• Simba
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Does anybody know, what is the minimum cost of buying license Customer Community License based on number of logins, and how many logins do I get per month for that price ? In the salesforce license sheet, it says $500 / month however it does not mention if this is for member based or login based. Is it possible to get it for cheaper cost,  if I am looking for much lesser numbers of logins per month, especially since the company who wants to implement Communities, have just recently started their business  and does not have that many customers yet, so they are not expecting too many logins. 
  • May 22, 2015
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We need to perform a Post on a partial page (iframe) to take the user to the external application and the remaining of the page should show the information from Salesforce (probably by using apex:detail). Basically it's like multiple forms and I want to only Post one form and remain on the page.  We have a sungle sign-on set-up between Salsforce and the other application


From this iframe users will then be able to work on the other application from within Salesforce






  • May 22, 2010
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We areusing data Loader to update the information from external database to Salesforce.


We are able to connect to the external database using DataLoader CLI. We have done all the required configuration in database-conf.xml as well as in process-conf.xml. We are tryingt o either usde insert or upsert command.


In insert comand it seems like it is able to select all the rows in the external database and it is inserting equivalent number of rows in the Salesforce object. However,it's not putting any data from theexternal database to Salesforce. Looks like it's missing some connecting attribute. It's running the two commands Select from external and Insert into salesforce independently.


We are using Apex DataLoader 17.0 version.



Any help is appreciated.



  • March 05, 2010
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How can I link to a file in Sharepoint directly from Salesforce ?


So we upload all our documents in Salesforce for a given prospect and we store the link of this folder in the field on the Prospect.


How can we provide a single sign-on between Salesforce and Sharepoint so that when the user clicks on this link they don't have to login to Sharepoint again ?


Also, are there any Sharepoint webServices  available that we can call from Salesforce for integration ?





  • March 02, 2010
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Can I display Public Calendar on the Site that we have created for our CRM application ? If yes, then how.

Also, Can I highlight something on Public Calendars and provide link to description of events in Public Calendar
  • February 21, 2010
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Can we provide links to Standard Visualforce Pages in Public Sites without logging into the Customer Portal.


I am very new to Sites and I have a Visualforce Page, which displays list of all the Accounts (This works fine on SItes). On the Account Name itself I have given link to the Accounts page (/accountId). But this does not work on Sites and it says that I need to be logged in in order to look at this page.


Would it be a correct statement to say that from Sites we can only access Visualforce Pages  ?





  • February 21, 2010
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Is there a way to customize the Salesforce Standard User Lookup Window ? We need to limit the number of users that comes in the list and prevent user from selecting the other.







  • February 17, 2010
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I need to make a call to one of the webServices. In order to authenticate to this webService, there are two steps involved,

1. Make a call to this other service, which will return some information back, which needs to be authenticated

2. Also, once the first service returns back with the information, we need o use this to validate the certificate which have given to us. Then call another service, with these information (I am not very clear on this)


My main question here is, how can we validate their certificate. In order to that, would we not require to have this service installed on the server (which would Salesforce). This is not possible. So is there some other way to read this certificate into some kind of object and then send the validation.


Any help is appreciated in this issue.





  • October 22, 2009
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Is there a way to make a call to the external webService from Apex and then do the parsing of the response manually, rather than using WSDL2Apex.


I am not able to import the WSDL into Apex, since the response has anyType keyword in it. I changed the keyword to anyType_x, and was able to import the WSDL. However, since the webService returns anyType as an element in its response, it fails when it's about the parse the response. (anyType not found, since I changed this to anyType_x).


I appreciate any advice on this.





  • October 20, 2009
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Is there a limitation within Salesforce that we cannot create a queue on Opportunity ?


I want to assign an Approval Process to the queue. Is there another workaround to acheive this functionality ?

  • October 15, 2009
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We have a Approval Processees developed within Salesforce on Opportunity. However, since Salesforce does not provide any reporting capabilities on these Processees, we are going to populate different object to then use for reporting, on the Opp Trigger.


We can get most of the information from the Process related objects within Salesforce, but I do not see the name of the Steps or Process in these objects.


Is there a way to get the name of the Processes Steps and Processes Name, which we would to display in our reports, either by doing SOQL or by using Approval related APIs.






  • October 01, 2009
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Is there a way to make a call to a different page once the Approver either approves or rejects the workItem in his box ?


We need to get some more information from the user once with changes based on their action (Approve or Reject).





  • September 25, 2009
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does anybody know if there are any Equifax WebServices available that I can use to make a call from Salesforce and pull data from the Equiafax site ?


Any information on this integration will be greatly helpful





  • September 10, 2009
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I am using Google Visualization API to display the charts on the Visualforce page. By using GoogleViz I am creating a dataset to be used for the google chart (by passing the Jason String from Apex Controller to the VF page). Can I do something similar vice versa. Which is send data in the dataTable (of the chart) in the Jason String format, back to the Controller, which then I want to display on a different Visualforce Page as a report.


This will help me save a query for the report.


I appreciate any help in this.







