• tonitonitone
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I'm trying to copy VF controller classes from Sandbox into Production in Eclipse, but I keep getting "Save error: An error has occurred on your page". What does it mean???

Everything else deploys fine - triggers, apex classes, VF pages.

My eclipse version is Version: 3.3.2
I'm using API v13.0

Any help is greatly appreciated!!!!
I have a VF page embedded in a standard page layout. The VF page has a pageBlockTable which calls the Contact id, which displays the Contact Name and a link to the Contact detail page. This is all fine and dandy, except the links to the Contact detail page opens within the VF frame, and not reloaded in the browser window.

Here's the line of code I'm referring to:

<apex:column headerValue="Contact Detail" value="{!item.Contact__c}" />

I tried hijacking all the links on the page by coding this at the top of the VF page --
<BASE TARGET="_top" />

but then that messes up the rerender functionality of the other links on the page.

Any ideas??
I've created a visualForce page for a custom object (SFDC_Enrollment__c) to be inserted into a section of a page layout of SFDC_Class__c (SFDC_Enrollment__c is the child of SFDC_Class__c), but the commandButton to create a new record is giving me a "Invalid parameter for function URLFOR" error

Here's the code --
<apex:commandButton action="{!URLFOR($Action.SFDC_Enrollment__c.New,Id,[retURL=URLFOR($Action.SFDC_Class__c.View,Id)])}" value="New Enrollment"/>

Then I tried omitting the parameters, and that threw an error too, but at least it'll work if the button is clicked as a standalone VF page when not as a inset of another page layout --

Here's the code for that --
   <apex:commandButton action="{!URLFOR($Action.SFDC_Enrollment__c.New)}" value="New Enrollment"/>

Any ideas?

Message Edited by tonitonitone on 08-08-2008 02:16 PM
I wrote some validation inside a custom controller that goes beyond the required field validation. The error message appears fine at the top of the page using new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.severity.ERROR,'...'). But how do I give an input field an error highlighting from the custom controller?
I apologized if this has been asked before, but I've searched through the discussion boards and haven't seen anything like this yet.

I've overidden the "New" standard button for the Task object with a custom VF page. This works fine in almost all cases except for this case

1. Override the Task object's "New" functionality with any S-control or VF page
2. Use the "Create new" dropdown menu on left nav to start the page flow for creating a new record.
3. Click "Continue" on Recordtype selection page (as far as I have tested, object has to go through the Recordtype selection page to reproduce this behavior)
4. On the next page, without submitting, select "Create New" on the left nav to repeat steps 2 - 4 again.
5. On the 3rd or 4th try, I am redirected to the default page to create a new task, instead of the custom VF page.

I have been able to reproduced this with the Contact object with a simple html s-control instead of a VF page

Is this a standard Salesforce behavior for users who seem to be stuck in the "Create New" loop?

It is possible that some users would use the "Create New" dropdown on the left nav to restart the page flow for convenience when they've made a mistake in their data entry, instead of cancelling out their current flow before restarting the "Create New" flow. I guess this could be a very rare use case, but I would like to know if this is a bug, or a "feature" by Salesforce?

Thanks in advance ..
I am trying to create a dynamic data table based on the query result of a partial value entered in an input field. This part worked great. The part that I am having problems with is, when the user clicks on a row in the data table, the value in the input field should be re-populate with the value from the selected row in the data table.

However, the field population only works on the first click, and then it stops working for subsequent clicks. I have been pulling my hair out trying to figure why. I'm also gotten sporadic results such as clicks on only the first and last rows worked, or clicks on the first row only works, etc, but never on every row.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Here's the code for the page -
    <apex:pageBlockSectionItem >
     Enter value:
     <apex:inputText value="{!idSearchValue}" id="idSearchValueDisplay">
      <apex:actionSupport event="onkeyup" rerender="contactListDisplay" status="status">
       <apex:param name="type" value="{!idSearchType}" />
       <apex:param name="value" value="{!idSearchValue}" />
    <apex:pageBlockSectionItem >
     <apex:outputPanel id="contactListDisplay">
      <apex:actionStatus id="status" startText="Requesting..">
       <apex:facet name="stop">
        Limited to 10 results.
        <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!contactList}" var="item" rendered="{!NOT(ISNULL(contactList))}">
          <apex:column headerValue="Name" value="{!item.FirstName} {!item.LastName}" />
          <apex:column headerValue="CEO ID" value="{!item.CEO_ID__c}" />
          <apex:column headerValue="NY SID" value="{!item.NYSID__c}" />
          <apex:column headerValue="SSN" value="{!item.Social_Security_Number__c}" />
          <apex:actionSupport event="onRowClick" action="{!updateSearchParams}" rerender="idSearchValueDisplay">
           <apex:param name="ceoid" value="{!item.CEO_ID__c}" />
           <apex:param name="nysid" value="{!item.NYSID__c}" />
           <apex:param name="ssn" value="{!item.Social_Security_Number__c}" />

Here's the code for the component:
    public PageReference updateSearchParams() {
        this.idSearchValue = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get(this.idSearchType);
        return null;

I'm trying to copy VF controller classes from Sandbox into Production in Eclipse, but I keep getting "Save error: An error has occurred on your page". What does it mean???

Everything else deploys fine - triggers, apex classes, VF pages.

My eclipse version is Version: 3.3.2
I'm using API v13.0

Any help is greatly appreciated!!!!
I have a VF page embedded in a standard page layout. The VF page has a pageBlockTable which calls the Contact id, which displays the Contact Name and a link to the Contact detail page. This is all fine and dandy, except the links to the Contact detail page opens within the VF frame, and not reloaded in the browser window.

Here's the line of code I'm referring to:

<apex:column headerValue="Contact Detail" value="{!item.Contact__c}" />

I tried hijacking all the links on the page by coding this at the top of the VF page --
<BASE TARGET="_top" />

but then that messes up the rerender functionality of the other links on the page.

Any ideas??
I wrote some validation inside a custom controller that goes beyond the required field validation. The error message appears fine at the top of the page using new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.severity.ERROR,'...'). But how do I give an input field an error highlighting from the custom controller?
Hi there,

I would like to add a query string to the action attribute of a command button. The idea is that I pass in parameters to the controller's method for that action. The Visual Force reference manual say: " To add query string parameters to a commandButton, specify them in the associated action method". My question is: how is the sintax for that ?.

Something like this does not work :
<apex:commandButton action="{!save}?q={!myObject.id}" value="Save" id="theButton"/>
Thank you very much in advance.