• EliY
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Is it possible to customize the "send an email" page? I'd like to be able to add an S-control to the page.
I know there is some capability to customize the email behavior from custom objects or existing types (leads, contacts), but is it possible to add an S-control to any (or all) instance of the "Send an email" page?
- Eli
  • May 06, 2008
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Is it possible to customize the "send an email" page? I'd like to be able to add an S-control to the page.
I know there is some capability to customize the email behavior from custom objects or existing types (leads, contacts), but is it possible to add an S-control to any (or all) instance of the "Send an email" page?
- Eli
  • May 06, 2008
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   Please check the following error, this is occurs, when installing the "SOAP::Lite".
C:\Perl\lib\SOAP-Lite-0.71.04>perl Makefile.PL
We are about to install SOAP::Lite and for your convenience will provide
you with list of modules and prerequisites, so you'll be able to choose
only modules you need for your configuration.
XMLRPC::Lite, UDDI::Lite, and XML::Parser::Lite are included by default.
Installed transports can be used for both SOAP::Lite and XMLRPC::Lite.
Press <enter> to see the detailed list.
Feature                       Prerequisites                Install?
----------------------------- ---------------------------- --------
Core Package                  [*] Scalar::Util             always
                              [*] Test::More
                              [*] URI
                              [*] MIME::Base64
                              [ ] version
                              [*] XML::Parser (v2.23)
Client HTTP support           [*] LWP::UserAgent           always
Client HTTPS support          [ ] Crypt::SSLeay            [ no ]
Client SMTP/sendmail support  [ ] MIME::Lite               [ no ]
Client FTP support            [*] IO::File                 [ yes ]
                              [*] Net::FTP
Standalone HTTP server        [*] HTTP::Daemon             [ yes ]
Apache/mod_perl server        [ ] Apache                   [ no ]
FastCGI server                [ ] FCGI                     [ no ]
POP3 server                   [ ] MIME::Parser             [ no ]
                              [*] Net::POP3
IO server                     [*] IO::File                 [ yes ]
MQ transport support          [ ] MQSeries                 [ no ]
JABBER transport support      [ ] Net::Jabber              [ no ]
MIME messages                 [ ] MIME::Parser             [ no ]
DIME messages                 [ ] IO::Scalar (v2.105)      [ no ]
                              [ ] DIME::Tools (v0.03)
                              [ ] Data::UUID (v0.11)
SSL Support for TCP Transport [ ] IO::Socket::SSL          [ no ]
Compression support for HTTP  [*] Compress::Zlib           [ yes ]
MIME interoperability w/ Axis [ ] MIME::Parser (v6.106)    [ no ]
--- An asterix '[*]' indicates if the module is currently installed.
Do you want to proceed with this configuration? [yes] n
Do you plan to use Client HTTPS support? [no] y
Do you plan to use Client SMTP/sendmail support? [no] y
Do you plan to use Client FTP support? [yes] y
Do you plan to use Standalone HTTP server? [yes] y
Do you plan to use Apache/mod_perl server? [no] n
Do you plan to use FastCGI server? [no] y
Do you plan to use POP3 server? [no] y
Do you plan to use IO server? [yes] y
Do you plan to use MQ transport support? [no] n
Do you plan to use JABBER transport support? [no] n
Do you plan to use MIME messages? [no] n
Do you plan to use DIME messages? [no] n
Do you plan to use SSL Support for TCP Transport? [no] y
Do you plan to use Compression support for HTTP? [yes] y
Do you plan to use MIME interoperability w/ Axis? [no] y
Feature                       Prerequisites                Install?
----------------------------- ---------------------------- --------
Core Package                  [*] Scalar::Util             always
                              [*] Test::More
                              [*] URI
                              [*] MIME::Base64
                              [ ] version
                              [*] XML::Parser (v2.23)
Client HTTP support           [*] LWP::UserAgent           always
Client HTTPS support          [ ] Crypt::SSLeay            [ yes ]
Client SMTP/sendmail support  [ ] MIME::Lite               [ yes ]
Client FTP support            [*] IO::File                 [ yes ]
                              [*] Net::FTP
Standalone HTTP server        [*] HTTP::Daemon             [ yes ]
Apache/mod_perl server        [ ] Apache                   [ no ]
FastCGI server                [ ] FCGI                     [ yes ]
POP3 server                   [ ] MIME::Parser             [ yes ]
                              [*] Net::POP3
IO server                     [*] IO::File                 [ yes ]
MQ transport support          [ ] MQSeries                 [ no ]
JABBER transport support      [ ] Net::Jabber              [ no ]
MIME messages                 [ ] MIME::Parser             [ no ]
DIME messages                 [ ] IO::Scalar (v2.105)      [ no ]
                              [ ] DIME::Tools (v0.03)
                              [ ] Data::UUID (v0.11)
SSL Support for TCP Transport [ ] IO::Socket::SSL          [ yes ]
Compression support for HTTP  [*] Compress::Zlib           [ yes ]
MIME interoperability w/ Axis [ ] MIME::Parser (v6.106)    [ yes ]
--- An asterix '[*]' indicates if the module is currently installed.
Do you want to proceed with this configuration? [yes] y
Warning: prerequisite Crypt::SSLeay 0 not found.
Warning: prerequisite FCGI 0 not found.
Warning: prerequisite IO::Socket::SSL 0 not found.
Warning: prerequisite MIME::Lite 0 not found.
Warning: prerequisite MIME::Parser 6.106 not found.
Warning: prerequisite version 0 not found.
Could not eval '
            package ExtUtils::MakeMaker::_version;
            no strict;
            local $VERSION;
            $VERSION=undef; do {
                use version; $VERSION = qv('0.71.04');
            }; $VERSION
        ' in lib/SOAP/Lite.pm: Can't locate version.pm in @INC (@INC contains: c
:/perl/site/lib c:/perl/lib .) at (eval 84) line 7, <FH> line 22.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at (eval 84) line 7, <FH> line 22.
WARNING: Setting VERSION via file 'lib/SOAP/Lite.pm' failed
 at c:/perl/lib/ExtUtils/MakeMaker.pm line 501
Writing Makefile for SOAP::Lite
Thanks & Regards

Message Edited by Yuvaraj on 04-25-2008 04:21 AM