• Anthia
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I am an Admin trying to install Outlook Edition throughout my company and before I roll it out completely, I would like to clarify one aspect of the installation that I am having trouble with- the User Permissions tab and the changes I need to make to the O_Dictionary. 
According to the Advanced OE Admin tipsheet, I go to the User Permissions tab, select the modification options I want and then click Show File to open the settings file O_Dictionary.xml. Once I open this file, I see the following code:
   Note: The OverrideOptions value attribute determines whether the user is in restricted mode or not.
 <XOverrideOptions value="true">
  <CanModifySyncEntities value="false"/>
  <Sync entity="Contact" value="false"/>
  <Sync entity="Event" value="true"/>
  <Sync entity="Task" value="true"/>
  <CanModifySyncDirection value="false"/>
  <SyncDirection entity="Contact" value="Both"/>
  <SyncDirection entity="Event" value="Import"/>
  <SyncDirection entity="Task" value="Export"/>
  <CanModifyConflictResolution value="false"/>
 <OverrideOptions value="false"><CanModifySyncEntities value="true"/><CanModifySyncDirection value="true"/><CanModifyConflictResolution value="true"/><CustomTemplateClasses value=""/><Sync entity="Contact" value="false"/><SyncDirection entity="Contact" value="Both"/><ConflictResolution entity="Contact" value="Notify"/><SyncDirection entity="Event" value="Both"/><ConflictResolution entity="Event" value="Notify"/><SyncDirection entity="Task" value="Both"/><ConflictResolution entity="Task" value="Notify"/></OverrideOptions></Document>
When I followed the tipsheet instructions and changed the XOverrideOptions to OverrideOptions and saved the file, the User Permissions tab disappeared as expected. However, I went back into the file and put back the X to make the User Permissions tab reappear, and it did not. I ended up uninstalling and reinstalling the Outlook Edition because I did not know how else to make it reappear.
So, I am not sure if I followed the instructions properly, and I am not sure what exactly I need to change when the tipsheet says to 'Change the XOverrideOptions attribute to OverrideOptions'.  I would like to be able to adjust the User Permissions and bring back that tab. Anyone have any experience with this?
Also, what does the Restore button do, and is this how I can get the User Permissions tab back?
I tried to locate other resources and guides about the Outlook Edition, but was not successful. Any suggestions would be most welcome!