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Since the Summer '08 switch (from VF Spring '08)  any null values in pageBlockTable now display the value from the corresponding column in the previous row.   This copying continues if a colum has a sequence of null values.  This applies to the final 6 columns in the case given below.
I Ihave tried using dataTable and have also commented out the inputCheckbox column in case this was causing a problem (This is a dummy value used for selection purposes).  The corresponding custom controller class get function is below.  Has anyone experience/resolved similar issues?
              <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!stContacts}" var="stContact">
                 <apex:column> <apex:inputCheckbox value="{!stContact.Selected__c}"></apex:inputCheckbox></apex:column>  
                 <apex:column value="{!stContact.Name}"/>        
                 <apex:column value="{!stContact.Job_Title__c}"/> 
                 <apex:column value="{!stContact.Dept__c}"/> 
                 <apex:column value="{!stContact.Stake_Holder__r.Name}"/>    
                 <apex:column value="{!stContact.Stake_Holder__r.Location__c}"/>    
                 <apex:column value="{!stContact.Phone__c}"/>    
                 <apex:column value="{!stContact.Email__c}"/>    
    public ST_Contact__c[] getStContacts() {
      if (stContacts == null)
        stContacts = [Select  Selected__c, Phone__c, Name, Mobile__c, Job_Title__c, Email__c, Dept__c, Address__c, Stake_Holder__r.name, Stake_Holder__r.Location__c From ST_Contact__c];
      return stContacts;
I have used the Force.com - Refresh From Server, but Eclipse will not show any of the existing VF Pages.  It would only show the "pages" folder after I created a VF Page from Eclipse.
Appplication, classes, objects, tabs have all correctly refreshed.
The pages that will not appear in Eclipse were all created on Devloper VF Spring 2008 edition, which is now updated to Summer 2008. 
Returning to Salesforce environment, the VF Page that I created in Eclipse has an API version = 13, while the other VF pages have no API version.
Have used following SOAP endpoint on log-in:
Since the Summer '08 switch (from VF Spring '08)  any null values in pageBlockTable now display the value from the corresponding column in the previous row.   This copying continues if a colum has a sequence of null values.  This applies to the final 6 columns in the case given below.
I Ihave tried using dataTable and have also commented out the inputCheckbox column in case this was causing a problem (This is a dummy value used for selection purposes).  The corresponding custom controller class get function is below.  Has anyone experience/resolved similar issues?
              <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!stContacts}" var="stContact">
                 <apex:column> <apex:inputCheckbox value="{!stContact.Selected__c}"></apex:inputCheckbox></apex:column>  
                 <apex:column value="{!stContact.Name}"/>        
                 <apex:column value="{!stContact.Job_Title__c}"/> 
                 <apex:column value="{!stContact.Dept__c}"/> 
                 <apex:column value="{!stContact.Stake_Holder__r.Name}"/>    
                 <apex:column value="{!stContact.Stake_Holder__r.Location__c}"/>    
                 <apex:column value="{!stContact.Phone__c}"/>    
                 <apex:column value="{!stContact.Email__c}"/>    
    public ST_Contact__c[] getStContacts() {
      if (stContacts == null)
        stContacts = [Select  Selected__c, Phone__c, Name, Mobile__c, Job_Title__c, Email__c, Dept__c, Address__c, Stake_Holder__r.name, Stake_Holder__r.Location__c From ST_Contact__c];
      return stContacts;
I have used the Force.com - Refresh From Server, but Eclipse will not show any of the existing VF Pages.  It would only show the "pages" folder after I created a VF Page from Eclipse.
Appplication, classes, objects, tabs have all correctly refreshed.
The pages that will not appear in Eclipse were all created on Devloper VF Spring 2008 edition, which is now updated to Summer 2008. 
Returning to Salesforce environment, the VF Page that I created in Eclipse has an API version = 13, while the other VF pages have no API version.
Have used following SOAP endpoint on log-in: