• O2O Simon
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I have the following codes in my S-control :


var queryResults = sforce.connection.query("Select id, (Select id, ActivityDate,Description,Subject,Status from ActivityHistories where Subject LIKE '%Call%' and Status = 'Completed' order by ActivityDate DESC) from Lead where Id = '{!Lead.Id}' ");

It works perfect for system admin, but for other profile, it returns nothing.


Could any one help me pls?



Thank you very much



Dear all,

I am working on the Data Migration from one Salesforce to another Salesforce.

Is there any recommendation how I should carry out this migration?
As I found that the relationships in different objects are mapped by ID fields, which maybe changed after import to the new Salesforce.


I have develop a web services to receive the outbound message from salesforce. And it works, however, when i check the outbound message at "Setup > Monitoring" , there is a message :

"Value not valid for type xsd:boolean, should be '0', '1', 'true' or 'false'"
for the column "Delivery Failure Reason"

Any one how to solve this?

thank you very much


I am trying to add a new button in Lead detail page, to view all the activity history with subject equals to "Call".

This is the query string i used in the S-controls :

var queryResult = sforce.connection.query("Select ActivityDate, Description, Subject, Status from ActivityHistories Where Subject = 'Call' And Status = 'Completed' And id='{!Lead.Id}' ");

But it failed, could anyone suggests what is the problem of the query string?

Thank you very much.

When I create a Apex class at the free Developer Edition account, everything is fine.
But when i tried to add the Apex class to my company's account (which is enterprise edition),
I found that there is no "New" button at  Setup / App Setup / Build / Code, can anyone help?
Thank you very much.
I have create a custom field called "Opportunity_Referral" at Opportunity.
When I create a apex class like :

Opportunity opportunity1 = new Opportunity(StageName='Proposal', Name='TempOppName', CloseDate=system.today(), OpportunityReferral='WEB');
insert opportunity1; 

It will have an error :
Error: Compile Error: Invalid field Opportunity_Referral for SObject Opportunity at line 3 column 139 

Can anyone help me to solve this? Thank you very much.


Dear all,

When i insert an event by the below code :

Contact c = [select id from Contact where Email = 'peterchan@hotmail.com'];
Event event1 = new event(subject='call', whoid=c.id, DurationInMinutes=60, ActivityDateTime=2008-12-01T12:00:00Z);   
insert event1;

I got this error :
Error: Compile Error: unexpected token: 2008-12-01T12:00:00Z at line 14 column 137

Could anyone tell me what's wrong with the date?

Thank you very much
Dear all,

I am working on the Data Migration from one Salesforce to another Salesforce.

Is there any recommendation how I should carry out this migration?
As I found that the relationships in different objects are mapped by ID fields, which maybe changed after import to the new Salesforce.


I have create a custom field called "Opportunity_Referral" at Opportunity.
When I create a apex class like :

Opportunity opportunity1 = new Opportunity(StageName='Proposal', Name='TempOppName', CloseDate=system.today(), OpportunityReferral='WEB');
insert opportunity1; 

It will have an error :
Error: Compile Error: Invalid field Opportunity_Referral for SObject Opportunity at line 3 column 139 

Can anyone help me to solve this? Thank you very much.