  • July 10, 2009
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I am using PageReference.setRedirect(true) to open up a Visualforce page from one VF page. Is there a way to open this on a different tab.



Thanks for any help



  • July 06, 2009
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Is there a way to redirect to the Visual Force Page so that it does HTTP POST and HTTP GET.


Currently when I do PageReferce.setRedirect(true), the parameters get displayed on the queryString. I would like hide the parameters from the query string.


I really appreciate any help on this.







  • July 06, 2009
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When we try to re-render a pageBlockSection/outputPanel on a Visualforce page, it takes a lot of time to render the section (almost 40 sec or so). We have used FireBug to nail it down and from our observation it looks like the re-rendering of the section is taking most of the time.
By looking at the Apex System Log, it seems that the methods on the Apex side are also not taking a lot of time, At the most 1 sec or 2 in total.
We are using couple of repeat tags, pageBlockTable and rendering clauses.
Are there any tips/guidelines that we can use to optimize our VF page so that we can reduce the time taken to just re-render the section. ?
Warm Regards
  • January 05, 2009
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I am using Visualforce page, for entry. I would like to prompt the user with a warning message before they close this window (give them a second chance).
I tried adding a javascript to make a call to a method, which will prompt the user. (window.onbeforeunload, window.onunload). But none of that worked. It seems like Salesforce changes the script for these events back to the default one.
Please let me know how can I give a warning message adn give another chance to the user before closing this window.
  • November 09, 2008
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I need to parse a really huge response. The response size is much more than 100,000 characters. Is it faster to user XMLStreamReader or XMLDom (the library created by salesforce person) in order to parse the whole response



  • November 07, 2008
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Is it possible to loop through the Map COllection in Visualforce ? I know we can loop through the list, however, if I can have my data in a Map collection, then it make it easier for me to get the reference to the specific data within a Map, on the Apex side.



  • October 31, 2008
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When a record is sent from external system to Salesforce, via web service, the case record needs to route to a specific agent population only within business hours (i.e. 7am to 10pm), and within federally mandated outbound calling time frame (i.e. 9am to 9pm) and within the given time zone of where the customer lives (i.e. 9am to 9pm local time zone of target customer location - eastern, central, mountain and western time). Notice how the business hours are different than the federally mandated calling time regulated hours. 

This is the use case am trying to solve for existing project that has a short timeline. I am not sure how to handle this since Omni-Channel is not smart enough. I do not have Einstein and do not want to use that as part of the solution. The timeline will allow for anything in Winter '19 release (production) and apex coding, if necessary.  (see use case details below - the call center agent works in the eastern time zone)

1) Records are sent to Salesforce, from external system 24 hours daily (i.e. outside of business hours, inside business hours).
2) Agent signs into Salesforce at 7am Eastern time zone (agent population start time)
3) Eastern time zone, Central time zone, Mountain time zone, Western time zone records are being sent to Salesforce for agent routing
3.a) As an agent, it is 7am to 8:59pm and still not time to receive case records - federally mandated calling start time not reached. However, I may be asked to perform other case work - not part of this process.
3.b) As an agent, it is now 9am and I can begin receiving only case records for the Eastern time zone
3.c) As an agent, it is now 10am and I can begin receiving only cases records for both Eastern and Central time zones
3.d) As an agent, it is now 11am and I can begin receiving only case records for Eastern, Central and Mountain time zones.
3.e) As an agent, it is now 12pm and I can begin receiving only case records for Eastern, Central, Mountain and Western time zones.
3.f) As an agent, it is now xxpm and I can begin receiving only case records for ... this could continue beyond continental time zones for North America. Likewise, it could be for time zones East of the Eastern time zones. (i.e. it needs to be flexible)
3.g) As an agent, it is now 9pm and I cannot receive any cases because I have reached the federally mandated limit for outbound communications to customers.
3.h) As an agent, it is now 10pm and the call center is closed for the day.
4) Eastern time zone, Central time zone, Mountain time zone, Western time zone records are being sent to Salesforce for agent routing
4.a) Cases are still being sent to Salesforce from the external system and their are no agents available
5) Agent signs into Salesforce at 7am (agent population start time)
5.a) As an agent, it is 7am to 8:59pm and still not time to receive case records - federally mandated calling start time not reached. However, I may be asked to perform other case work - not part of this process.
5.b) As an agent, it is now 9am and I can begin receiving only case records for the Eastern time zone
..... everything repeats

I created an output document which renders as PDF, when the user is trying to save the output document, by default it gives the file name as VisualForce Page Name in the Save Window. But the user needs the current date/time to be populated as the file name in the Save Window before clicking on Save. How to acheive it? 


I can attach the output document to the Attachments of the object with desired file name but that doesn't solve the requirement. Please suggest.


Thanks in Advance.

Is there a way to make a call to the external webService from Apex and then do the parsing of the response manually, rather than using WSDL2Apex.


