• Blaxxun
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Is there anyway that I can customize the home page of a standard object, say Accounts home page. My requirememt is to add a custom link "Creare New Account" ponting to a S-Control somewhere on the accounts home page so that user uses this link instead of the standard add account button. From what I could find in forum postings and docs, only the Home page sidebar is customizable. Is there some way/ hack that can help me do this?
Thanks in advance,

Message Edited by Blaxxun on 07-31-2006 02:52 PM

(1) We have account-1 (developer account on AppExchange) and as part of building a custom application (includes CustomTabs,CustomObjects,S-Controls), we also save some ICONS/Images as 'Documents' which are supposed to be used in S-control HTML as part of the presentation. For example, if the account-1 is hosted on na1.salesforce.com, the Documents were saves on the same domain. And, we had to hard-code the image-urls in S-control HTML which refer to na1.salesforce.com domain.

This works fine when the application was run within the same account.

(2) However, when the same app was packaged and published, the 'Get It' link would install on a different customer's account (ex: account-2). Now, if the account-2 happens to be hosted on na2.salesforce.com, the internal images links hardcoded in S-control HTMLs were NOT updated to na2.salesforce.com and it causes the DISPLAY PROBLEMS because those images were NOT found or can NOT be accessed from within na2.salesforce.com domain.

What is the solution for this problem?

Any quick help and tips would be greatly appreciated

Thank you
  • July 31, 2006
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Is there anyway that I can customize the home page of a standard object, say Accounts home page. My requirememt is to add a custom link "Creare New Account" ponting to a S-Control somewhere on the accounts home page so that user uses this link instead of the standard add account button. From what I could find in forum postings and docs, only the Home page sidebar is customizable. Is there some way/ hack that can help me do this?
Thanks in advance,

Message Edited by Blaxxun on 07-31-2006 02:52 PM

So, I've found a roundabout way of getting what I'm looking for, but I'm wondering if anyone can help me with a more direct way.  Basically, I'm trying to get the picklist values from a specific (custom) field in the Case object & so far I have this:

function buildDivisionSelector() {
 HTML = "<select id='divisionSelector' style='width:170px;'>";
 HTML += "<option value='all'>All Servicing Divisions</option>";
 var sfObject = sforceClient.describeSObject("Case");
 var array = new Array();
 for (var a = 0; a < sfObject.fields.length; a++) {
  if (sfObject.fields[a].name == "Servicing_Division__c") {
   array = sfObject.fields[a].picklistValues;
 for (var a = 0; a < array.length; a++) {
  HTML += "<option value='"+array[a].value+"'>"+array[a].value+"</option>";
 HTML += "</select>";
 document.getElementById("divisionSelectorContainer").innerHTML = HTML;


Obviously, I don't need to loop through all of the fields since I know which field's picklist values I want to get... I just don't know how to reference an individual field.


Message Edited by zach on 07-28-2006 02:48 PM

  • July 28, 2006
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I am trying to add a new custom field into lead through api. How it is going to work for the user a/c which does not have a priveledge to create a new custom field etc for the lead. How this will work?




  • August 16, 2005
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Is it possible to create custom fields using the API's?

Message Edited by pawan on 06-09-2003 11:34 AM

Message Edited by pawan on 06-09-2003 11:34 AM

  • June 09, 2003
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