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I am working on another validation rule.  While no syntax errors appear I am still able to change the stage of the opportunity to Close Won without the required fields. 


In essence what I would like is for the following fields to be required when the opportunity stage equals Close Won.  I provided the field name in red.

1.    Primary Activity must be completed (this is a picklist value) Activity_c

2.    NAICS Code must be completed (this is a look up field) NAICS_Code_c

3.    # of Jobs must be completed (this is a number field) of_Jobs_c

4.    Amount of investment must be completed (this is a currency field) Amount

5.    The Account Name cannot be CONFIDENTAL (this is a look up text field) Account.Name


Currently I have the following validation rule active.  No syntax errors appear however, I don’t get the results I need.  I have omitted the investment and account name from this validation rule because when I include them I get errors.  It is as if it does not want to accept the field type in my validation rule.  Can someone please provide assistance?  I cant seem to understand what I am doing wrong here.


ISPICKVAL(StageName, "Close Won"),
ISPICKVAL( Activity__c , ""),
of_Jobs__c < 0,
LEN( NAICS_Code__c ) = 0

  • August 18, 2008
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Hello everyone,
I am new to Salesforce.com.  I am so glad a place like this exists because I need assistance.  We are in the process of changing page layouts and need to add new fields.  Some of these fields are in other layouts..such as in accounts.  Is it possible to "clone" a field that is the "account" layout and copy it to the "opportunity" layout?
  • February 29, 2008
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Hello.  I have a client who uses Opps but does not need the Close Date field, and he doesn't want to require his users to click on the date link to insert today's date since they have enough required data entry fields as it is.

I've tried using both Workflow rules and Apex to populate the CloseDate field, but it looks like the web page's field validation occurs first and returns a required-field error to the user.

Is there any way to pre-empt the web page field validation?


I am working on another validation rule.  While no syntax errors appear I am still able to change the stage of the opportunity to Close Won without the required fields. 


In essence what I would like is for the following fields to be required when the opportunity stage equals Close Won.  I provided the field name in red.

1.    Primary Activity must be completed (this is a picklist value) Activity_c

2.    NAICS Code must be completed (this is a look up field) NAICS_Code_c

3.    # of Jobs must be completed (this is a number field) of_Jobs_c

4.    Amount of investment must be completed (this is a currency field) Amount

5.    The Account Name cannot be CONFIDENTAL (this is a look up text field) Account.Name


Currently I have the following validation rule active.  No syntax errors appear however, I don’t get the results I need.  I have omitted the investment and account name from this validation rule because when I include them I get errors.  It is as if it does not want to accept the field type in my validation rule.  Can someone please provide assistance?  I cant seem to understand what I am doing wrong here.


ISPICKVAL(StageName, "Close Won"),
ISPICKVAL( Activity__c , ""),
of_Jobs__c < 0,
LEN( NAICS_Code__c ) = 0

  • August 18, 2008
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My problem is this.
On opportunities I do not want our salespeople to be able to move the stage field to “close/lost “ unless they have filled out a field that identifies which competitior got the sale.

To identify that we have lost the sale in the stage field I am using the ISPICKVAL(StageName, "Lost ") and then I also need to validate that a custom field (lookup on which competitor) is not empty. Eg. they need to fill this field if stage moves to "lost".

Can anyone tell me how I can do this?
  • May 19, 2008
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Hello All,
              I am very new to Salesforce just a couple of days old. I am not even a Salesforce resource, but given the responsibility of making some changes to an existing object. We have an object with several fields. The requirement is that if a particular picklist value say, ABC_c is selected then three text fields need to be validated accordingly, i.e if ABC_c picklist is selected, then the user that enters values in these three text fields should enter atleast 10 chars long string, if not an error should be thrown to the user. I can see that we could create dependency between picklists, but this case of a picklist and text field, I am unaware of it. Any help is greatly appreciated. Also, it would be great if someone could point me to a tutorial where I can learn to write these validation rules. Thanks a zillion.
Hello, need some guidance on below...
I've added custom fields to the Opportunity Product details page and these are added to the page layout. Validation rule is also added; if Product A is chosen, then these custom fields need to be completed.
However when I click on Add Products in the Opportunity page and select Product A, these custom fields do not appear for entry (though the error msg is showing up).
Does anyone has a sample S-control to create a page layout that will include those custom fields ... Thanks!
  • April 03, 2008
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    OK, my company wants to be able to set a minimum amount for each product in a picklist in opportunities.  So i know I need to write a validation rule I just don't know where to begin.  Would I use CASE or ISPICKVAL?  The idea is that each picklist value (product) would have a different minimum amount (amount).



Message Edited by AdminNewbie on 04-01-2008 10:53 AM
I have an apex class called accountdetail. I want to access this apex class using s-control. This is the piece of code that iam using.

var account = sforce.sObject("Account");
var accounts = sforce.apex.execute("accountdetail", "getAccount", {});

here getAccount is the method in apex class accountdetail.

I have added this s-control in Accounts page and its giving me an an alert as 'undefined'.

Is this correct? I want to fetch the records stored in accounts.
Please tell me how to do it.
Thanks in advance
Priya Nair

  • April 01, 2008
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I'm a new Salesforce.com customer, although I've consulted and implemented dozens of different CRM applications over the past 15 years.  I can't believe that I can't do any kind of mass activity (other than email) with SFC but I think I may have found my answer in the discussions around the Excel connector.  How do I get the Excel connector?  Please point me in the right direction for the tool and basic user info and I will be eternally grateful!
Hello everyone,
I am new to Salesforce.com.  I am so glad a place like this exists because I need assistance.  We are in the process of changing page layouts and need to add new fields.  Some of these fields are in other layouts..such as in accounts.  Is it possible to "clone" a field that is the "account" layout and copy it to the "opportunity" layout?
  • February 29, 2008
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