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Can anyone tell me why this bit of code does not create a new event?
<script src="https://www.salesforce.com/services/lib/ajax/beta3.3/sforceclient.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://na1.salesforce.com/js/functions.js"></script>
sforceClient.init("{valid session id}", "{valid server}", true);
var vappt;
vappt = new Sforce.Dynabean("event");
vappt.set("WhoId","{valid contact id}");
vappt.set("WhatId","{valid account id}");
vappt.set("Subject","Appointment Set");
vappt.set("Location","ADDRESS NOT FOUND");
vappt.set("ActivityDateTime",new Date("2006-08-02T13:00:00+00:00"));
var appt_sr2 = sforceClient.create([vappt])[0];
  • August 03, 2006
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I have created a custom link on my Contacts page.  This custom link opens a new window that is hosted by my server.  The user fills out a form, and then submits.  When this submit is done, i would like this page to refresh the Contact page.  I am using javascript and call: parent.opener.location.reload();  This gives me a "Permission denied" error.  Is there any way i can refresh the SFDC Contact page from my page?
I am trying to execute a select stmt where i filter on the date:
select Id,Name,Type,ParentId,BillingStreet,BillingCity,BillingState,BillingPostalCode,BillingCountry,ShippingStreet,ShippingCity,ShippingState,ShippingPostalCode,ShippingCountry,Phone,Fax,AccountNumber,Website,Sic,Industry,AnnualRevenue,NumberOfEmployees,Ownership,TickerSymbol,Description,Rating,Site,OwnerId,CreatedDate,CreatedById,LastModifiedDate,LastModifiedById,SystemModstamp,SLAExpirationDate__c,SLASerialNumber__c,NumberofLocations__c,SLA__c,CustomerPriority__c,UpsellOpportunity__c,Active__c from Account where LastModifiedDate >= 2006-06-09T12:00:00+0000
Same query works if i leave off:
 where LastModifiedDate >= 2006-06-09T12:00:00+0000
Is this a valid date format?
I am trying to query the Account object. 
QueryResult qr = xbinding.query("select Id,Name from Account");
This throws a null pointer exception everytime.  I have logged in, and set the session header for xbinding.  What else could be stopping me from running this query?  Any help would be greatly appreciated, i've been stuck on this for hours....
Hello all,
I am trying to create an app that will allow my clients to pass info to my system from salesforce.com.  I have created a custom link that will do all of the work already.  I am running into trouble when the info gets to my system, and i cannot tell who the user is.  I have my custom link passing me the users SFDC {!User_ID}, but i have no mapping to let me know who that user is on my system.  Has anyone done this before?  Anyone got a good method for aquiring this info?
Can anyone tell me why this bit of code does not create a new event?
<script src="https://www.salesforce.com/services/lib/ajax/beta3.3/sforceclient.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://na1.salesforce.com/js/functions.js"></script>
sforceClient.init("{valid session id}", "{valid server}", true);
var vappt;
vappt = new Sforce.Dynabean("event");
vappt.set("WhoId","{valid contact id}");
vappt.set("WhatId","{valid account id}");
vappt.set("Subject","Appointment Set");
vappt.set("Location","ADDRESS NOT FOUND");
vappt.set("ActivityDateTime",new Date("2006-08-02T13:00:00+00:00"));
var appt_sr2 = sforceClient.create([vappt])[0];
  • August 03, 2006
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I am trying to execute a select stmt where i filter on the date:
select Id,Name,Type,ParentId,BillingStreet,BillingCity,BillingState,BillingPostalCode,BillingCountry,ShippingStreet,ShippingCity,ShippingState,ShippingPostalCode,ShippingCountry,Phone,Fax,AccountNumber,Website,Sic,Industry,AnnualRevenue,NumberOfEmployees,Ownership,TickerSymbol,Description,Rating,Site,OwnerId,CreatedDate,CreatedById,LastModifiedDate,LastModifiedById,SystemModstamp,SLAExpirationDate__c,SLASerialNumber__c,NumberofLocations__c,SLA__c,CustomerPriority__c,UpsellOpportunity__c,Active__c from Account where LastModifiedDate >= 2006-06-09T12:00:00+0000
Same query works if i leave off:
 where LastModifiedDate >= 2006-06-09T12:00:00+0000
Is this a valid date format?
I am trying to query the Account object. 
QueryResult qr = xbinding.query("select Id,Name from Account");
This throws a null pointer exception everytime.  I have logged in, and set the session header for xbinding.  What else could be stopping me from running this query?  Any help would be greatly appreciated, i've been stuck on this for hours....
Hello all,
I am trying to create an app that will allow my clients to pass info to my system from salesforce.com.  I have created a custom link that will do all of the work already.  I am running into trouble when the info gets to my system, and i cannot tell who the user is.  I have my custom link passing me the users SFDC {!User_ID}, but i have no mapping to let me know who that user is on my system.  Has anyone done this before?  Anyone got a good method for aquiring this info?

Is there a document or whatever that explains the features / functions / limitations of the soon to be rolled out Appexchange ?

I'd like to know:

  • How partner applications are generally deployed in Appexchange (an overview of the SFDC internal process -- not any of the marketeering crap about how great it's going to be but the real meat of what a deployed application looks like from the programmer / developer's perspective).
  • How are custom objects deployed into a client's SFA when they deploy a partner app ?
  • Exactly which custom objects (objects, tabs, web-tabs, S-Controls) are / are NOT deployed
  • Do custom fields on standard SFObjects (i.e: Opportunity) get deployed when a client deploys a partner app into their SFA ?
  • Do custom objects and custom fields retain the object name assigned in SForce when the object was created ? If "yes" -- how shouild one go about resolving conflicts in custom object / field names across partners ? In other words: What happens if ABC Company deploys an Appexchange app with custom field or object names that conflict with DEF Company's app and the client want to deploy BOTH ABC's and DEF's applications ?
  • Do custom objects, tabs, etc., retain the same "ID" or do they get a new client-specific id in the client SFA when deployed via Appexchange ?
  • Are there any operations / calls currently in the API which are NOT allowed from an Appexchange  deployed app ?
  • Conversely: Are there any operations / calls specific to Appexchange deplayed apps that do NOT appear in the API ?

It would be really useful and helpful for SForce / Appexchange developers if there were a single-source for this kind of information....




When doing an insert, if I receive the faultcode 1239 and faultstring:

insufficient access rights on cross-reference id

what does this mean?

  • November 10, 2003
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