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I have created a custom object realted to accounts table.

I have created a force.com page to use it to overirde the new and edit button forms as below.

But it is working fine for the edit, not working to the new.

I am not sure what is happening, do I need to enter the account id also in the form since related to accounts table.

<apex:page standardcontroller="Document__c" showHeader="true">

<apex:form >

<p><b>title</b><br />

<apex:inputField value="{!Document__c.Title__c}"/>


<p><b>url</b><br />

<apex:inputField value="{!Document__c.Doc_Url__c}" />


<apex:commandButton value="Save" action="{!Save}"/>

</apex:form><br />

  Thanks for any help in advance.
  • July 03, 2008
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I have created a custom object which is related to Account object.
Whenever I want to create the new custom object record I need to insert the acount id also.
But how can I retrieve the current logged in account info or user info.
What I am trying to do is creating a s-control to override the new entry form with our UI and submitting the data to salesforce using salesforce objects.
Thanks in advance.
  • July 02, 2008
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I have added a custom object and integrated in the accounts page as new section which has the standard links new, edit and del.

Is there any way to to change the UI of edit and new forms shows up when the user clicks the edit new links.

How can I add the custom links to a custom object.

Thanks in advance.
  • July 02, 2008
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I am new to SalesForce application. My goal is to add a new section in the similar to Google apps in the accounts page where the user can add or edit our website links.

Is that possible to change the UI for the forms when the user  inserting new record or edit record from that new section.

Last question was is that possible to read the data from our webserver to display it in the salesforce account(like any API from SalesForce)

Thanks for help in advance.

  • July 01, 2008
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I have created a custom object which is related to Account object.
Whenever I want to create the new custom object record I need to insert the acount id also.
But how can I retrieve the current logged in account info or user info.
What I am trying to do is creating a s-control to override the new entry form with our UI and submitting the data to salesforce using salesforce objects.
Thanks in advance.
  • July 02, 2008
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I need to implement multi language on approx. 17 Visualforce pages, to add support for the Chinese language.
I’m struggling to come up with an elegant way to implement this.  It would be nice to have a repository in Salesforce that would tie to text blobs that could be referenced, and the language conversions could be tied into standard Salesforce translation functionality.  I could build my own repository for this, (Which is what I would do if I was building a normal web page) but I’m concerned about the cost in SOQL calls and running into SOQL limits for text translation.  It would also be challenging to have the “hard coded text” for multi languages stored in the controller or another class.  Chances are I'll need to eventually add French, Spanish, etc.
I'm going to throw this out on ideas, but I was curious if anyone has figured out an elegant way to do this.  (http://ideas.salesforce.com/article/show/10089968/Best_Practices_Ideas_for_Supporting_MultiLanguage_in_Visualforce)
Jon Keener