• RainMan
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From looking at the html behind the clone button feature on contacts... it looks like it uses:
It seemed simple enough... I just have to merge in the contact id into the url pattern and that's it.  So, I thought it would be easy enough to override that button with an scontrol that simply loads the same page with a few extra parameters... I got an example of this from the cookbook and here is my code attempt.
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<script src="/js/functions.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
 function init() { 
  var url = "/{!Contact.Id}/e—clone=1&retURL=%2F{!Contact.Id}"
      + "&WebID__c=0&Web2ID__c=0&scontrolCaching=1";
<body onload="init()"> 
So... I thought I was good to go... but, everytime this button is clicked the page loads over and over again in an infinite loop.  I'm totally missing something.
The clone feature is cloning in our external identifiers for an integrated webapp we developed.  So, I wanted to to pass in 0 to clear them out.  I can't make them unique because they are uneditable by general users, I can't remove the fields from the clone feature (salesforce does not support this), I can't write an apex trigger to clear on insert... because our integrated app will write these identifiers on insert and they have to be preserved.
This Clone feature is loved by everyone... and now I am the bad guy for removing it.  Somebody please help.

Message Edited by RainMan on 10-23-2008 10:57 AM
I'm new to salesforce and this is my first post.  Sorry if it is unclear or in the wrong section.  Here we go...
I have a custom userlookup field on Account.  The field is called technologysalesrep,   I want to change the "My Accounts" filter to use this new field,  ie. technologysalesrep= User.Id    I'm thinking it should be similar to the accessing fields of an S-Control "{!User.Id}".   Is there anyway I can to do this??
Ultimately, I would like to remove the entire Account ownership schema of Salesforce... Our company has multiple sales teams that do not have parallel territories or accounts.   So, in the end, I would like to have an individual ownership field for each team.  I already have the Triggers, objects, and apex classes to automatically handle the assignments.  But, it seems like it is going to be impossible to remove something like OwnerId.   Do you think OwnerId is to embedded into the salesforce logic to try and remove???
Or.... What would be totally great... is to be able to completely redefine what "My Account" means for each User.
Anyway, I'ld appreciate any help and input.   Thanks in advance!
  • September 26, 2008
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I have an s-control that run on a custom object.  It does several things.  The first part pulls information from an account that it is related to and updates fields in the object with info from the account.  This part works fine for everyone.  The second part creates cases based on boxes that are checked off by the user.  The third part is a set of tasks on each case.

When run as an admin, the cases create just fine.  When run under someone else, the cases don't create.  I've put in alerts through each step of the case creation, and it runs through them just fine.  I even have an alert to show the details of the case after it should be created and everything in the case looks fine.  It doesn't throw up any errors that i can find in firefox's error console and nothing in firebug either.

It seems like its a permissions issue, but it has me stumped.  Anyone have any ideas on this?  Your help would be greatly appreciated.
From past few days, i am facing a problem when i click the custom button.
It shows a javascript error "sforce not defined".
Prior to winter'09 release, this issue was not there.
Is anyone else facing this issue.
Any help on this will be highly appreciated.
My customer is having diffculty developing the following formula(s).  HELP!!
Hello -
I wanted to know if someone could help me with a formula as I've been struggling with it. Here are the details:

OBJECT = Tech validation (this is a custom object we have created)
REFERENCE FIELD = Total Hours (this is a field that calculates the total amount of hours or Sales Engineers are working on a particular Tech Validation)
FORMULA = I'm attempting to create a custom field (called HOUR BUCKET) that is a TEXT FORMULA field that will take the "TOTAL HOURS" and break it out into buckets.
For example - in English this is how the formula would be:

1.) If "Total Hours" is less than or equal to 40 hours = the HOUR BUCKET should populate with "40 hours or less"
2.) if "Total Hours" is more than 40 AND less than 100 hours = the HOUR BUCKET should populate with "41 - 99 hours"
- or -
3.) if "Total Hours" is more than 99 AND less than 500 hours = the HOUR BUCKET should populate with "100 - 499 hours"
- or -
4.) If "Total Hours" is greater than 499 = the HOUR BUCKET should populate with "500+ hours"

I'm having trouble with all the "ANDS" and "ORs" and "IFs" and where to put the appropriate quotes and parenthesis.

