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We defined a Process Builder on the Lead object and ran all unit tests successfully in production. However, during the deployment, all the unit tests that were creating a Lead record failed with the following error:

System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: CANNOT_EXECUTE_FLOW_TRIGGER, The record couldn’t be saved because it failed to trigger a flow. <br>common.exception.AssertionException: ORA-20070: Cannot read from apex_class and apex_trigger while running tests ORA-06512: at "SNEEZY.ASSERT", line 11 ORA-06512: at "SNEEZY.ASSERT", line 41 ORA-06512: at "SNEEZY.CAPEX", line 3095 ORA-06512: at "SNEEZY.CAPEX", line 3088 ORA-06512: at "SNEEZY.CAPEX", line 194 ORA-06512: at line 1 SQLException while executing plsql statement: {call cApex.get_classes_blk_nc(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}(00DA0000000byvR, [ null ], [ null ], [ EXCLUDED (18) ], EXCLUDED, EXCLUDED,

We had to deactivate our process and then ran a deploy to work around this issue.

Based on some posts in the forum (https://developer.salesforce.com/forums/ForumsMain?id=906F0000000B5zB" target="_blank), we are not the only ones experiencing this issue. Support has been unavailable for this issue, because we are "standard" customers, even though it's clearly a platform bug. Please help!

We are trying to move Reports from Sandbox to Production, but we got the below error while validating the deployment:

Component Errors:

TestCallResultTrigger.testAssignment(), Details: System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: CANNOT_EXECUTE_FLOW_TRIGGER, The record couldn’t be saved because it failed to trigger a flow. <br>common.exception.AssertionException: ORA-20070: Cannot read from apex_class and apex_trigger while running tests ORA-06512: at "BASHFUL.ASSERT", line 11 ORA-06512: at "BASHFUL.ASSERT", line 41 ORA-06512: at "BASHFUL.CAPEX", line 3095 ORA-06512: at "BASHFUL.CAPEX", line 3088 ORA-06512: at "BASHFUL.CAPEX", line 194 ORA-06512: at line 1 SQLException while executing plsql statement: {call cApex.get_classes_blk_nc(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}(00D28000000HS3L, [ EXCLUDED (10) ], [ null ], [ EXCLUDED (15) ], EXCLUDED, EXCLUDED, EXCLUDED,
CallResult; null, Details: Test coverage of selected Apex Trigger is 0%, at least 1% test coverage is required; Average test coverage across all Apex Classes and Triggers is 0%, at least 75% test coverage is required.
Apex Test Failures:
System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: CANNOT_EXECUTE_FLOW_TRIGGER, The record couldn’t be saved because it failed to trigger a flow. <br>common.exception.AssertionException: ORA-20070: Cannot read from apex_class and apex_trigger while running tests ORA-06512: at "BASHFUL.ASSERT", line 11 ORA-06512: at "BASHFUL.ASSERT", line 41 ORA-06512: at "BASHFUL.CAPEX", line 3095 ORA-06512: at "BASHFUL.CAPEX", line 3088 ORA-06512: at "BASHFUL.CAPEX", line 194 ORA-06512: at line 1 SQLException while executing plsql statement: {call cApex.get_classes_blk_nc(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}(00D28000000HS3L, [ EXCLUDED (10) ], [ null ], [ EXCLUDED (15) ], EXCLUDED, EXCLUDED, EXCLUDED, EXCLUDED) Cannot read from apex_class and apex_t 
Stack Trace: Class.TestCallResultTrigger.setupTestData: line 57, column 1 Class.TestCallResultTrigger.testAssignment: line 87, column 1

Please find the screenshot below:

User-added image

May we know the reason and how do we rectify this error? We don't see any Flows in Sandbox.

Please let us know for any clarification.
I'm new to ProcessBuilder, have watched the tutorial videos and seminar, yet am not able to do something that should be straightforward (I'm sure i'm doing something dumb).  The scenario is when a custom object1 record is created or edited and its Status picklist value is 'x', then create an instance of another custom object2.   Object2 has a few required fields and PB does a good job of automatically bringing them up in the UI to be assigned.   The problem is after creating Object2 instance, I cannot select the appropriate Object1 instance's field to its corresponding required field; it's simply not available to select.   All of the fields are, however, visible during the initial PB filtering criteria (i.e. Status picklist value filter), but all fields are not available when attempting to assign one of these fields' values.   I guessed this might have been due to a field permissions issue, but that's not the issue.   I also ruled out that formula fields just couldn't be seen here (by rebuilding the field as a text field).  The only other thing to note here is that both custom objects are managed packages, which means I can't change any field definitions, but I can create new fields based on the managed package fields on respective object.

Any insights, please?  Thanks!
I have a simple process which updates all child records when the parent is updated. The problem I'm having is that occassionally a child record will have some data that was entered prior to a validation rule being created - when the process runs this child record fails validation, and in turn, causes the process to fail - returning a pretty cryptic error to the user. Is there a way to gracefully handle errors like these in Process Builder?
When setting up criteria for a Process Builder Action Group, there are are several functions that are missing entirely (ie ISNEW()) and others that are missing from formulas but exist in filter conditions.  Namely, ISCHANGED() and PRIORVALUE() (PRIORVALUE is called "Was set" in Process Builder).