I am not able to import the WSDL into Apex, since the response has anyType keyword in it. I changed the keyword to anyType_x, and was able to import the WSDL. However, since the webService returns anyType as an element in its response, it fails when it's about the parse the response. (anyType not found, since I changed this to anyType_x).


I appreciate any advice on this.





  • October 20, 2009
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Is there a way to make a call to a different page once the Approver either approves or rejects the workItem in his box ?


We need to get some more information from the user once with changes based on their action (Approve or Reject).





  • September 25, 2009
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I am creating a visualforce page that will live in a section on the contact page.  I am trying to get the page to redirect to an external site, but the entire contact page ends up getting redirected.  I used to be able to do this easily with S-controls, but I'm running into issues using visualforce.  My code is as follows:



<apex:page StandardController="Contact" extensions="pamExt" action="{!getRedir}" > </apex:page>


 where as you may have been able to guess getRedir returns a url.  Can anyone explain to me why this redirects the entire Contact page and maybe give a way that I can fix this so only this vforce page gets redirected?



Hi, is there a way to retrieve all the opportunities which are submitted for Approval process either way through Apex Code or UI , wanted a report of it.
  • August 27, 2009
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We are rendering a page as the pdf in visualforce.


As a part of an interface, this pdf needs to be sent a response to a web service. 


Any pointers on how this can be done?


are there any salesforce.com specific restrictions or implementation considerations that need to be thought about before implementing the interface?




Thanks a lot,


I am using Google Visualization API to display the charts on the Visualforce page. By using GoogleViz I am creating a dataset to be used for the google chart (by passing the Jason String from Apex Controller to the VF page). Can I do something similar vice versa. Which is send data in the dataTable (of the chart) in the Jason String format, back to the Controller, which then I want to display on a different Visualforce Page as a report.


This will help me save a query for the report.


I appreciate any help in this.







  • July 10, 2009
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When rendering a page as a PDF the filename of the PDF is the name of the page which is not a good thing. The problem with this is that the name is not unique and can cause confusion with the user.


I'm working on a quoting app that renders a quote as a PDF. Some broswers open the PDF embed, others automatically launch your PDF reader, and some prompt you to save or open. The problem is that if opened or saved theses files are all saved as qoute.pdf, qoute[1].pdf, quote[2].pdf, quote[3].pdf. The problem should be obvious.


Ideally you should be able to define the name of the generated PDF but I haven't figured out how to do this.




  • February 25, 2009
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I'm working on a Visualforce page with it's own tab and getting inconsistent behavior from IE7 & Firefox (both v2 & 3). I just need a link to another VF page, but I want it to look like a button because its a custom 'new item' button. So I'm using a commandButton, like this (my objects/functions have different names...):

<apex:pageBlock title="Section 1" id="section1">
   <apex:pageBlockButtons >
      <apex:commandButton action="{!newObject}" value="New Object" />

I have an Apex standard object controller extension with a function that just returns a page reference like this:

    public PageReference newObject(){
        PageReference pageRef = new PageReference('/apex/ObjectEdit');                
        return pageRef;

In Firefox it works perfectly, in IE it just reloads the current page and then jumps down to near the bottom of the page (reloads the page where the 'New Object' button is placed). Also, the commandButton gets rendered at the top and the bottom of the page block, in the pageblockButton sections, however in IE, the button in the bottom section doesn't work at all -- when you click it nothing happens.

Pretty drastic inconsistency -- basically the command button doesn't work at all in IE (works wrong on top and does nothing on bottom).

Any help would be greatly appreciated as I have a lot of IE users.

    I get this error trying to generate an apex class from a wsdl. Failed to parse wsdl: "Error: Found more than one wsdl:portType. WSDL with multiple portType not supported". This wsdl is for the licenseing of the software we sell. Here is the ports, is there a way around the port limitation?

Message Edited by James_Adapx on 09-08-2008 09:00 AM

Hi all,

Does anyone know a way to cut down the size of the viewstate that gets posted to and from the server?  We are finding very noticeable performance hits when we do AJAX postbacks (or any kind of postback really).  We have done some investigation and have noticed the viewstate is very large for what we are actually rendering to the browser.  For example:





ViewState size = 1772 bytes

<apex:page standardController="Case">






                  <c:TestComponent />


            <apex:outputField value="{!Case.Contact.Name}" />

            <apex:outputPanel />

            <apex:outputText value="Test" />




            <tr><td>Content In Component</td></tr>



ViewState size = 3756 bytes

As you can see these are simple examples that we have slowly built out to monitor the increase in viewstate.  Naturally as our pages get more complex the viewstate gets excessively large, slowing down the round trip to the SF servers.

Therefore, the questions I have are:

Can we configure the viewstate for each component like ASP.Net allows (or for the entire page)?


I am a new bee to Apex development.
I am trying to generate Apex class from Fedex shipping WSDL file.
After parsing the file, I tried to generate the Apex class but I was getting the following error,
Apex generation failed.
Error message:
Error: Unsupported WSDL. Operation 'deleteShipment' has more than one output element.
How do I generate the Apex class?
please throw some light on it.
  • June 26, 2008
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