• Capricorn
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Hi, I am trying to achieve SSO with Salesforce.com by Federated Authentication with SAML v 1.1 using OpenSSO framework as provided in “http://developers.sun.com/identity/reference/techart/salesforce.html”.


OpenSSO generates SAML response which is as given below:-


PK1H+C+2J1U+DZ51wlL7keAv3/g= SdvaFJPnwMo5yQvJWXDXuPHm7ZkSZqwM6Qni+hNfscY00Tr614cm0YwNgHIdzamJkXu47E/rdaI6 jIlzd9/tSPeE/AAq/tZGsIdi8fZ5hCPLY+2KCYg0DnbUbV5uXvY33ycKKxAxf+duN4f+7taJ8s6j sE8pem60S36dQXvxuMM= MIICQDCCAakCBEeNB0swDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEEBQAwZzELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxEzARBgNVBAgTCkNh bGlmb3JuaWExFDASBgNVBAcTC1NhbnRhIENsYXJhMQwwCgYDVQQKEwNTdW4xEDAOBgNVBAsTB09w ZW5TU08xDTALBgNVBAMTBHRlc3QwHhcNMDgwMTE1MTkxOTM5WhcNMTgwMTEyMTkxOTM5WjBnMQsw CQYDVQQGEwJVUzETMBEGA1UECBMKQ2FsaWZvcm5pYTEUMBIGA1UEBxMLU2FudGEgQ2xhcmExDDAK BgNVBAoTA1N1bjEQMA4GA1UECxMHT3BlblNTTzENMAsGA1UEAxMEdGVzdDCBnzANBgkqhkiG9w0B AQEFAAOBjQAwgYkCgYEArSQc/U75GB2AtKhbGS5piiLkmJzqEsp64rDxbMJ+xDrye0EN/q1U5Of+ RkDsaN/igkAvV1cuXEgTL6RlafFPcUX7QxDhZBhsYF9pbwtMzi4A4su9hnxIhURebGEmxKW9qJNY Js0Vo5+IgjxuEWnjnnVgHTs1+mq5QYTA7E6ZyL8CAwEAATANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQQFAAOBgQB3Pw/U QzPKTPTYi9upbFXlrAKMwtFf2OW4yvGWWvlcwcNSZJmTJ8ARvVYOMEVNbsT4OFcfu2/PeYoAdiDA cGy/F2Zuj8XJJpuQRSE6PtQqBuDEHjjmOQJ0rV/r8mO1ZCtHRhpZ5zYRjhRC9eCbjx9VrFax0JDC /FfwWigmrW0Y0Q== id=email@abc.com,ou=user,dc=opensso,dc=java,dc=net urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.0:cm:bearer


SFDC returns me an error message telling


“Login Error. Your login attempt using single sign-on with an identity provider certificate has failed. Please contact your Salesforce administrator for more information.”


When I paste the above SAML in SFDC SAML validator, it gives a message “Audience not found”.


When I make the changes in the above mentioned SAML with audience tag as given below in and run it,  

https://saml.salesforce.com SFDC returns an ok message.


Hence could you pls let me know where to provide this audience information in OpenSSO so that I can send a valid SAML response to SFDC?


Thanks in advance.


I have a SOAP message listener (.NET C#), which works fine from my local machine, but which when deployed on the server and the Outbound Message Endpoint changed to point to the server URL gives the error message : Server was unable to read request. ---> There is an error in XML document (45, 63). ---> String was not recognized as a valid Da

The end point is reachable, by directly hitting the URL. The entry point is to an External IP which then redirects internally to an IP behind the firewall. I have checked the connections as the web service page loads up fine. It is only when SFDC sends a message to the listener do i get this error message.

To make matters worst, the code deployed is exactly the same as on my development machine.

Any ideas how i can go around debugging/tracing the actual error?

I have also confirmed that the external message from SFDC server is routed to the internal IP, so firewall is out of the checklist. Also, the access is open to all, hence no restriction in terms of IP range etc.
Hi, I am trying to update a field using Workflow Rule Field Update. I have a custom object which has 2 fields. a) a lookup field to User object b) Employee Number (a field on User object) Based upon the selection from a), i want to access and update the field b). I cant seem to get the value of b) using formula and merge fields. Any idea? Thanks Caps
Is there any way of incrementing the Self-Service Access Count when a Solution is clicked. I want to achieve this via the API.
The field seems to be un-accessible via the API. Any way around this one?