Proces Builder filter operators:
Process Builder filter options are limited but include ISCHANGED()

Formula functions:
 ISCHANGED works with Process Builder formula

Workflow options:
Workflow has more functionality

My question is: is this intentional?  If so, why?  If not, will it be changed and when?

I need to retrieve a value from a custom setting and incorporate it as a value in a Visual Flow. But I cannot see where custom settings are exposed to the flow designer.  any help?
My use case is that I am launching a report from the flow, and best practice is to store report IDs in custom settings to facilitate deployments.
I am trying the new lighting process builder and would like to update a datetim field to NOW or NOW() on a status change.

That does not seem to be an option as they are in workflow. Option are to hard code the datetim or set it to another field value

Hi, sfdc champs please help me out from a serious scenario where I want to have the following functionality:
1) I'm having a ful flow with multiple screens.
2) Everthing is working fine using Apex plugins.
3) Now I need to have a functionality in which at a prticular node of flow I want to wait for the approval and then only proceed furthur.
4) Now after the approver user approves then the flow starts from where it was set to wait for the approval.

Please, assist me in the serious issue. Any help is highly appriciated ...
Hey all,

Anybody taking the Process Bulider for a walk yet?  (I've heard it called the Process Builder, Visual Workflows, etc).

I'm trying to do something I do a lot in code; drop some breadcrumb objects when an object moves between two states.  To do this, I link to the object changin and set a "From" and "To" filed value.  In apex, I do this in a before update trigger and grab the values from oldMap and newMap.

In the process bulider, I can access "Priorvalue" in a decision block.  During the "Create" action, however, I can't get at the old value; I only have access to select [Object].field, or to "hard code" the value I want to go into the field.

Anyone else out there trying to do something similar?



I have a few screens in my Visual Workflow and I would like to add images to some of the screens. I haven't found such capabilities. How can I achieve my goal?





<apex:page standardController="opportunity" tabStyle="opportunity" extensions="mySecondController"> <style> .locationError { color: blue; font-weight: strong;} </style> <apex:form > <!--<apex:messages /--> <apex:pageBlock title="opp line items" mode="edit"> <apex:pageMessages /> <apex:pageBlockButtons location="top" > <apex:commandButton value="Save" action="{!saveChanges}" rerender="main" status="ajaxStatus"/> <apex:commandButton value="Cancel" action="{!cancel}"/> </apex:pageBlockButtons> <apex:actionStatus id="ajaxStatus" startText="Updating line items..."> </apex:actionStatus> <!--<apex:outputPanel layout="block" style="overflow:auto;width=750px;height=250px">--> <!--div style="overflow:auto;width=750px;height=250px"--> <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!secondcontroller}" var="oli"> <apex:column id="thename" headerValue="Name"> {!oli.transcript2.PriceBookEntry.Product2.Name} </apex:column> <apex:column > <apex:facet name="header"><b>Schedules</b></apex:facet> <apex:repeat value="{!oli.trainee2}" var="b"> <apex:inputField value="{!b.quantity}"/> </apex:repeat> </apex:column> <apex:column title="This is the total quantity" headerValue="Quantity Sum"> {!oli.transcript2.Quantity} </apex:column> <apex:column title="This is the total quantity" headerValue="Quantity{!oli.tr2.Unit_Of_Measure__c}" footervalue="{!total.quantity}"> <apex:inputField value="{!oli.transcript2.quantity}" id="Custon_validation"/> </apex:column> <apex:column > {!oli.tr2.Unit_Of_Measure__c} </apex:column> <apex:column headerValue="Unit Sales Price" > <apex:inputField value="{!oli.transcript2.UnitPrice}"/> </apex:column> <apex:column headerValue="LineDesc" > <apex:inputField value="{!oli.transcript2.description}"/> </apex:column> <apex:message for="Custon_validation" styleClass="locationError"/><p/> </apex:pageBlockTable> <!--</apex:outputPanel>--> </apex:pageBlock> </apex:form> </apex:page>


Hi there,


I have a requirement where I have to display different column header names for the different columns generated using apex:repeat in a visualforce table.I have not been able to figure out how to do this.Any help would be much appreciated.

I am using apex:repeat for fetching the values of the opportunitylineitemschedules against each opportunitylineitem in the table.I am getting the values correctly.But for each opportunitylineitemschedule column I need a header name as the schedule date for the opplineitemschedule(which btw wud remain same for each column)>Currently I can show only one header name using facet header but I want to be able to show different names for different columns.

 Here's my VF page:



CMSforce is a great Force.com Labs application that allows business users:

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  • Create public landing pages and collect information into any object in Salesforce
You can find this app free on AppExchange. 
The code is also available as an opensource project at code share



Message Edited by Bulent on 07-16-2009 11:03 AM