  • October 16, 2008
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I want to create a new Event Record On click Of custom Button(By passing some values).

When I am passing the values for creating the record its give an error in these fields EndDateTime,StartDateTime of Event Table.

And the error is-

{errors:{fields:EndDateTime,StartDateTime, message:'Event: bad field names on insert/update call: EndDateTime, StartDateTime', statusCode:'INVALID_FIELD_FOR_INSERT_UPDATE', }, id:null, success:'false', }


I am inserting these values in Production system it gives above error.

But,When I am inserting the same values in our development system it didn't produces any error.


I am using this java script-


var eEvent=new sforce.SObject("Event");



if("{!SE_Request__c.ContactId__c}" != "")


eEvent.WhoId ="{!SE_Request__c.ContactId__c}";


if("{!SE_Request__c.LeadId__c}" != "")


eEvent.WhoId ="{!SE_Request__c.LeadId__c}";









var result = sforce.connection.create([eEvent]);

var eEventAtt=new sforce.SObject("EventAttendee");


var resultAtt = sforce.connection.create([eEventAtt]);



it gives an error in this line(Red Line).

Error is –

{errors:{fields:EndDateTime,StartDateTime, message:'Event: bad field names on insert/update call: EndDateTime, StartDateTime', statusCode:'INVALID_FIELD_FOR_INSERT_UPDATE', }, id:null, success:'false', }

  • September 29, 2008
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I have an s-control script written and I have it placed in the layout but it still does not seem to be working. The script is below. I am still a bit unclear if I need to put the s-control in a particular place in the layout. Please help.

What i am trying to do here, is if the Account is a production or show, hide a certain field.

function init()
if( "{!Account.Is_this_a_Production_or_Show__c}" = "True" )

document.getElementById('Logger Station Pool').style.display="block";




  • September 26, 2008
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I'm new to salesforce and this is my first post.  Sorry if it is unclear or in the wrong section.  Here we go...
I have a custom userlookup field on Account.  The field is called technologysalesrep,   I want to change the "My Accounts" filter to use this new field,  ie. technologysalesrep= User.Id    I'm thinking it should be similar to the accessing fields of an S-Control "{!User.Id}".   Is there anyway I can to do this??
Ultimately, I would like to remove the entire Account ownership schema of Salesforce... Our company has multiple sales teams that do not have parallel territories or accounts.   So, in the end, I would like to have an individual ownership field for each team.  I already have the Triggers, objects, and apex classes to automatically handle the assignments.  But, it seems like it is going to be impossible to remove something like OwnerId.   Do you think OwnerId is to embedded into the salesforce logic to try and remove???
Or.... What would be totally great... is to be able to completely redefine what "My Account" means for each User.
Anyway, I'ld appreciate any help and input.   Thanks in advance!
  • September 26, 2008
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I'm trying develop an app which has more than 25 tabs (around 75) with the developer edition.  Now I have reached the 25 tab limit and I contacted Salesforce and it looks like they don't have anyone to talk to development partners like us.  Has anyone faced similar problem and able to get in touch with salesforce?
I wonder how salesforce is promoting to develop for their platform with such limitations and having no one to help us.
I'm a bit frustrated because I have spent so many hours learning this platform and feel like kind of stuck.
  • September 09, 2008
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Previous to updating to 8.0 we had some code that would update fields on Opportunities. After updating to 8.0 we get this failure (there has been no other change in the code besides the update):

AxisFault: A duplicate value was specified for field 'Consulting_Amount__c' in object 'Opportunity', duplicate value '0.0' prior value '' (prior value could have been set to '' with 'fieldsToNull')

Does anyone have a clue why this would be?