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Here is an excerpt from the "Creating Visualforce Tabs" help page:


"10. Choose the user profiles for which the new custom tab will be available:
    - Select Apply one tab visibility to all profiles and choose Default On, Default Off, or Tab Hidden from the drop-down list.
    - Alternatively, select Apply a different tab visibility for each profile and choose Default On, Default Off, or Tab Hidden from the drop-down list for each profile."


The above instructions determine the initial custom Visualforce tab visibility settings.  Once this Visualforce Tab is created, how can the tab visibility settings be modified?


I have a managed package, and a client would like to modify the settings for a Visualforce Tab based on their requirements.





I have some custom objects that should not show up in the "Recent Items" portion of the Salesforce website.  How do I prevent my custom objects from showing up in the "Recent Items" portion of the Salesforce website?


Background information: the purpose of my application is to keep track of some metadata in the background (via the custom objects) and display this metadata to the user in a nice format.  Depending on different actions a user may take, custom objects get inserted, updated, and deleted.  However, each record of a custom object means nothing to the end user on its own.  Thus, I need to prevent them from being able to see the data in the custom object record outside of the context of the application.  Only Salesforce admins have custom tabs that can access these custom objects for this very reason.


Anxiously awaiting a reply.




I am getting the following error for a Salesforce Standard User:

"System.Exception: No such column 'Name' on entity 'Organization'. If you are attempting to use a custom field, be sure to append the '__c' after the custom field name. Please reference your WSDL or the describe call for the appropriate names."

For a Salesforce System Administrator, I do not get this error, which leads me to believe it is a permission issue.  However, when I go to Administration Setup -> Security Controls -> Field Accessibility, the 'Organization' object is not present with the other standard objects (Account, Contact, etc.).

Additionally, this error is occurring in a managed package.  In version 1.8 of my managed package, I did not receive this error with a Salesforce Standard User.  However, the error is occurring in version 1.9 of my managed package although the error-causing code did not change.  Maybe there was an error with the upgrade?

For completeness, here is the Apex code that is causing this error:

List<Organization> orgList = [Select o.Name, o.Id From Organization o];

Thanks in advance!

Where can the AppExchange Master Agreement be found?  It is mentioned in http://wiki.developerforce.com/index.php/Security_Review



How is the server prefix determined for calls to Apex web services?

Background Information: We are building an app that will be on the AppExchange and will be installed by multiple organizations.  It will have Apex web service methods that will be called from outside of Salesforce when we receive an outbound message.

Specifically, we have an Apex web service:

global class GlobalContactWebService {
  webService static void performOperation(String contactId){

Depending on which org the Apex web service is installed to, the server prefix in the Web Service URL varies.





How do we know which Apex web service server prefix should be used for a given org?

I have looked at the following resources without mention of which server prefix should be used in calls to Apex web services:


I have two separate problems that deal with salesforce's CSS


Problem 1:  I want to use the salesforce CSS default background color for a detail display. I have a custom visualforce page that uses the standard Contact Controller and is placed inside the Contact view.  If I do not put a background color on my visualforce page, whitespace is shown where my page ends which looks shabby.


Currently I am hardcoding it as:

<style type="text/css" media="screen">body{background-color: #F3F3EC;}</style>


Problem 2:  I have another custom visualforce page that gets passed a salesforce contact id.  I would like to display the contact's name in the same CSS style that the Contact view uses for continuity.



Thanks in advance!

Here is an excerpt from the "Creating Visualforce Tabs" help page:


"10. Choose the user profiles for which the new custom tab will be available:
    - Select Apply one tab visibility to all profiles and choose Default On, Default Off, or Tab Hidden from the drop-down list.
    - Alternatively, select Apply a different tab visibility for each profile and choose Default On, Default Off, or Tab Hidden from the drop-down list for each profile."


The above instructions determine the initial custom Visualforce tab visibility settings.  Once this Visualforce Tab is created, how can the tab visibility settings be modified?


I have a managed package, and a client would like to modify the settings for a Visualforce Tab based on their requirements.





I have some custom objects that should not show up in the "Recent Items" portion of the Salesforce website.  How do I prevent my custom objects from showing up in the "Recent Items" portion of the Salesforce website?


