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Hi Folks,
                I have created a custom object say "ABC" (App Setup-->create-->Objects) and this object is  under Opportunity  now i want to invoke  a trigger on this ,How to  do this, suggestions welcome. My trigger on custom object "ABC"  is as follows:

trigger ARPTrigger on ABC(after insert) {

The above one generated following error:

Error: Compile Error: Invalid SObject type name: ABC at line 1 column 23

Hi All,

I am using Force.com eclipse plug-in to deploy a new trigger on my SalesForce production account.

Deployment works great if trigger is made for standard objects (Lead, Account, etc...)

But When I am making a new trigger on my custom objects, I am getting an error message from Eclipse Plug-in saying that "INVALID SOBJECT TYPE"

Does it mean that we can not deployed / create a trigger on custom objects?

Please suggest.

Thank you,

Hi All,
I have created one sample trigger on Lead object in my SalesForce.com account on production now i am trying to delete it but there is no delete option available for me
Please suggest.
Thank You,

Hi Experts,

I have created one Email Alert "TestEmailAlert" which is having
1. e-mail template
2. recipients e-mail address.

Now I am creating a new Trigger on my custom object for the event before_insert and before_update and if certain condition gets satisfied then i want to use Email Alert "TestEmailAlert" which i have created above into my Trigger to send an email to the targeted users.

Right now we are not sure how to call Email Alert within Trigger.

Any help would be appreciated !!

Thank You,