• Joe2008
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We have a  questionaiire list (10) for opportunity for the purpose of assessment of the opportunity.
All these questions should be available under a opportunity when the sales rep needs to perform a opportunity
Any directions on what would be the best way to implement this need.
I am a newbie and tried creating a trigger for creating a account on a field value change in Lead object.
when i compile i get the error:
Error: Compile Error: Initial term of field expression must be a concrete SObject: LIST:SOBJECT:Lead at line 5 column 5
Any direction ?
trigger create_Accnt on Lead (after update) {
//Check if the lead field Intrest_to_Buy is changed to 'Willing to Buy'
if (Trigger.New.Intrest_to_Buy = 'Willing to Buy'&& Trigger.old.Intrest_to_Buy != 'Willing to Buy')  {
        Account CreateAccnt = new Account ();
        CreateAccnt.Name = 'testing_trig';
        insert CreateAccnt;

Message Edited by Joe2008 on 07-31-2008 03:34 AM

Message Edited by Joe2008 on 07-31-2008 05:51 AM
Hi All,
I am creating a custom objectwhich has 20 fields in the page layout.One of this is a picklist field with 2 values.My requirement is that if i choose 1 particular picklist value,then some fields in the pagelayout should be made readonly.
This should be done on a realtime basis.
Kindly help me to figure out a solution for this.
Thanks & Regards,
  • August 05, 2008
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I am a newbie and tried creating a trigger for creating a account on a field value change in Lead object.
when i compile i get the error:
Error: Compile Error: Initial term of field expression must be a concrete SObject: LIST:SOBJECT:Lead at line 5 column 5
Any direction ?
trigger create_Accnt on Lead (after update) {
//Check if the lead field Intrest_to_Buy is changed to 'Willing to Buy'
if (Trigger.New.Intrest_to_Buy = 'Willing to Buy'&& Trigger.old.Intrest_to_Buy != 'Willing to Buy')  {
        Account CreateAccnt = new Account ();
        CreateAccnt.Name = 'testing_trig';
        insert CreateAccnt;

Message Edited by Joe2008 on 07-31-2008 03:34 AM

Message Edited by Joe2008 on 07-31-2008 05:51 AM
How to make a field as Readonly in GUI.
For ex: In Account Tab, i want to make a Phone Field as ReadOnly in GUI. when we click on Edit on an Account, in that I want to disable that textbox related to Phone field. How can i do this.