate Type [datetime] Length [0]

LastModifiedById Type [reference] Length [18]

SystemModstamp Type [datetime] Length [0]

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  • June 28, 2006
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