I've this issue where my custom s-control when dropped on a page layout needs to find the type of object it is on.

Such as if the control is on Case page layout, it should be able to get the {Case.Id} and if on the Account page should be able to access {Account.Id}. I can put if else statements as long as i can find out the type of Object the control is called from.

I have an alternative solution, i.e. to create several controls, specific to an object type, but i would like to re-use code as much as possible and have one solution.



Reading through the forums, i found many options but still havent manage to get a working solution.
The data in SFDC backend is stored as per organisation timezone. On accessing it in a s-control, i want a date displayed to be converted to User's Time Zone.

I am using the Ajax toolkit  8.0 to get the following:

var user = sforce.connection.getUserInfo();
alert("your timezone is: " + user.userTimeZone);

However this returns me America/Los_Angeles, where as i want a value such as GMT +7 etc. I would then use this to calculate the offset from the base GMT time stored in SFDC to convert it to User Timezone.

Any help anyone?

I can do a bulk update using the Partners API by creating an array of sObjects and setting the .Id, .Type and .Any property (using .NET C#).
However i cannot do the same via the Enterprise API as those properties are not exposed.
The benefit i get using the Partners API is to write a piece of code and use it on any object by setting the object Name and the Fields to update in the XML. Whereas in Enterprise i cant seem to do that in a generic way.
Or am i on the wrong track?
I am wondering if there is a way to allow customers to search the self service portal. I was thinking maybe if they needed to review previous cases they could go to view closed cases but I would like to implement a search option to allow them to search in page without having to educate each customer of the CTRL + F feature in most browsers. Even if this requires putting the portal in a frame to accomplish this. Does anybody have any suggestions or maybe Apps that could help with this?
  • September 29, 2007
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Is there a way to customize the behavior of the "create" button after chosing the record type of an object?
For Example:
I need to create an S-control (like wizard) that create an opportunity but this will be called after than the user choose the record type.
Is this possibile?
If no, is there a way to get only the record type (for opportunity) available for a specific user (profile)?
Thanks for your support
I have a custom object tracking professional services engagements based on accounts. I have added a field to select the contact for the engagement from the contacts associated with the account. I would like to add an S-Control to pull in the phone number and email address but the following code is not bringing back anything.
<script src="/soap/ajax/9.0/connection.js"></script>
<script src="/js/dojo/0.4.1/dojo.js"></script>


function init() {
var callback = {
onSuccess : displayResult,
onFailure : displayError
sforce.connection.query("SELECT Name, Phone, Email FROM Contact where ID = '{!Contact.Id}', callback);

function displayResult(result) {
var it = new sforce.QueryResultIterator(result);
var html = [];
while(it.hasNext()) {
var record = it.next();
html.push("Name = " + record.Name + "<br>");
html.push("Phone = " + record.Phone + "<br>");
html.push("Email = " + record.Email + "<br>");

document.getElementById("output-div").innerHTML = html.join("");

function displayError(error) {
document.getElementById("output-div").innerHTML =
"oops something went wrong ... " + error;


<div id="output-div"></div>

<script src="/soap/ajax/9.0/connection.js"></script>
<script src="/js/dojo/0.4.1/dojo.js"></script>


function init() {
var callback = {
onSuccess : displayResult,
onFailure : displayError
sforce.connection.query("SELECT Name, Phone, Email FROM Contact where ID = '{!Contact.Id}', callback);

function displayResult(result) {
var it = new sforce.QueryResultIterator(result);
var html = [];
while(it.hasNext()) {
var record = it.next();
html.push("Name = " + record.Name + "<br>");
html.push("Phone = " + record.Phone + "<br>");
html.push("Email = " + record.Email + "<br>");

document.getElementById("output-div").innerHTML = html.join("");

function displayError(error) {
document.getElementById("output-div").innerHTML =
"oops something went wrong ... " + error;


<div id="output-div"></div>

Do I need to display the contact ID on the page? If so how would i associate it with the contact?
Any help or suggestions are greatly appreciated.