Background information: the purpose of my application is to keep track of some metadata in the background (via the custom objects) and display this metadata to the user in a nice format.  Depending on different actions a user may take, custom objects get inserted, updated, and deleted.  However, each record of a custom object means nothing to the end user on its own.  Thus, I need to prevent them from being able to see the data in the custom object record outside of the context of the application.  Only Salesforce admins have custom tabs that can access these custom objects for this very reason.


Anxiously awaiting a reply.




I am getting the following error for a Salesforce Standard User:

"System.Exception: No such column 'Name' on entity 'Organization'. If you are attempting to use a custom field, be sure to append the '__c' after the custom field name. Please reference your WSDL or the describe call for the appropriate names."

For a Salesforce System Administrator, I do not get this error, which leads me to believe it is a permission issue.  However, when I go to Administration Setup -> Security Controls -> Field Accessibility, the 'Organization' object is not present with the other standard objects (Account, Contact, etc.).

Additionally, this error is occurring in a managed package.  In version 1.8 of my managed package, I did not receive this error with a Salesforce Standard User.  However, the error is occurring in version 1.9 of my managed package although the error-causing code did not change.  Maybe there was an error with the upgrade?

For completeness, here is the Apex code that is causing this error:

List<Organization> orgList = [Select o.Name, o.Id From Organization o];

Thanks in advance!
How is the server prefix determined for calls to Apex web services?

Background Information: We are building an app that will be on the AppExchange and will be installed by multiple organizations.  It will have Apex web service methods that will be called from outside of Salesforce when we receive an outbound message.

Specifically, we have an Apex web service:

global class GlobalContactWebService {
  webService static void performOperation(String contactId){

Depending on which org the Apex web service is installed to, the server prefix in the Web Service URL varies.





How do we know which Apex web service server prefix should be used for a given org?

I have looked at the following resources without mention of which server prefix should be used in calls to Apex web services:


I made managed package and released it privately.

I have to change something in the package but I can't.


I want to delete the uploaded package first but I cannot find the way to delete or deprecate (the deprecate button is grey..) it.


I appreciate your help in advance.



Hello everyone

I'm having problems with a listview inside a tab panel. I've created two tabs inside the panel, the first one contains a form and the second one a listview. The problem is that once I enter to the second tab (the one with the list view) and click for example a letter in the list view to see only records that start with that letter, the whole VF page is refreshed and I get back to the first tab, the second tab now contains only the records that start with the letter I selected, however since the page was refreshed I landed in the default tab, which is the first one.

I've already tried passing the selected tab name to the controller and setting a String with this name in order to use it in the value property of the tabpanel component:

function updateTab(tabname){

 <apex:form >
 <apex:actionFunction name="switchTab" action="{!switchTab}" immediate="true">
  <apex:param name="tabvalue" value="" />

     <apex:tabPanel id="tabcontainer" value="{!selectedTab}">

<apex:tab id="tab_1" name="tab_1" ontabenter="updateTab('tab_1');"/>

<apex:tab id="tab_2" name="tab_2" ontabenter="updateTab('tab_2');">
  <apex:listViews type="theObject__c"

And the controller:

public String selectedTab{get;set;}

    public void switchTab(){
         selectedTab = System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('tabvalue');    

 Any help will be very appreciated, thank you very much.

Message Edited by jonathan rico on 09-01-2008 12:34 PM

Hi All,

I want a input text in my visualforce page. On clicking this inputbox the standard salesforce calendar should popup. Is this possible.

Please note that i need only a input text and not a input field.

I got the below code from the forums.

What are the values that i have to pass in the highlighted part of the code. Is this possible in Visualforce.

<a href="javascript&colon;openPopupFocus

('/home/calendar.jsp—form=form1&field=sdate&mo=0&callonchange=true', '_blank', 186, 170, 'width=186,height=170,resizable=yes,toolbar=no,status=no,scrollbars=no,menubar=no,directories=no,location=no,dependant=yes', true, true);"


title="Pick A Date (New Window)"



<img src="/s.gif" alt="Pick A Date (New Window)" class="datePickerIcon">


Is there any way to keep records of a particular custom object out of the recent items list?
I thought getting rid of the object's tab might do the trick, but it didn't.
